*** THESE ARE NOT MY WORDS THEY ARE A FRIENDS ...BUT HAD TO SHARE ..SO AMAZING *** As I think on being a woman, I think of all the lies we find ourselves believing. Im not skinny enough, pretty enough, tall enough, too pale, wish I had better hair, if its not too curly, its too straight.. If its not too thick, its too thin.. If I stay home with my kids, then its not as important as a working mom If my kid isnt in every activity everyone thinks they should be, I am a bad parent. Well, I dont know about you ladies, but its time we start recognizing these lies & stop believing them!!! I am not where I would love to be with my body.. But, hey. God has given me three beautiful babies from this body.. I do my best to treat it as a temple & eat pretty good & workout to stay healthy. I am a Girlie girl.. I love a good sale on a cute pair if shoes, or jewelry or clothes.. I change my hair alot cuz I am adventurous!:) So Im not saying stop trying to be you! But, lets be real for a minute. What are we spending most of our time & energy on as women? Where are your thoughts most of your day? Are you speaking death to yourself.. Negative words, cursing WHO God has made you to be? By focusing on the latest diet fads, dressing like the latest trends.. Even though it Doesnt do a thing for you? ( lol.. I sure hope a friend will tell you if you look ridiculous!!) If only my kids did this, then I will be the best Mom.. If I become friends with her, then I will be known! If I read that book, watch that movie, join that class.. Then I will be WHO Im meant to be. Im not happy with the way our marriage has turned out.. I just dont feel it anymore for him.. Hes not who I thought I was marrying.. So I think I will trade him in for another.. Its just not working out.. Or are you replacing those doubts, fears, feelings & impulse thoughts with what God, your Heavenly Father has to say about you? You are His Chosen Daughter!!! You are made in HIS image!! You are worth being found & loved by the right man God will or has brought into your life!!! You are a mom, because you know the calling God has for you to raise & teach your blessings how to love Him and serve Him! To trust Him & teach them integrity, character, love, boldness, uniqueness, that comes from your daily example to your children. Not Push them to play every sport or join every club so they will be noticed. Or YOU will be noticed. Let them play what they want & participate in what they want.. By doing this, you are allowing them to BE who they are meant to BE! Teach them that the prayers prayed in secret, are rewarded openly.. That loving others & showing that love on a daily basis is what you want them to be known for.. How well others can see Jesus in their life & want to experience Him for themselves. Its time you realize you are a co-heir of Christ. You are valued by Him, & needed in the lives of your family & others to strengthen them & give them hope that God is with them in their process of Life, hes there in their struggles, their pain.. In their victories, because HE has already WON the victory for you!! 2 Cor. 4:,8-9 says We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; We are more than conquerors through Christ who gives us strength! Jesus is our defender!! The Holy Spirit is there to guide us, comfort us.. Fight for the marriage God has given you! Stop making excuses of why it wont work & Let God work in you & through you!!! Stop letting the enemy sell you the lies & agreeing with him in your heart that what God has made you to be is not good enough! When Your heart is surrendered to God in worship to Him, His power helps you choose to do right, live right, & rise up to be the daughters Hes called us to be, the wives we are to be for our husbands HE has given us, to be the Mothers HE entrusts us to be as we gently & lovingly train up our kids to love Him & exhibit it. We will be the friends we need to be to other women.. To help encourage them & speak truth & life into theirs so we can sharpen each other to keep fighting off the Enemys schemes!! We can set the example for those who need Hope ... Who need the very thing we as Christian women have.. But sell our selves short on daily & deny!!! Lets be that light that burns bright for others!! Lets be confident in WHO we are!!! Because of WHOS WE ARE!!!! Lets declare HIS LOVE in ALL we do , & fight for it everyday!! The only enemy we truly face if we will let Satan use against us is ourselves!!! Praying for all my sisters out there to embrace YOU!!! When I die.. I dont care if others think I was beautiful, funny, skinny, creative.. Blah blah blah I want others to simply remember one thing about me... Chrissy Wampler knew Jesus& shared & lived out His LOVE so others would know HIM & experience HIM for ALL HE was. THIS IS SOMETHING A FRIEND OF MINE POSTED TODAY . PLEASE READ IF U ARE A WOMAN OR SOMEONE THAT NEEDS TO KNOW YOU ARE LOVED. TY CHRISSY WAMPLER
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:39:36 +0000

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