THIS is part of what I saw several years ago during my severe - TopicsExpress


THIS is part of what I saw several years ago during my severe stress-induced kundalini experience that went on and off for nearly three weeks!!?!! Many of you know I rang my friend David Icke for help because he was the only one I knew of that had experienced one in Peru. After several days of trying to handle things, the energies were so strong and the multi-colours so intense (scaring the crap out of the animals) I knew I needed help, but I couldnt hold the handset because I was literally ziggering about like I was being electrocuted! David knew something was going on and ordered his daughter Kerry to instantly ring me back, whilst he and others in his office on the Isle of Wight tried to work out what was causing mayhem and blow-outs of most of their electrical and mechanical equipment. Id been worrying about how Id get my car Petra up to Wembley in London to watch him and mingle with others and my friend Linda Atherton (the first person I confided in over abuse Ive endured and am still trying to recover after the later police investigation led to a lack of enough evidence for a jury trial. The inflictor still acts all innocent, hurt and pretends to feel pity for me, whilst informing others that I cant help it because Im mentally ill! Hes GUILTY and although all I wanted was an explanation and apology, it was HE that set the police onto me!!! After several weeks of harassment by them visiting in a Moriah Van or blatant Cop Car to check that I was Okay? {where I kept telling them politely to mind their own business and let ME sort it}) I had a landline telephone call from a Chief C.I.D. (Criminal Investigations Detective) bloke called Simon, who put an instant halt to my anger and protests by saying that he KNEW he was guilty and encouraged me to take my time, go through loads of paperwork and meanwhile, theyd be investigating!!! Due to budget cuts, the then head-quarters in Fairwater dealing with the more serious cases like MURDER, had left them with one Moriah Van and one Cop Car, but after our chat, whenever they had to visit, they used ordinary vehicles and parked around the corner! I couldnt make this up if I tried and now that its closed and many have been made redundant, youll see the authenticity. My Senior Counsellor and Senior Advocate came with me after the Crown Prosecution bloke decided that they couldnt risk public funds to prosecute and punish, then placated me by saying he had no doubt of what had happened. The whole horrid issue is recorded and stored for 25 years and the one I spent most of my life adoring, loving and trusting, is now on a worldwide list and therefore will probably still be on it when he croaks it and has to face the REAL forces of TRUE justice! I went through the whole dreadful system and was getting ready to meet death because either the police would sort him I would! Then a high-up Freemason called the Organiser turned up at Insole Court and made me see that things will be different if I simply Let It GO! AND ONCE I tried, the weird stuff began! x) Anyway, Kerry instantly rang me back and I ended up channelling through gritted teeth (because the energies were so vibrating, I could hardly stand, but I was able to see literally thousands of other lives AND watch the unusual pile-ups, accidents and freak rock-falls all over the UK being reported on Radio 2!?! I held the telephone receiver like a magnet and somehow managed to say that I COULDNT come to Davids Wembley event because I had to remain within the belly-button of the world and was meant to stay here to support the global healing grid!?! I dropped the gadget and had another several weird weeks of sh*t, but David decided to listen and made his event Live-Stream, which I could afford AND stay in Llandaff. My dog Jack started getting suspicious on the day, because every time David announced a break, I took him out for walks to discharge the excess energies. Davids event was sold-out (after loads persecuting him for years that hes an apparent nutter have apologised because hes RIGHT and also NOT one!!! x) Once again, I saw the picture below (only in more depth and as a video!) and after Id synchronised with David and Wembley, once it was over, I took Jack to the Cathedral, laid my hands upon the oldest part (St Marys Church, used as a toilet, stable and pub by Cromwell during the horrendous Battle of St Fagans!) and simply looked up the sky (which oddly only had a bit of the moon and about eleven stars shining, even though there werent any clouds!?!) and began to pray. The bolt of lightening came instantly and again, I saw many OTHER lives associated with this particular spot and the flash of white lightning spread all over, within and without our globe (like in this picture), but unfortunately I felt compelled to move because flashing blue lights were everywhere. I sat on a bench overlooking the ancient Bell Tower and innocently asked the Firemen IF it was MY fault? They laughed that I was a Healer and said it was probably just a faulty switch that needed fixing?!? (How many times had I said prior AND since that Ive been injured and am leaking energies?!) When they reassured me that nothing was wrong, I saw the Archdeacon in his robe and slippers and playfully zapped him with these new strange powers. He jumped, looked back at me, where I simply grinned. Its ALL on record!!! LOL! Perhaps youll comprehend why Ive been having difficulty attempting to become normal again, as Im still unable to sleep without a light on, have frequent flashbacks that lead to massive panic attacks and whereas I used to be quite private, no longer feel any boundaries, because I know that were ALL linked from the Source, all about unconditional love and forgiveness! (Yawn! x) If its happening to me, then its also occurring elsewhere and in order to prevent unnecessary stress, Im merely regularly posting MY experiences to hopefully prevent other light-workers from being afraid and deserting from what we all agreed to accomplish. I KNOW its not pleasant having folk regard us as crazy, but us multi-coloured sheep have a responsibility to remind the others that despite the shepherd and his few sheep-dogs pretending to have control of the majority for a lifetime of confinement, then brutal slaughter, all that needs doing is for them to be scattered everywhere! I mean, a few dogs and the odd bloke WONT be able to herd up zillions galloping off in all directions, will they! LOL! I want to do my bit to heal the world. Im prepared to stand up for those currently unable to do so AND ensure that THEIR vote counts. I know it goes far deeper than this, but at least its a beginning. Like when one sees thousands of bottles topple over quickly in succession when the first one is pushed, WE collectively can knock-out most of the madness that were currently experiencing! Just a thought..... Much love and Namaste, Tiamat Sue and all the animals. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 19:00:48 +0000

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