THIS IS SO PERFECT. SO SPOT ON! It’s a morning MUST READ. I have - TopicsExpress


THIS IS SO PERFECT. SO SPOT ON! It’s a morning MUST READ. I have a crush on Bob Cesca:) thedailybanter/2013/06/the-nsa-story-has-exacerbated-a-growing-schism-on-the-left/ It’s interesting how the loudest critics of the Obama “cult of personality” will thoughtlessly climb aboard the Greenwald outrage zeppelin every time. Not surprising considering how this is Greenwald’s tactic any time someone, be it Kurt Eichenwald, Joy Reid, Rick Perlstein or Charles Johnson, questions the highly visible gaps in his story or his understanding of how the NSA functions — gaps that could indicate an implosion waiting to happen. Contributing to the implosion is, as a movement, the blind endorsement of the view that the United States should disassemble most if not all of its surveillance operations, and whatever remains of it after the cull ought to be conducted in the light of day. Based on what we’ve been reading, and to paraphrase a notorious line, it appears as if the goal is to shrink the U.S. intelligence community small enough to drown it in the bathtub. Meanwhile, we’re evidently supposed to be the only industrialized nation that doesn’t spy on other nations — a practice that’s existed since nations were invented. I’m not interested in being a part of a movement that seeks to cripple America’s basic ability to function diplomatically on the international stage. I suppose I’m just an Obamabot automaton for questioning a stunted worldview that demands we only surveil nations that have declared war against us. I’m not interested in attaching myself to a movement whose collective judgment is lightyears beyond the zero barrier between reality and puerility. If I’m understanding this correctly, we’re not supposed to use drones, we’re not supposed to engage in surveillance of any kind (other than in war) and we’re certainly not supposed to have boots on the ground (military, CIA or otherwise). So how the hell are we supposed to learn anything about friends or foes? Ask them nicely? There’s a creepy Project Mayhem nihilism at work here and it could blow up in the faces of anyone standing too close.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 16:38:28 +0000

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