THIS IS A REVIEW THAT I PLACED ON THE FACEBOOK OF MY FORMER / FIRST LAW OFFICES FB PAGE. THEIR RESPONSE INDICATES THAT THE INSURANCE CARRIERS CAN BE BRUTAL AND HEARTLESS: Cecilia Watt — 1 star I am a former client of DiMarco, etal and an injured worker who was maimed by the insurance carriers network of medical providers. During all 3 procedures, I was maimed little by little but the most brutal was during the 3rd lumbar ESI procedure. I was forced against my advance directives, under anesthesia. I was screaming STOP or WAIT, while the ortho surgeon shoved a needle into my back near the spinal column. He then moved the needle against the nerve in my back and held it there until I would give into anesthesia. Excruciating deliberate pain. When I awakened, I realized that they had maimed my spinal column, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and more. I thought, Oh my God, they didnt. Who would believe me? I now understand that the maiming of injured workers in the workers comp system is a strategic MO. This must stop. The hope of my life of being able to work and be an independent woman is over. Moving injured workers off the books of the insurance carrier into poverty and onto the books of social services in and of itself is a crime. We as Americans deserve better. Corporate greed is driving these crimes. We hope to spread awareness if nothing else. I should have been warned. Injured workers should be warned of the barbaric methods that the workers comp insurance carriers and their attorneys, their medical provider network are really meant to harm, maim and batter the injured worker during treatments. To boot, Dr. Thomas J Phillips, the ortho surgeon who did this to me, had me sign a form that protected him in the event I sue him for battery. Who would have thought! Employers Compensation Insurance of Nevada is the carrier on my case. Their defense law firm is Colantoni, Collins, Marren, Phillips and Tulk, LLP. Watt vs Metropolitan Home Mortgage. Anaheim WCAB. October 12, 2014 John Montevideo: Cecilia - Im so sorry you youve had to go through this. Insurance companies are brutal and can be heartless in the process. We do everything within our power under the law to protect our clients. Please come sit and talk with us about what youre going through. We will do anything we can to help. (714)835-6990 or damfirm. - John Montevideo Orange County...damfirm .. November 3 at 8:25pm · Like .. Cecilia Watt: Brutal & heartless to say the very least. You’re right about the insurance carrier but I would include the defense firm and my former employer as well. But your firm didn’t step up and do what’s “right” by your client. Law Enforcement told me that you had an obligation to report the crimes against me, including that I had been forced under anesthesia, maimed from my skull down to my tailbone and injected with some sort of chemical that has burned away my ligaments in my spinal column, nervous system, tendons, muscles and more – the procedure was just for a lumbar steroid epidural injection. I had requested at all 3 of the lumbar ESI that I be allowed to remain awake. I did speak with Lupe Morales, Esq and your Partner, Joel Thomas, Esq. via phone and e-mails. Both of them contradicted themselves in statements that they made to me and Lupe admitted to having lied to me. Joel initially told me that he had never had any complaints against Dr. Phillips and had never heard of such a thing. At some point, Joel asked me not to file a complaint against Dr. Phillips with the CA Medical Board. Joel said that he and Dr. Peter Newton, the AME, would “handled this”. Your firm not only failed to warn me of the potential for crimes that might be committed against me as an injured worker, but certainly, someone should have said something inasmuch as I had informed your firm when I initially signed with you that I had already been maimed by Anthony Bisaccia, PT @ CA Rehab & Sports Therapy – yet another medical provider in the ins. carriers network. Additionally, I remarked about what Bisaccia did at the deposition. Still no warning even after Charles Bentley, Esq., defense attorney, wrote a letter to Lupe pointing out that the “treatment doesn’t seem to be benefitting but seems to be harming the applicant”. That letter was written BEFORE Dr. Thomas J. Phillips began maiming me and when I received a copy of it after your firm was granted separation, I could plainly see that it read like a veiled threat to do more harm to your client – “me”. You office had received that letter and STILL, I was not warned of crimes that befall injured workers. According to Dr. Peter Newton’s appointment desk, “Carla”, your office didn’t want me to see the AME until almost 3 months after I had been brutally maimed. Letting me SUFFER in agonizing pain while the chemicals burned the soft tissue & nerves in my body! Joel Thomas, Esq., representing your office, response was not conducive of “having a concern” for your client. Therefore, at some point I told Joel Thomas, Esq. to notify the rest of the Partners of the crimes committed against me, of the maiming and battery, etc. Your firms’ response was to file for separation and abandon your client! An attorney outside of your firm told me that the decision to file for separation was likely done because it would be easier to dump the client (me) than to pull the rest of your clients from Dr. Thomas J. Phillips care. In fact, two other attorneys told me that, and they didn’t know about each other. I’m curious, does you firm still send your clients for medical treatment to Dr. Thomas J. Phillips? It wasn’t until later, after your firm filed for separation, no doubt waiting for Dr. Newtons final report, that Joel Thomas called me and only then told me to file a grievance at the CA Medical Board against Dr. Phillips. Joel also refused to question or schedule a deposition of Dr. Newton on why didn’t mention that I had been forced under anesthesia & maimed. The AME, Dr. Newton, knew this because I told his historian and I wrote a 5 page letter to him describing some of the chain of events and how I had been maimed little by little by the network of medical providers. Instead, Dr. Newton, no doubt needing future referrals from Employers Compensation Insurance, said in his report that my complaints of pain throughout my person and back were “medically improbable”. That would mean he would be calling me a liar or painting me as mentally ill! How ridiculous! I’ve since learned that having the medical providers falsify medical reports is commonplace in the workers comp system. I now suffer pain throughout my body, every day! How barbaric! My ligaments throughout most of my spinal column are burned away by that chemical that had been injected all over by person. I have instability in my spinal column. My tendons feel as though they are barely hanging onto my body, the muscles burn and have been weakened due to the intentional illegal injections, all of this to “create the look of several conditions” no doubt to favor the defense in some way or as retaliation from the defense. I would have had more respect for your firm had you stood up for me and reported the crimes as would be appropriate. Standing by me by having the damage added to my WC case and telling me who to contact and how to file criminal charges against the defense and the medical providers including Dr. Thomas J. Phillips so that these crimes would NOT CONTINUE to occur to other injured workers. Instead, both Lupe and Joel not only failed to properly handle the situation but they lied to me, contradicted themselves, kept me from getting in to see the AME and then refused to address his final report which clearly was written to protect those involved in having my body maimed. I have since learned that crimes against injured workers are commonplace in the workers compensation industry. Sometimes it is done to transfer the injured worker from the insurance carrier’s books onto social services thereby saving the insurance carrier money. It is likely that applicant attorneys don’t warn their clients – the injured workers, because they don’t want to lose business. Certainly, if it were known to the public that these types of crimes exist in the WC system, many injured workers would NOT file a claim out of fear for their wellbeing. Nonetheless, I should have been, as should all injured workers be, warned that the most common of crimes in the WC system are those that are set out against the injured worker. Had I been warned, I would have known that Anthony Bisaccia was deliberately maiming me at the first physical therapy session I was sent to. Unfortunately, because I had never heard of these types of crimes, nor have I ever experienced these types of crimes before, I was a sitting duck! So, here we are, exactly one year after you were granted your separation by the WCAB Judge, from me as your client. I have since been trying to get help through law enforcement, the Orange County DA’s office, news stations, TV shows, Governor Jerry Brown, you name it, and you are offering to help. How can you help me? November 5 at 4:48pm
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:08:12 +0000

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