* THIS POST IS FOR ALL THOSE THAT USE THESE TWO WORDS IN MISCONCEPTION OR MISINTERPRETATION. * LATELY ALL I HAVE BEEN SEEING ON FACEBOOK IS ABOUT HATING... FOR A FOUR LETTER WORD IT SURE IS A BIG WORD... * AND FOR MANY OF THOSE THAT CONTINUE TO CARRY OUT THE TRUTH AND SPEAKING OUT IN HONESTY... MAY YOU ALL CONTINUE TO CARRY ON WITH TRUTH AND HONESTY BY CREATING AWARENESS OF ALL THAT WOULD HELP ENHANCE ONES WAY OF THINKING TO BETTER OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS. HAGD EVERYONE :) hate hāt/Submit verb 1. feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone). the boys hate each other synonyms: loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate; More antonyms: love have a strong aversion to (something). he hates flying used politely to express ones regret or embarrassment at doing something. I hate to bother you synonyms: be sorry, be reluctant, be loath, be unwilling, be disinclined; More informal express strong dislike for; criticize or abuse. I cant hate on them for trying something new noun noun: hate 1. intense or passionate dislike. feelings of hate and revenge synonyms: hatred, loathing, detestation, dislike, distaste, abhorrence, abomination, execration, aversion; More a·ware·ness əˈwe(ə)rnis/Submit noun 1. knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. we need to raise public awareness of the issue synonyms: consciousness, recognition, realization; understanding, grasp, appreciation, knowledge, insight; familiarity; informallight-bulb moment; formalcognizance the level of public awareness is questionable concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development. a growing environmental awareness
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:01:10 +0000

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