THOUGHTS ON THE CASSIDY-LANDRIEU RUN-OFF FROM A PATRIOT!! THIS IS A NEW RACE DECEMBER 6th and CASSIDY needs to WOO SOME VOTES. This is HIS RACE TO WIN or to lose.. BUT ITS HIS MULLIGAN - HIS DO OVER No one else is in the race except Mary and Bill. forget the primary.. forget we are a State with a Primary - forget that anyone who qualifies can run in a primary... like them or not ...they have a right to run. Soooooo! Now Stay with me now.... Erase all that primary stuff... ... Its a new day.. new race and a new election. THINK of DEC 6th as a FRESH NEW SLATE! No garbage or baggage..(yet) No vicious facebook rhetoric about this or that.. my candidate wants your candidate gone... etc. ITS A DO OVER. Especially for CASSIDY. A fresh new start. Mary 0% and Cassidy 0%. We cant paint a Maness voter with a broad stroke . People voted for Maness for a variety of reasons. Again, that race is past and is a moot point now. Look FORWARD.. Its a NEW DAY a NEW RACE... Mary has 0% and Cassidy 0% CASSIDY has his work cut out for him because he and HE ALONE has to WIN more votes. Nov 4th had a 50% turnout... way low I think there are MORE VOTES for Cassidy if he can get them (a lot more votes...more voters sat out than Voted for Maness or the others - So CASSIDY HAS WORK TO DO in that area ). No one can assume that if Maness was out the race on Nov 4th Cassidy would have gotten the 50% plus 1 out right. REPEAT 50% PLUS 1 OF VOTERS. Of course if you add 14 to Bill 40 - its a perfect world for Bill...But YOU cant ASSUME that is a fact and it would have been over. WE have PRIMARIES for a reason. But Ok I REGRESS.... you didnt like the primary.. - you wanted Maness out and of course YOU wanted the other 6 candidates out too... Well YOU got your way now... YOU ALONE get another SHOT at MARY. FORGET THE PRIMARY... THIS IS ANOTHER RACE... ANOTHER TIME AND THE REPUBLICANS HAVE WHAT THEY WANT. THEIR CANDIDATE BILL CASSIDY RUNNING AGAINST MARY LANDRIEU. WHO HOO! REPEAT (sorry people need to hear this again...) No one can assume 14% automatically would have gone to Cassidy. I personally know many Democrats that voted Maness but will vote Landrieu now. I personally know Libertarians who voted Maness and will sit out. I personally know Maness voters voting Cassidy. BUT with all that said.... now.. keep with me... A candidate has to be the CANDIDATE the people want and CASSIDY has to work for that VOTE. He needed to do that for Nov 4th and will need to do that for Dec 6th. CASSIDY needs to get the votes. Yes added endorsements might help or they might hurt. (heheheheheheh) He (CASSIDY) needs to woo those 50% who never voted in the primary too. It really doesnt matter now what the primary resulted in... Remember this is a new day... a new race... a NEW ELECTION - A GIFT. Cassidy wanted Maness out to WIN outright.. and he got his wish. CASSIDYS MULLIGAN - his DO OVER Both candidates are starting at ZERO now go get your VOTES CASSIDY and you dont need 50% plus one !!!! Repeat.. You dont need 50% plus one. you just need ONE VOTE MORE THAN MARY. Tell us why you are better than MARY ! Thats what the 50% want to hear who stayed home .
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 22:57:15 +0000

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