THIS IS, A KINGDOM OF RESURRECTION! 8 SEPTEMBER 2013 PART TWO THE CRUCIFIXION FROM ON HIGH Therefore, The Son, has brought us all together, to “Meet within himself” This was The “Baptism into his Death” according to His and our Coming in The Flesh to perish! For Coming in The flesh , being made physical in being is that which leads to death, for only that which is made physical, is subject unto death! However The Spirit, cannot be made subject to death, for The Spirit is The Life! It is when The Spirit is removed,(taken) that the Body, ceases to have life in it! Therefore, although The Son has brought us together with himself into this “Crucifixion of The Flesh“, The Spirit, that lieth dormant within us, is being Made Alive! Made alive as each of us is willing to receive, The Spiritual Truth! The Spiritual Truth, is the Completion of Our Father’s Message Come to life, within us, within our Mind! The Greek word is both “egeiro” meaning “Awakening, and “egersis” Resurrection! Through the idea of Collecting Ones faculties! For was it not The Son, who lay down his life, to beget many, through his death? Therefore, is it not The Son, who is being made to “Stand up again” as We the “constituency” of his body, gain our Spiritual faculties, and thus he his? For we were sold into slavery, and are also bought back through his blood! For The Son, is Resurrecting, his Body, by his spirit that exists within us, through giving us greater understanding, of who Our father is within, each and everyone of us, and we in The Father! My wife showed me a picture of her beloved nephew, while I was working on this message. This young man passed on several years ago. I asked her what her thoughts were regarding his passing. She responded, by saying, she knew she would never, see him again, nor hear his voice. I responded, that is not exactly true,… 2Corinthians:5:7: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 2Co:5:8: We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Complete, Faith is to have Complete understanding. To have Been made Complete. To be made One with The Father, is to Know all things! Mere man walketh by sight, for he knoweth only that which, is within the realm of what he has experienced! In other words by example when we are born within this kingdom, it is as though we have found ourselves, walking upon an eternal stretch of road, we know not how we arrived here, we know not from whence we have come, nor that which lies ahead, We have only known the ground that lay beneath our feet, and are aware of only that which we have seen , as we beheld it with our eyes. This is what its is to have our own “Finite” minds. However, The mind of our father, is to know intimately The entire Eternal road! Therefore, what we shall inherit, is The mind of The Father! We may behold but an instant of the life of a bird, as it appears to us, when it lights upon the branch, it then flutters away, as quickly as it came, disappearing forever from our view, an ant disappears into its colony’s hole, to our eyes one being indistinguishable from another, we are not certain of its path, and thus its particular whereabouts. However, The Mind of Our Father, does behold, the existence of all things in Great intimacy! For we and all things owe our existence, to Our Father, for we are the thoughts of Our Father! Therefore nothing is Lost, even The life of someone who hath passed on: for we may see them no more, but they shall always exist within The Mind of Our father! This shall be Our Inheritance! For when we are absent from our bodies, we shall be Present (At Home) The Father! For in this Journey, we shall find that it was only in our minds, according to our flesh that we “Appeared” separate, from that of Our Father! Therefore, inwardly whether we realize it or not, The spirit in us is The Father, this is our Journey, that we discover this truth within ourselves! For the lives of all those who have ever existed within the light of physical being, are The Fulfillment of who The Father is! Therefore, Our Father is simply proclaiming, that which has existed forever within his own Immortal being! Therefore, the life of this young man, who was my wife’s nephew, existed within Our father‘s Mind before, his life was fulfilled (Come to pass) within the light of physical being. The life of The child shall therefore, exist Forever, in this way, Therefore, what we have seen of his life, is merely that which The father intended to reveal! Although from our perspective, we know we shall see him no more, but Our Father, sees him even now, as he always was, even before this Youngman came to pass! Therefore, there is no death, according to The Spirit, or that which exists within the mind of Our father, but the notion of death is only for those who remain in the darkness, of being “Inconvincible” faithless, (Blind) Therefore, because Our Father‘s, mind is the source that is The light, this life exists forever, within The Father! Therefore, The Father, has merely revealed the life of the spirit within the child, there is nothing to reveal after the life of the spirit is gone out! Therefore, although the flesh of the child, has perished, the life of the child, was while he was in the light, this is where it has always been, Within the mind of The Father! THE FATHERS PERSPECTIVE And when we shall inherit the mind of Our father, there too shall be, all of lives of those who have ever “Come to pass” throughout all time, no matter how short their own journey. For they were existed therein his mind even before they were called forth to exist, and made to walk, alongside him, for to Glory in his Glory, ever since the dawning of this Day of The LORDS” Revealing! BE AT HOME IN THE FATHER! As Individuals, we know only in part. Know in part, that which is being revealed regarding the “Whole” of Our Father’s being! However after, we are disrobed out of our flesh, we shall be as The Father is! Meaning,…Present,…meaning “To Be At Home” in his presence! For when we are Made Complete, There then is no more we, for our inheritance is to receive the fullness, of the mind of Our father, for The father is One entity! Therefore, Our inheritance is to be One again with The Father, no more existing, as individuals according to the flesh, for it was only our flesh that separated us from Our Father. Therefore it is more correct to say,…“It was