#THOUGHT THIS WILL HELP MY FELLOW MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL AS WE LOOK INTO 2015 After receiving a lot of man of God at my office, some who came for prophetic guidance, in preparation for the year 2015, some just for a prophetic word on how 2015 holds (which is not bad) and combining their desires, visions and questions all together l thot of sharing this with man of God. FIRST THING l noticed is mog are ready to work for God in 2015 and they are ready to do whatever it takes to improve their ministries and affect or impact people in a massive way. And l began to feel like highlighting some very important issues here. Zeal to prosper in 2015 in whatever AREA OF MINISTRY is not bad . But when its not mixed with faith which l want to define as RIGHT APPLICATION OF CORRECT PRINCIPLES ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE, will only produce frustration and at the end distrust in the God who called us. lm happy a lot admited the blind spots that needs corrction before we expect wonders in 2015. Thus the reason why lm sharing what l know will help though this is not all you need. 1. As man of God lets create an environment that will allow the Holyspirit to work thru his vessels in our churches not just creating a good environment for ourselves. Let him be on the driving seat in 2015. Dont do what he is not doing, dont say he said what he didnt and expect him to watch your words to perfom them. 2. Nommater how much you feel you are under pressure to say his will pertain to somebodys situations, nommater how people want you to prophesy, nommater how far people travel to hear the word of God, if he is not speaking dont be forced into prophesying. 3. Do not submit because things are bad, or because you want a gift or impartation. You will be frustrated. Submision is suppose to be done because you just have to submit to God thru someone. These other things yes they are important and they will happen but if they are the reasons why u submit. You will stop. Decide to submit as an obedient child of God and you will enjoy the benefits.If all u see in a father is gift, anointing or miracles or a man who can impart something , you will submit to wrong people and you will receive their spirits besides the spirit of God thru them (#REMEMBER MOG HAVE THEIR SPIRITS) On that note also never criticise the teaching of submision because of your personal bad expreience with a father. BLAME THE FATHER NOT FATHERHOOD. 4. If you need your church to grow in 2015, change the motive behind why u need your church to grow.Do you want your church to grow because you want to be counted among man who gather crowds, or do u want to rise in your ranking position according to the records of who has how many pple in your country. Let the motive be SOUL WINNING. #NEVER TARGET ANOTHER MANS SHEEP BECAUSE YOU END UP COLLECTING THEIR GOATS Win souls and develop them into what you want to have in your church. Dont gather around yourselves fans but sons. Develop the level you attract into the level you want around you, dont use tricks to lure levels you dont have the capacity to hold. 5. Do a self retrospect, and be genuine of your real level as we end 2014. This will help you to sit down and design a way to increase your numbers if its numbers, or anointing if its anointing. Admiting thats where you are doesnt mean you are satisfied with who you are but helps you work on becoming who you want to be. Dont be like the majority of mog who doesnt know how to count, they know they bought 25 chairs but their church is now approaching a thousand. The reason why being genuine will help you is if you seek help say in the area of numbers . The methods you will be taught is determined by the number you want to move from, for the method used to grow from 20to 100 is totally different from the one you need to move from 100 to 300. 6. Never win people by tricks or gimmicks or fake prophecies or lies. The truth has always a way to come out. You will always come back to level one. 7. If you build your church thru guest speakers you will always have guest members. 8. Never compete with any man of God. We are called to compliment each other not to compete with each other. 9. Never use tricks or gimmicks to take money from people. If God tells you tell somebody to give you something tell that same God who speaks to tell that person. Remember you are rewarded according to your work. Not according to your needs. Never receive what God is not receiving for you will receive peoples leprosy. Never teach people to be the woman of Zarephath before you teach yourself to be an Elijah. For Elijah is always before the widow of Zarepath. 10. Besides submitting & reporting only to your spiritual father. For the sake of your character in his absents submit & report also to the leadership in your church. 11. Teach your children to know Jesus and the word more than you (Acts 17vs 11)so that if it happens that you backslide you backslide alone. 12. Before trying to put order in the house of God, put order in your house first. Remember the three Ms of a Man of God in their order, 1. MARRIAGE, 2.MINISTRY then 3.MONEY 13. Being a servant of God is not determined by the title you carry, but the service you give 14.What you do behind the scenes is more important than what people see. Infact what we see is a result of what you do behind the scenes. 15.Never use your position to manipulate Gods people, Never misuse their Trust in you. 16. Never stand in front of Gods people before standing in front of their God. REMIND YOURSELF TO ALWAYS BE HUMBLE BECAUSE MOST OF THE TIMES PRIDE GETS ON THE WAY. USE THE REMAINING DAYS OF 2014 DECIDING WHO AND WHAT YOU NEED TO GO HIGHER IN YOUR MINISTRY. #I PRAY FOR MULTIPLICATION OF GRACE IN THE YEAR 2015 TO EVERY MINISTER READING THIS #I WISH YOU A PROSPEROUS 2015. I ASK FOR YOUR PRAYERS FOR MY 2015 TO BE A GOOD YEAR -APOSTLE TRY IMMANUEL
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 13:59:50 +0000

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