THIS WEEK ON THE PAGANS TONIGHT RADIO NETWORK: Moonday~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents ~The Witchs Cupboard with Kazan Clark. Tyrs day~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Circle Craft Study with Selena Fox~Moon Goddesses Across Cultures - Explore some Moon Goddess forms, symbols, and lore through time around the world FOLLOWED BY Pagan Priest~ FINALE! Wodens day~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~Circle Talk Radio~ Pagan Spirit Crones & Croning - Debra Rose talks with Sandy Artistfair about celebrating the passage into old womanhood through Croning studies & rituals at the Crone Temple of Wisdome at the Pagan Spirit Gathering. FOLLOWED BY The Pagan Music Project-Seattle Based Pagan Band, Chronilus is making a mark in Pagan Music. Chronilus debuts on the Pagan Music Project. Thors day~9/8 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~ The Tree of Life show: Festival Etiquette. Friggs day~9/8 PM C~ Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~ Cyberministry 2020: Lesson 4: What about Facebook and Twitter? Saturns day~5/6 PM C~Pagans Tonight in Spanish with LaMadduk, Laura & Yoko-Dialogos. Sun day~10/9 PM C~Pagans Tonight Radio Network presents~ Variety Show: Shadow Work - What is the Shadow? Why is it important to work with (and heal) our Shadow? What techniques can we use to facilitate the healing of our Shadow? Tune in & join us live in the chat!! paganstonight or listen in on your phone @ 347-308-8222. Dont forget, if you miss the show you can always listen in the archives or we are ALWAYS a FREE download on ITunes!
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 20:47:58 +0000

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