not we who lived,… but rather,…“Life was the Event of Our Father living within us!” Therefore, whether we exist in a body, we exist only by his power (spirit). As the life leaves the body, so goeth the presence of The Father, who is The Life! The life is then taken from what we have ignorantly regarded as our own being! When the life or Spirit that gave us conscious being is departed, we shall be no more, but The Spirit is become The Father! Returned from whence it came! THERE ARE TWO WAYS IN WHICH TO EXIST One either exists, as an individual according to his own flesh, in captivity, for man is merely, one of many who have been made subject, to exist within a The Greater body of being, that is Our Father. The depth of Darkness a person exist beneath depends upon his level of “Spiritual Conscious Awareness! The awareness he possesses toward knowing The Father! If that man liveth his whole life, having denied The Father, his due glory, it will be as though, he was never conscious (Alive) No matter, for This is a kingdom, of Resurrection, for The Father, shall place his Spirit in a new vessel. Therefore, it is not we who liveth forever, as individuals of the flesh, but the spirit, liveth forever! However, we are to use the breath of life (The Spirit) given our bodies, to Glorify Our Father! Therefore, that which is reborn, is the Spirit! For The Spirit is the life, given each of us, as we receive this power of life within our bodies(jars of clay). For the Spirit within us is “Ageless” Ancient, it is Our physical bodies that are new! The Tree of life from whence the newness of each generation of leaves spring forth is ancient! Therefore Our father, is the Head, we are his body of flesh. For Our Father, hath prepared a body, for this very purpose, that we may know him. As we grow up in our minds, and our physical bodies,(individuality) perish, what we have gained in Spiritual understanding is that which, is our inheritance! For we shall inherit The Mind of The Father! In other more simple words, to be absent from our own bodies, is to be The Father! For Spirit is One, Indivisible in nature! This is Our Inheritance, to inherit the mind of Our Father! Wherein, from Our Father’s perspective, all those who have ever existed even all time, are preserved, forever, as living! THE SON IS THE IMAGE, A THEATRE OF REVEALING! This is The Son, a Living sacrifice! Wherein all things have been brought forth to exist! This is what it means to “enter into his Rest!” For to exist as we are now, according to the flesh, is to know only in part, according to our own minds, and also to be in jeopardy of death, according to our own bodies! Salvation, then is unto Our minds only! As we receive this understanding, we then are “rescued” from the burdens of the flesh, death then hath no more power over us, when we realize, it is only our consciousness, that shall be caught up alive unto becoming as Our Father is! Therefore, Our Father contained within himself an entire Kingdom, of Spiritual being, before anything was ever spoken! Being so Our Father “Foreknew” each and everyone of us, intimately, even the entirety of our short lives, before the manifestation of creation! However, consider this, we exist by The Power of his spirit within us, The Breath of life, which give animation to our bodies. Therefore it is The beauty of Our Father‘s, spirit only,…that is worthy of commemoration, for all time! For he lay down his life that we may have life in him. Therefore, it is not we who liveth, but The life is The spirit within us! Therefore the Father, has glorified Spirit with Spirit. The flesh accounts for nothing! Just as the outer garment(Coat) of The Seed, accounts for nothing, but serves only to house the hidden fruit therein! For after Our Father’s Spirit is gone out of our bodies, the body returns unto the dust, and is no more. Therefore, Our Father hath merely been revealing a kind of hidden Treasure, that of which were his own thoughts. For example, my thoughts are my own, and are therefore only known to me. My thoughts are memories, of what I have experienced, and what I have experienced is who I am. Our Father however, does not exist, as we do. For it is necessary for our minds to access our thoughts (memories) in order to relive them. We then exist, as Captives, within “Segments” of time. That is to say everything, that Our Father, is has not been revealed at the same instant in time, but only a moment at a time. However, from The absolutely complete mature, perspective of Our Father, being that he is The precursor of all being, past present, and future, all these do exist within Our Father, at the same time! For Our father does not exist, nor can be contained within time. Time was created by Our Father, in order to have a medium of Revealing! A distribution, of systematic speech, the laying forth of an utterance, of speaking, as one who is building an Image from a Spiritual foundation upward of all that which, was and is, and is still yet to be revealed of Our Father! Consider this,… from our physical perspective, after Someone we knew(beheld) passes on, we see them no more. That person, shall exist never again, however The life of that person, because they existed within The Light of our Father’s revealing, existed also by his Spirit, even before they were born. Therefore, the life of this person shall always exist within the mind of Our Father, as though he were yet alive. In other words, all of creation and the events, and lives that occur herein, are The Revelation of that which exists within The Mind of Our Father! And shall always exist within the mind of The Father! Therefore, from Our perspective, we exist as Individuals held as captives, within time and place. We can only experience that which exists, here and now. However, from Our Father’s perspective, all things exist at the same time! A Resounding shout, a Brilliant light of revealing! Therefore Our Father is not, nor can be governed by time. There is neither here and now, nor any passing of time! For from The Father’s perspective everything, exists all at the same time! Therefore, because every person that ever lived ,existed only by the power of his spirit, he sees them as they were within the light of his revealing!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 13:53:46 +0000

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