THIS IS BNAIS LIFE WORK... The Celestial Mask… Its disguise- - TopicsExpress


THIS IS BNAIS LIFE WORK... The Celestial Mask… Its disguise- we all wear one… It’s called a personality. It’s how you and I project ourselves through our dress and our speech as we meet and greet each other… A Universal Language is spoken through this projection. A language that gives us the power to search beyond anything we can touch- for the truth. This language breaks all barriers of race, of religion, of belief or gender… and allows us the opportunity for redefinition of the self. Greetings from Bnai, a masterful Astrologer Who am I? What am I? What is the purpose for my existence here on this planet we call Earth? There is a way that we- you and I- can understand ourselves. There is a truth that can project through forms, through colors, through numbers, through symbols of circles, through glyphs of crosses, half moons and full moons. The Celestial Journey is about the trip to find the answer to a trilogy of questions: who am I, what am I, and what is the purpose of my existence? These questions were asked by me, B’nai, to no one in particular, on August 12, 1950. The death of my grandmother, “Gra Ma,” on that hot summer day, brought such questioning words from my lips! When I awoke that morning everyone was crying and wailing, seemingly filled with a sadness, a sadness I had never witnessed before!, I asked in a voice I can still hear, a voice filled with the excitement of discovery, “What has happened?” And was told “Gra ma” had died. I asked, “What is died?” I was told that dying was something that everyone must do, and that was that. “You are dead and that is that. There is nothing that you can do about it, except to pray, and live your life, free of sins, preparing to die, so you can go to heaven.” A sadness, a sadness that I can still feel at a moment such as this, was upon me instantly! But, in a very short space of time, a joyful feeling permeated my saddened body. This joyful feeling came because I spoke silently, but, with profoundness, these words: I HAVE TIME! Because my “Gra ma” was a 109 years old, and I could add and subtract, therefore, I had 100 years to live, because I am only 9 years old, and... I had the time... To find a way... To live forever! Time, what is time? Is time that space in between time, that is called days, weeks, months, years, decades, or centuries? Or is time the cusp of immemorial that is permanently implanted in our consciousness for infinity. Something so intensely alarming took place a week later, TIME STOOD STILL when my 12 year- old brother, Charlie, died! Lo and behold! I only had 3 years to live!! But, I soon realized that neither one, 100 nor 3 years, could be true. That death must have kept its own counsel and did not warn you of when or how. But, more than anything else, I did not want to die! And if I had to die, I would want to be able to make the decision of when and how. But most of all, I did not want to die. So, I could not try to be anything until I found the answers to those three questions: Who am I, what am I, and what is the purpose of my existence? If I could only find these answers, then surely this information could point me in the direction to that reality of living forever. So, how do I begin to look for the way to live forever? Where should I look? Who shall I ask? What is the answer to this mystery? Maybe the answer could be found at “GOD’S CHURCH.” Being that the next day was Sunday, August 20, 1950, God’s day, a day of worship, I went to church and I found that I could identify with this spirit, this outpouring of words through songs and prayers. Such words as “Amen....Save me,” swept me up in its power of empowerment, and instilled in me the desire to read the bible. Maybe I could find the answer there. But, after reading “this book” called the BIBLE, I could not find definite answers to these questions: Who am I, what am I, and what is the purpose of my existence? Then, one night during prayer meeting, a meeting where you beseeched with prayers, words, sometimes begging for absolution, lobbying to be accepted into HEAVEN WHEN YOU DIE, I discovered that I could talk to GOD! All I had to do was to begin my prayers with the intonations of “Dear God,” then I could talk directly to God. I had done what was known as “getting religion” or “getting saved.” I felt a happiness that made me tremble and shake, with tears running down my face. I shouted in a singsong voice, “I got religion... I got religion... OH, LORDY, I got religion!” Time was now moving again for me because I was finally saved, saved from dying. Oh, the Lord had taken mercy on my soul! Time, what is it? Time exploded with a loudness that quieted my celebration of having recently made a death saving discovery. This spiritual explosion was ignited by my learning during the next “prayer meeting,” that to be saved meant being saved from going to hell to “burn eternally in fire,” and being able to go to “heaven, where the streets were paved with gold.” But, I didn’t want to die to be saved; I wanted to be saved from dying at all cost! Therefore, I began to look again, looking for the answers to these questions: who am I, what