THIS IS A PUBLICATION OF ONE OF OUR BROTHERS THAT COMMENTS THE PROPHECY AND THAT I FELT TO ANSWER AS YOU WILL READ: José Tapia Plata Cochabamba Bolivia to Ricardo Claure Peñaloza 8 hours ago Beloved Pastor, here, while I was looking for information to do a university work, I entered to a page of a very well known journal here in Cochabamba City and when reading the news that dates from the last year on 06/03/2011, while I read it, it caught my ATTENTION! Because it spoke about carbon dioxide, and I continued reading and I found that a journalist spoke in that news in the most natural way and it says so: “The absorption of carbon dioxide in the air, is another of the main functions to avoid the damage to the ozone layer and the…” And it continues so, saying that the carbon dioxide is what is damaging the ozone layer. It amazed me! And I am speechless because this new dates back to the last year! And the Word is truly fulfilled because we can see that the people of our common environment in this city say it! And we know by the prophetic word that is “as a light that shines in a dark place”, 2Pe 1:19 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, that SOON AND SOON We are going to be persecuted! Because the wicked plan of the man of sin, the son of perdition, the prince of Tyre, the abomination of desolation, etc., is to begin by the underdeveloped countries and there we are: Latin America, Africa and others, as he also said without mincing his words in TED 2010 in his plan of “REDUCTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD” that is entitled:”Innovating to zero!”. Only an atrocious and murderous mind could say so… YES! Because it is what it is! He doesn’t have another name! He is an ABOMINABLE MAN, WHO HAS ALREADY BEGUN HIS WICKED PLAN ALONG WITH THAT PEOPLE OF HIS ENVIRONMENT, WHO ALSO HAVE THE SAME WICKED AND MURDEROUS THOUGHT! THESE ARE THE GLOBALIST, EUGENIC MEN, EXTERMINATORS OF MANKIND TOGETHER WITH BILL GATES III. Only the LORD JESUS will be able to save us from all that MEGA-HOLOCAUST THAT IS NEAR TO COME THROUGH HIS SECOND COMING because only those that have THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST THAT IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY… Rev 19:10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "See that you do not do that! I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." will be able to stand! Because it says so: 1Th 4:16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 1Th 4:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. O! My KING OF kings AND LORD OF lords, COME SOON TO SAVE US FROM ALL THIS GREAT TRIBULATION! I LOVE YOU AND WAIT FOR YOU! MY JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH! WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU! ANNOUNCING JESUS CHRIST UNTIL HE COMES… (Here is the link of the news) –Spanish- BELOVED BROTHER JOSE: BY IGNORANCE I ALSO FELL FOR THIS LIE, THAT IS, THAT THE CARBON DIOXIDE IS THE CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE TO THE OZONE LAYER AND OTHERS, UNTIL IN MARCH, 2012 I COULD READ NEWS AND VIDEOS REGARDING WHAT BILL GATES III JUSTIFIED TO ELIMINATE THE POPULATION OF THE WORLD TO ALMOST ZERO, MANIFESTING THAT THIS GAS IS THE CAUSE OF THE CLIMATE CHANGE AND GLOBAL OVERHEATING. IT IS BECAUSE OF THIS, THAT I GOT INVOLVED IN SEARCHING MORE NEWS IN THIS REGARD AND I DISCOVERED THROUGH RUSSIAN, BRITISH AND ISRAELI SCIENTISTS THAT THIS IS THE BIGGEST LIE OF THE WORLD THAT THE GLOBALIST ARE USING TO ELIMINATE THE POPULATION OF THE EARTH IN SUCH A WAY THAT THIS ALLOWS THEM TO KEEP A WORLD GOVERNMENT THAT MAY HAVE THE CAPACITY TO CONTROL ONLY TO A POPULATION OF 500 MILLION INHABITANTS WITH A MICROCHIP ON THE FOREHEAD OR IN THE RIGHT HAND. BILL GATES III IS THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG OF THIS ABOMINABLE AND DESOLATE MOVEMENT. MAY THE EVERLASTING GOD KEEP YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FAMILY FROM THE GREAT TRIBULATION. PEACE BE ON YOUR LIFE. PR. RICARDO CLAURE, OCTOBER 27, 2012 HRS. 19:32 –BOL-, 20:32 –ARG-, 23:32 –UTC/GMT.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 20:39:14 +0000

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