THIS WAS MESSAGED TO ME BY Yuri Brown PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS IN ENGLISH God is taking away our blessings because we have sinned against him and worship other Gods and have not been close to him and have not followed his Sabbaths. Im writing to warn you of great events about to take place on earth very soon, actually many are taking place now. If you look around you chaos is plaguing the earth. God is telling us to turn to him. This only the beginning sorrows. There will be a period called The Great Tribulation this will last for 2.5 years ( Satans Persecution of Lukewarm Christians) Then Day of The Lord (Gods Wrath On those who receive the Mark of the Beast) Disobeying God. The Mark of the Beast Is Sunday Keeping And The Keeping of Pagan Festivals. And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4 This false world wide Church system has confused and have separated Gods people. This false church system no where near practices what is pleasing to God. They do not even observe Any of the 7 Holy Days. In addition the Church does not recognize the Weekly Sabbath correctly. God has his 7 Holy Days Leviticus 23 No animal sacrifices needed for New Testament Church for the Holy Days. Satan is a fallen angel from Heaven that God kicked out because Satan broke rules. Now Satan and for thousands of years is rebelling against God. Influencing Gods children to become disobedient. Satan also created human nature. (All of Us are Gods children he created Also read Revelation and Matthew 24 Read Revelation 16 this is what God WILL do to those who will receive the Mark of the beast or worship its image. Remember God flooded the Earth during Noahs time. God will again restore the Earth. Revelation 16 will wake you up. Satan has deceived us from the Bibles most precious truths. These will happen God gives us warning. Saturday is the Sabbath it the 7th Day Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset Would Gods Kingdom have war, famine, disease and horrific crimes? God will re establish order with peace justice and fairness! All sickness misery and confusion will disappear. The kingdom of God is near on Earth! God will replace man failed governments with Gods awesome government. The coming kingdom of God is the one and only true Gospel. Jesus is not the focus of the bible his message is the focus, the Coming Kingdom of God. And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 11:15 Mark 1:15 Repent you, and believe the gospel (The Coming Kingdom of God) If you have any questions please ask. God Bless Yuri John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. The saved do not go to Heaven neither the dead Neither does the dead burn in ever lasting hell. Hell means the grave this simply means the dead sleep in their grave. Jesus Christ looks like this.... Revelation 1:14-16
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 06:33:34 +0000

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