THOUGHTS ON SECRETARY GATES AND THE BOOK (Comments by Joe Esposito) My fellow patriots, I have to admit I am deeply troubled by Gates. I have read the excerpts and it reinforces fully what Ive felt about Obama. Ive seen the Secretary interviewed on TV and I keep asking myself why did he not resign. Considering how he felt it would have been the honorable thing to do. He says Obama was sure the mission would fail but still sent soldiers in harms way. Gates justifies all this by saying Obama has support for the troops. Mr. Secretary, this makes no sense at all. What an absurd contradiction!! You had a duty right there and then to resign. Where are the principles of the men who serve in our Government. We found out there was a similar situation with Secretary Panetta. On the night of the Benhazi tragedy he was informed that it was a terrorist attack by General Ham. Panetta soon after met with Obama. For two weeks we heard the false story about some movie causing this. Why the hell didnt Panetta speak out?? He knew the truth but kept silent. We are so ill served by people who act like this. We were promised transparency but its just lies, obfuscations. Gates also is highly critical of Clinton, relating how she opposed the surge because it would hurt her political career. And yet he claims she would make a fine President. I wouldnt want anyone near the White House who would use political expediency in times of war. Somehow, I cant help feeling sorry for Gates. He looks terribly guilt ridden. And I cant blame him. Shame on you, Mr. Secretary. You let your country down.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 03:54:17 +0000

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