THIS IS ADDICTIVE! John Wilkes Booths Brother Saved the Life of - TopicsExpress


THIS IS ADDICTIVE! John Wilkes Booths Brother Saved the Life of Abraham Lincolns Son Edwin Booth. Shortly before Lincolns assassination, the brother of John Wilkes Booth (Edwin Booth) saved the life of Robert Lincoln (the son of President Lincoln on a train platform in Jersey. Upon turning to thank his rescuer he saw it was the famous actor Edwin Booth whose face was well known to him. Robert expressed his gratitude to him and called him by name. Because of his heroic action, Edwin Booth was invited to give a command performance in the White House and was forever after a Lincoln sympathizer although he was raised in the South. At the time, Booth was unaware the man whose life he had saved on the train platform had been the Presidents son. After Lincolns assassination, the incident was said to have been of some comfort to Edwin Booth following his brothers assassination of the President. Fords Theater Collapsed on the Day of John Wilkes Booths Brothers Funeral Killing 22 People Fords Theater. There is another unusual connection involving Edwin Booth occurred around the time of his death on June 7, 1893. Two days later, at the very moment Edwins casket was being carried from the Little Church Around the Corner in New York City, all three floors of Fords Theater collapsed killing 22 people and injuring 68 others. Robert Lincoln, the Son of Abraham Lincoln, Was Associated With the Assassinations of 4 U.S. Presidents and 1 New York City Mayor President #1: Abraham Lincoln Robert Lincoln was invited to accompany his parents, President Lincoln and Mary Todd Lincoln, to the Fords Theatre on the night his father was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865. Citing fatigue from riding in a covered wagon for an extended period of time, Robert declined and remained behind at the White House where he immediately went to bed. He was informed of the Presidents assassination just before midnight. President #2: James Garfield At President Garfields invitation, Robert Lincoln was at the Sixth Street Train Station in Washington, D.C. where President Garfield was shot by Charles J. Guiteau on July 2, 1881. Robert Lincoln was an eyewitness to the event and was serving as Garfields Secretary of War at the time. President #3: William McKinley At President McKinleys invitation, Robert Lincoln was at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York, where McKinley was shot by Leon F. Czolgosz on September 6, 1901 although he was not an eyewitness to the event. After McKinleys death, Lincoln let it be known he wanted no further invitations from any U.S. President. Interestingly enough, Robert Lincoln would not have been able to attend these events had not John Wilkes Booths brother, Edwin Booth, saved his life years earlier. Mayor #1: William Jay Gaynor Robert Lincoln witnessed the assassination attempt on New York Mayor William Jay Gaynor on August 9, 1910. After Gaynor was shot, Robert Lincoln rushed to his aide. President #4: John F. Kennedy Robert Lincoln chose as his gravesite a nice quiet spot in Arlington Cemetery. In 1926, Robert Lincoln died and was buried in that spot. Then, in November 1963, a military honor guard carried yet another assassinated President, John F. Kennedy, and laid him to rest just feet away from Lincoln. A 1864 New York City Terrorist Attack Involved John and Robert Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, the Booth Brothers, and the Warren Commission Robert C. Kennedy. John A. Kennedy. Confederate agents planned a desperate act of terrorism in New York City for Election Day, 1864 to disrupt elections by firebombing a large number of the citys hotels. The Lincoln administration knew about the plot through a Union double agent. The New York City Superintendent of Police, John A. Kennedy, believed the plot to be a hoax; but on November 25, 1864, the firebombing began. At the exact same time, three famous acting brothers, Edwin Booth, Junius Booth, and John Wilkes Booth were performing together for one day only in New York City at the Winter Garden Theatre in a Shakespeares play about the assassination of Julius Caesar. The terrorist act failed and only one of the Confederate agents was apprehended, namely Robert C. Kennedy, who had escaped six weeks earlier from Johnsons Island Prison. Robert C. Kennedys trial was presided over by the Warren Commission of General Fitz-Henry Warren which lasted 23 days. Robert C. Kennedy was hanged on March 25, 1865 and was the last Confederate soldier executed by the Union. (For more information, visit the Mr. Lincoln and New York website). John Kennedy Thwarted an Assassination Plot Against Abraham Lincoln The Tall Target. New York Police Superintendent JOHN A. KENNEDY played a role in President Abraham Lincolns protection during his 1861 inaugural train trip and in the investigation immediately following Lincolns assassination. Kennedy was so influential in his role in protecting the President that Edwin Stanton, Lincolns Secretary of State, telegraphed Kennedy roughly three hours after Lincoln was assassinated. In 1951, John A. Kennedy was the subject of a movie called The Tall Target based on his role in protecting President Lincoln. Actor Dick Powell starred in the role of Kennedy who foils an assassination plot against Lincoln.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 03:52:12 +0000

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