THIS IS ME . . . This year has been truly a momentous year for - TopicsExpress


THIS IS ME . . . This year has been truly a momentous year for me. So much has happened and so many lessons learned. Here is a piece of what I have learned and is me . . . I am not a fake person. I am pretty direct and open. I dont lie, hide my life nor the really good and idiotic things that I have done. It makes me who I am. I have achieved things that many have not nor will. On the same breath, I have done some really idiotic things: things I knew were before I did them. Why? Whenever I have swayed my convictions, moral, ethical judgements that for another person it has always ended not so good. I did that to get along, overlook issues within a person, fit in where I simply didnt belong and to be a friendly, liked guy. It goes against who I am, what I believe and who I want to be around. I have done so since moving to Virginia. I married two women (not at once!) who were both cheaters, drinkers, liars and surrounded themselves with the same as them. I had children with both. With one, I thought she would grow out of her issues as we were still young. Didnt happen. With the other, I simply was in-love and thought she had changed, not even knowing when I fell in-love with her that she was an ex-stripper, dated men for many on nights off, cheated on every single man she ever had a relationship with (a cheater is no better than a drug dealer. They destroy lives. They are sociopaths, liars and abhorable people.) and came from a totally f*cked up environment. I compromised my total self to be with a woman who was from the wrong side of the tracks in life. But, she said all the right things and had all the right moves. I deserved what I got from both because I tried to make the marriages work when I should have ended them both quickly. My choice, my failure to man-up and leave. What does this have to do with anything? A lot . . . I am not from a small town. I dont gossip, mind other peoples business and simply am not interested in peoples day-to-day lives. Living in well populated, transient and multicultural areas, no one really cares and no one can get so entrenched to into so much drama, lies and such to many lives. Not so in a small town. One of my former wives had made it a point to totally ruin my name, spread lies and rumors about me in order to create and sustain her multiple identities. The woman wishes I would die a slow and horrible death in a car accident so that her past (which is a perpetual thing) will be killed. To that, I wasnt concerned because I thought surely no one with any sense would pay any mind and attention to the person. Not so. I have been talked about, lied about, ridiculed and had actually challenged physically (on Facebook) by two men! I have never encountered from many men as here who act so childish. Maybe thats why so many women cut out on them. If you have ever met me in person, it isnt the smartest idea to challenge me like that, not knowing my background. No, I am not a bad-ass, but a passive man. However, the worst mistake one man can make is to back any gentle man into a corner. When that mistakes happens, raw fury will erupt----not good. Always beware of the meek . . . I dont have time for any of the above. I have no tolerance for fake, lying, cheating, wannabe be famous on Facebook, people who make up stories just to get attention on a daily basis, ignorant and generally retched people. I have tried to adjust but it just isnt me. So many people on this site live a life that isnt real. If you are secrets and are ashamed of anything in your past, I suggest you dont hold yourself out in a public, social network. It just isnt a good idea. I dont seek attention. I have disclosed my past and really am not ashamed of it. I have highlighted my idiotic blunders but not once have spoken of all the successes in my life and accomplishments. That is just me. If you want to get to know me its pretty easy to do so. What you will find is nothing like many have heard. I am nice, easy-going, will be be kind and very straightforward. I hide nothing because I dont do anything that I would be ashamed of, to tell my children or anyone. I will let you know instantly if I like you or not. Not by what I say, but what I dont and then I will avoid you like you are a bad, contagious virus. So . . . I ask that all of you that are on my facebook who are what I have described, and I and you know exactly who you are, please do me and you a favor: un-friend me, period. I wont because it will point to you. There are at least 20 of you posing as my friends. And, if I wake up tomorrow and only have one friend: I am better off than most. This Thanksgiving, when all say their the real blessings, be blessed if you have a friend like me. I know who my real friends are and am very loyal. There are so many nice people in this town that I have met. I only want to be friends with them. A lesson? Liars hang around with liars. Cheaters hang around with cheaters. Dishonest, fake people hang around with the same. Why? They feel comfortable with their own kind. I am not one of them and refuse to be. I married into it but have no business being around it one second longer. Folks, life and Facebook isnt meant to be a popularity contest. It is meant to enrich the lives of others with grace, honest, acts of kindness and to set a good example, among a hundred other things. To all the nice, normal-----have a great day!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:13:34 +0000

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