THIS MAY BE A LIITLE PAINFUL BUT SOMEBODY HAS TO SAY IT... Pastors, Leaders and Ministers: Dont confuse your Ministry with your title. Your title is your job description and your job in the Ministry does not make you superior it makes you a servant (Colossians 1:25). We have too many little boys and girls running around pretending like their title entitles them to something other than being a servant. Can we keep it real? -- keep reading: It is not your calling to be a King, nor is it to build yourself up. Sounds simple but the truth is, ego runs more ministries than God ever has. Ego driven ministries are unsound, unscriptural and unfaithful to the word of God. Ego ministries cannot be taught, corrected, easily changed or perfected -- in Christ. Ministry, powerful ministry, is a brand of faith that causes the people to worship God, not the messenger: For I have not spoken of myself... (John 12:49). Ego ministries keep preaching and feeding the same old soup, just reheated. Most have to beg for tithes, beat the few members they have over the head for their last dime and come up with unscriptural giving to pay for Vision that is not Godly inspired. The ego ministry suffers attack, struggles with deliverance and fails to grow people because it denies the power of God (2 Timothy 3:2-5). Ego ministries leave their first love: Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place—unless you repent (Revelations 2:4-5). When ego takes a position in the church or ministry, the curios look cute and the cute look curios -- form over substance. Ego tries to build fans instead of leading folks to the Father. Stop leading with your job title; A man/woman of God that needs to lead with their job title, is usually leading with ego. Your title is the adjective that describes the noun -- your title is what you do in the Body but your title does not make you more anointed than anybody else (1 John 2:20), nor does it make you Gods favorite (Romans 2:11); your title is one of many in the church body and it gives you responsibilities but the power of God in His church is not summed up by your title (1 Cor. 12:28). There is a church on every corner, new ones opening and closing everyday, the unchurched and the unsaved are growing alarmingly faster than religious folks are but we are still refusing to connect the dots -- folks are tired of the same old same old. God called your compassion to His Vision to serve the people with His word -- not your title. Your ministry is your difference, your uniqueness, your purpose and power in the Body; when your title gets too big, your purpose is usually too small for Gods vision. The people need a vision bigger than you; if you get in the way with ego and titles, you will cause Gods bar for the people to be lowered to the height of your accomplishments -- and that my brothers and sisters, should never be the aspiration of the people. Powerful people are not powerful because of who they say they are (Mark 8:29), truly powerful people are who the people assigned to them say they are based on behavior that agrees with their savior. When power leads the church, growth in people and in membership will be phenomenal. Share and be blessed. ...Moses
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:53:17 +0000

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