THIS IS A WELCOME LETTER GOING AROUND OREGON FROM DIFFERENT REPUBLICAN COUNTY CHAIRS TO THEIR MEMBERS. THIS ONE IS FROM JACKSON COUNTY FEEL FREE TO CALL HIM OR EMAIL HIM, HIS INFO IS AT THE END OF THE LETTER. IT IS TOTAL CRAP AND WE DID TAKE OVER THE STATE CONVENTION THAT IS WHY THEY HAD TO BREAK THE RULES AND CLOSE IT DOWN BEFORE WE WERE DONE VOTING. Dear Fellow PCPs, For some this is a welcome back letter, and for some a first time welcome. Regardless, we are glad you are here as a precinct committee person serving the Republican Party! Many of you have already received another welcome and are perhaps a bit confused. This welcome would have come from a group called “Oregon PCP News.” I want to point out a few things about this letter or, in some cases, automated phone call that you may have received, and the group that is behind it. First, it is not an official communication from your county party or the state party. In Jackson County all official communications will come from or or from or one of the officers, and, if from the state party, Take caution when giving any information to, or following links from other, unofficial sources. About this group: Running under the name “Oregon PCP News,” they are a splinter group in Oregon acting in concert with and being directed by Project City Hall founder, Richard Michael. Mr. Michael, who hails from California, is neither funded nor endorsed by The Republican Party, and is counseling splinter groups in other states. Mr. Michael’s followers can often be found at county Central Committee meetings in the hallway, on the phone, seeking instruction as to how to disrupt the process with various procedural maneuvers. Their efforts spring from the 2012 RNC Convention when they tried to take over the convention and nominate Ron Paul as the GOP Presidential Candidate. Having failed, they have morphed into a sort of anarchist movement, seeking to destroy leadership at all levels of the Oregon Republican Party. They are characterized by a disdain for those who are elected by the PCPs and they often label elected leaders as establishment or the “powers that be. They appear to have no long-term game plan other than to disrupt meetings, attack the leaders you have elected, and frustrate attempts to unify the party. Their primary tactics include making needless motions in meetings to delay the process, requesting exhaustive amounts of information with the specific intention of lodging a complaint when their demands are not met, claiming that the adopted bylaws should be entirely replaced with Roberts Rules, personally attacking leadership (both overtly and covertly), and the dissemination of misinformation. Aligning yourself with these folks will serve no purpose unless you share their preoccupation with anarchy and the destruction of the party. It is the charge of the JCRPCC and its’ duly elected representatives (you as PCPs), to form positive relationships based on shared goals of restoring the great state of Oregon and our nation to a Constitutional Republic. We are working with those who share our desire for better and more transparent leadership throughout all levels of the Republican Party, and encourage you to become active in official JCRPCC sponsored meetings and events. The best way to stay connected with the Jackson County Republicans is to receive and read our e-mail alerts, and visit our website . This is information you should be sharing with all those you meet in your role as PCPs. As always, should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Chuck Heauser Chairman, Jackson County Republican Party Telephone 541-821-1735 or email:
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 07:19:54 +0000

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