THOSE DOWNPLAYING CHRIS DAZAS DEFECTION MUST HEAR THIS: Since the time immemorial, Malawi oldest political party, MCP, has largely been associated with the Chewas. This is the case because the party enjoys undisputed popular support in the predominantly Chewa districts of Malawi’s central region for obvious reasons. Previously, stories have been told of how non-Chewas within the grouping have been sidelined and frustrated. Fast forward 2013, MCP held a landmark elective conference recently that ushered in new leadership. Rev. Dr. Lazarus rose to the helm of the party. Others that made it into the new look MCP were the likes of Chris Daza who became the partys secretary general. As we are talking now Daza has surpassingly jumped ship to join the ruling Peoples Party due to what he described as irreconcilable differences with the MCP leadership. Soon after news of Dazas defection became public, some disgruntled MCP followers went to social media and threw insults at the revered Pentecostal cleric-turned-politician. For starters, Hon. Daza comes from Ntcheu district and is a pure Ngoni by tribe. Now by virtue of electing him as secretary general in a political party that is riddled with tribalism, surely Dr. Daza had brought balance and voice of reason to the party which is largely dominated by Chewas. To say his departure is good riddance, is a sign of political amateurism being displayed by MCP sympathizers. At the same time to also say he is political spent force is utter garbage and a clear indictment of the intelligence of the party’s structures that voted overwhelmingly for him as secretary general. I wouldn’t want to speculate on what Rev. Chakwera is thinking at the moment. However, one thing for sure is that he won’t be celebrating to see that top positions of the party hierarchy are filled by his fellow tribesmen, or that every time he calls for a meeting it is only those from central region attending just because they have failed to embrace non-chewa members of the party. This to me is sheer disaster. No wonder people of southern region, widely regarded as the kingmaker of Malawi’s politics, have refused to be part of such a political system that excludes them and if MCP wants to remain relevant let them embrace people from other tribes as well but as it is at the moment its too late. The Daza case study is missed opportunity. I rest my case.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:30:55 +0000

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