THIS IS THE VISION, AND DREAMS THAT WENT WITH THE VISION THAT GOD GAVE ME. THIS IS FOR THE AREA WHERE I LIVE. In 1994 after I became born again, I had a vision from the Lord. It took over my eyesight, my thoughts and hearing and it was like watching a movie. It was very short and terrifying. When I saw it goose bumps popped up all over my body. I saw the ocean dark and stormy all the way up to the gutters of the houses on the Peninsula in Ormond beach. I had 4 dreams later that went with it. The first I was standing at the top of the Ormond bch. approach with some other people. The tide was so high that the water from the ocean was ready to spill over onto the road (A1A). There was a set of waves coming that were huge, like the huge winter waves I saw in Hawaii when I lived there. We couldnt believe how big they were. The second dream I had, I saw the water up to your knees in all the stores in the Granada Plaza. The third dream was on the mainland after you go over the Granada bridge and make a right on Beach Street. All those big old pretty homes u first come to on the left were totally destroyed. All the big trees were down and on top of the houses. The 4th dream I saw a crooked path and it was all broken up. On the sides of the crooked path were piles of rubble. In my dream I asked the Lord, “What are those piles of rubble? And He said, those are churches, they didnt repent. One morning the Lord woke me up and I started to praise and worship Him and then started to pray. He spoke to me and said the flood is coming soon and Im sending it because my people are living in sin. They oppress the poor and needy in their lives and all they care about is growing rich. They confess Me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from Me. They have people in their lives that have needs and do nothing about it. They hoard the things I have blessed them with and do not share it with other believers who need help and say it is theirs when it is mine. My people are like the rest of the world. I am sending this flood to punish them, but after I will restore them back to me. After the destruction will come revival. He told me to tell the church to repent. He said, if if I didnt tell them this, their blood will be on my hands. He told me to read the book of Amos. In Amos 9:8 Amos assured the Israelites that God would not totally destroy Israel, in other words, the punishment would not be permanent or total. God wants to redeem not punish. But when punishment is necessary he doesnt withhold it. Like a loving father, God disciplines those he loves in order to correct them. BTW, through the years, I have found out from other people that they have seen the same things in visions and dreams. Also, the Lord told me I would be persecuted for speaking these things.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 07:21:40 +0000

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