THINKING OUT LOUD (COMMENTS ON PRESIDENT OBAMA & IMMIGRATION) President Barack Obama finds himself confronted with even greater dogmatic resistance, to his authority and ability to govern, as President of the United States of America. Specifically, we see every attempt being made to prevent his administration for delivering mandated promises his election campaigned made to the American people. I would venture to say, its not all that difficult. For right now, it becomes a matter of semantics. The Obama administration needs to do everything in their power to removed the term reform from any actions his administration takes to assist American immigrants - and family members who have been deported during Obamas terms in office. Mr. President, I would suggest you consider, Readjust, Modify, fix, or simply change specific portions of Americas Immigration policy, should be the terminology focus of your administion. Get away from the idea that your administration is intending to offer Comprehensive Reform of Americas entire Immigration System. There have been complaints that on your watch more immigrants have been deported than ever before; many leaving children and spouses behind. From all indications, this result was not the intentions of your policy initiatives. However, you can take executive action to remedy that specific aspect of immigration policy, simply by saying, the results of immigration policy and practice, during your watch, was not what was intended and your administration is merely making adjustments, in the interest of legal American immigrants and their affected loved ones. In short, because of Republican resistance, your administration is not seeking comprehensive reform of the immigration system. but merely to make specific adjustments, to resolve issues and results, that have occurred during your time as President of the United States Of America. If you havent noticed Mr. President, you are being targeted for character assassination. Increasingly, the followers of American Eugenics, mainly wealthy media moguls, the Republican Party and cronies, will opt for every opportunity to attack your personal character and the character of your administration. You and important members of your administration need to be watchful of the powers a Republican controlled House and Senate have gained and will use. underhandedly, to tie the hands of your administrations ability to govern. Note: there was legislation passed during the Bush administration that gave the office of the President enormous powers to bypass attempts at legislative bullying. Review the laws in question, you might find what you need. Also, there is the matter of preparing legal challenges, to the flood of oversight hearings and investigations the Republican Party is bound to launch against your administration. I would suggest a strategy involving injunctive relief aimed at motive and intent, that is to say, your office can demand the courts initially investigate the motive and intent behind any Legislative Hearings or Investigations that exceeds a given period of time, say, over six months, based on the reasoning that (1) hearings or investigations have already been conducted and resolved or (2) the Republicans had ample time to initiate said hearings into said issues, which point to the motive of using the legislative process as a means of harassment and/or retaliation. The injunctive relief should also seek to prevent the Congress from subpoenaing or interviewing any administrative officials or line staff, pending the resolution of issues regarding cause, motive and intent. God Bless, Mr. President.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:04:23 +0000

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