THIS IS ANGIE S. ... MY FRIEND AND FELLOW DT AT SBC!!! IM SO PROUD OF HER... HERE IS WHAT SHE SAID... I share everyone elses photos. I thought it was high time to share MY VERY OWN with you, taken today. About an hour ago! Believe me now? I am a mother of 2 sets of twins. I have always struggled with my weight and getting rid of my baby belly. When you are barely over 5 feet tall and you have twins, twice, it really wrecks your figure. Even more so when you get over 200 pounds while pregnant with them! (212 to be exact!) After countless failed attempts to get the flab off, I did the old fashioned thing. I ate very clean and I exercised 5 days a week, for 2 to 3 hours every day and I ran 5k (3 miles) every morning. I got injured in a fitness class and was unable to exercise for over 18 months. And I gained 50 pounds in the process. I am so thankful for finding Skinny Fiber! Not only did it get the weight off, it made my hair grow thicker, my nails grow faster, and it got rid of my cravings for carbs. And it helped me stop my emotional eating habits. I have no cravings for sugar anymore either. In fact, the smell of it makes me sick! And it helped drink more water as I actually craved it. I had chronic pain from endometriosis which I noticed is pretty much gone. Here is my updated progress photo! It works! It really works! I didnt exercise. I just drank my water (4-6 20oz bottles daily) and ate normal food. Not fast food or junk, but real food. Skinny Fiber is amazing! I am proof! START LIVING YOUR LIFE - MAKE YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY!!!! ღღ═════════ღღ═════════ღღ═════════ღღ═════════ღღ Are you ready to change your life? All Natural, No stimulants, No fake food, No crazy shakes, and a 30 day empty bottle money back guarantee! START LIVING YOUR LIFE - MAKE YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY - ORDER YOUR SKINNY FIBER HERE - MyLifeMyFitness.SBC90 Each bottle has 120 capsules in it. If you take 2 capsules before your two largest meals of the day, it works out to roughly $2.00/day... 1 bottle is $59.99, but you can buy packages that are much cheaper.Buy 2 bottles and get 1 free for $119.99, or the best package is the buy 3 bottles and get 3 for free. If you and some of your friends go in together, with the buy 3 get 3 works out to about $32.00/ bottle the buy 3 get 3 is $179.99 Life can change when YOU make the change ♥♥♥ Watch this short video to learn why Skinny Fiber is the #1 Weight Loss Supplement and Why it WORKS when so many other products DONT!!! youtube/watch?v=MkA3JrEKyJ8#t=3 JOIN us here free for more every day fun, tips, recipes, weight loss support & motivation! https://facebook/groups/mylifemyfitness/
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:47:31 +0000

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