THIS CONTINUES TO GET WORLDWIDE ATTENTION... NOT HERE OF COURSE... WHO DO YOU THINK CHINA WILL BE SELLING THESE TO? HINT: OUR ENEMIES! Back in February I posted an article titled: PENTAGON FEARS CHINESE MILITARY ADVANCES WILL OVERTAKE USA IN 5 YEARS and when I did, I got quite a few emails. They were mostly what other countries would probably think picture a “Stereotypical American” would say about an article with that title. For the most part, they all said our military is so far and away superior, and we’ve been around so much longer, and it takes time to produce big naval vessels etc. Ok. I get all that. I still think the Pentagon has EVERY reason to be concerned. I’d be shocked if it takes 5 years. I have never claimed to be the smartest guy in the room. Many times I am the most prepared in the room, but hardly the smartest. I like to think a little common sense goes a long way, and some of the “alleged really smart” people need to get some one day. Seriously! This is not that hard to figure out. What does it take to have an awesome military? it take awesome technology. How do you get that? You have PLENTY of money. New technology is always VERY expensive. You also have to have the means to produce the hardware which also boils down to one thing: MONEY. Every Cruise Missile is how much? I believe I heard $2 million not that long ago. What about fuel? Satellites for GPS? All of it stems from lots of money. Even if it’s been an act for the lsat 20-30 years (it wasn’t always an act), the world has THOUGHT we had money… and for all intents and purposes… we did… because even when we had none, we had access to plenty. Those days are rapidly combining to an end. Just a few weeks ago China surpassed us as the largest economy in the world. NEWSFLASH: We’re not getting that title back in our lifetimes. We owe probably close to every other nation on the planet combined, and just our fiscal operating debt is over $18 TRILLION. With unfunded liabilities add about $200 TRILLION more to that. The United States is circling the drain. All signs point to a very rough future for us, both domestically among ourselves, as well as on the world stage as we continue to weaken. Add to that the fact the Chinese started this game light years ahead of us with their cyber hacking teams, so they routinely breach our security systems. While we continue to shrink budgets and our military, they continue to access our information AND grow thiers. Do the math. This is NOT that hard to figure out. READ ON... and MUCH more to come...
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:36:40 +0000

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