am I, and what is the purpose of my existence? This time I looked in a different direction. I looked in athletics. Maybe I could find it on a touchdown run, on a basket that I scored, on a home run that I hit or maybe I could find it if I jumped high enough! I didn’t find it in any of these places, so I kept right on looking... I looked all around me and I saw no place to look and everyone I asked thought I was out of my mind. “There is no such thing as living forever.” I was told this by a wide range of “important” people: father, sisters, brothers, ministers, etc. But, I kept right on looking until I had looked in every terrestrial place I was capable of looking, I looked in the social, as well as the unsociable scenes. I got involved in the “civil rights” campaign: sit ins, picketing, voters registration, studying and teaching “Black History.” I began to look in on the movement to deal with the quest of seeking civil rights and the personal dignity of being recognized as an equal member of the human race. With a renewed vigor, I began getting involved in confronting the apparent opposition with the gun, fire, or by “whatever means necessary.” I felt that my involvement in this confrontation had helped make a difference in the social and economic status of Black people. During one of these confrontations, I again heard that mouthless, but intensely breathless voice: “Put down your weapon, it is useless. What has happened is part of a celestial’s perfection? Mankind is not the giver of life… Keep looking!” I walked dejected, bitter at my inability of knowing where to look for the answers to these questions: who am I, what am I, and what is the purpose of my existence? I could not give up, I must keep looking.... looking.... looking... looking for 15 years, until March 19, 1965. I knew of no other places to look. I was lost, homeless, lonely, and despondent. I had a mother, a father, brothers, sisters, as well as a host of friends, but I did not know anyone on this rainy Friday night. Looking back now, I would say that I was insane. I picked up a newspaper off of a bus stop. Jobs, jobs, were in bold headline! So, I hitch-hiked a ride to Chicago, and then took a bus to Gary, Indiana. I was in Gary, Indiana, to accept a job that I had applied for through answering an ad in the newspaper, as a shipping clerk for U.S. Steel. Upon reporting, I was told that the position was no longer available, but that I could have a job as a foundry helper. I did not want such a job, but I had no money or hope to go on looking, so I decided to take the job and accept the fate that I had no purpose other than to live life with death being the end result. I had to spend the night in a “flop house” with other “lost souls” such as I, seeking answers to the same question, just with different ways of asking: Who am I, what am I, and what is the purpose of my existence? This time there was a difference. I did not hear a disconnected voice. Maybe it was my voice speaking all these years! Have you ever talked to yourself out loud? I have and I did that April night, approximately 42 years ago. “Life is the way it has been described to me; I have just been wasting my time.” This was the statement I made to myself, thinking no one heard. Surely the voice I heard was not another person. I did not see anyone! But I heard that voice speaking again: “You have been looking in the wrong places. Look celestially, not terrestrially.” I jumped up and went outside to see the sky and saw nothing but smoke and grime. This voice spoke again: “The answer is in the Stars!” I remember Mrs. Politic, my junior high typing teacher, telling me about this book with Lights, Moons, and Planets. This was the beginning of my trip on the CELESTIAL JOURNEY: a journey that has taken 42 plus years so far….THIS BOOK IS CALLED AN EMPHEMERIES I want to share with you the secret of living forever. It begins with your birth date, time, and place of birth, and is embodied in the spirit of this axiom: If you are born of a time and at a place, you will reflect the qualities of that time. Get your birth certificate out, and write down your birth date, time of birth, and place of birth. Open this book and prepare to get on board for the CELESTIAL JOURNEY, headed for the place of personal peace and contentment, because I found the answers: I am Leo, I am an energy of fire, and my purpose for existence can be found in the positions of the planets on my birth date, August 12, 1941 @ 9:32 A.M. 90 W 43 - 32 N 45). These are the same Planets you would had seen if you could had looked up at the precise moment on the date, time, and place of your birth. For your ticket to get aboard...CONTACT ME WITH YOU BIRTH INFORMATION, MONTH, DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH....AND ASK ANY QUESTIONS YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT AND I GUARANTEE YOU THE ANSWER WILL BE CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD AND MORE THAN HELPFUL, IT WILL BE REWARDING AND OFFER YOU THE OPPORTUNITY TO KNOW OF YOURSELF AS AN INDIVIDUAL OF A SPIRITUAL BODY.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 12:44:11 +0000

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