TIME FOR THE CHRISTIAN TO STAND UP AND PUT HIS FOOT DOWN In the past week, I have met three individuals who have been speaking to me, among other ludicrous things, about the theory of evolution (you know the one that says we all came from monkeys). I find it more than mere coincidence that I should encounter three of them within a span of 7-8 days. Some of the things they said were that Jesus was not crucified, that He was a figment of someones imagination, that all other gods, including those with 12 hands and look like animals were in the same league as Jesus, that the books used by other beliefs have more accurate accounts of how the whole cosmos came into being, blah blah blah. This kind of talk isnt new to me. I first heard it in school from some of my teachers, and almost all through my working career and also from my social circles. In the spirit of friendship and tolerance, I used to give them ear, but I have always rejected the crap. Surprisingly, even to myself, I dont think I can subscribe to the same spirit now, because I am now getting angry. Angry because all three people I met recently are members of the larger Christian community. I wont mention their denomination because its not that important now, plus a lot of my relatives may get offended. This thought keeps ringing in my mind even as I write. Its 2.45 am now. I wanted to write this much earlier, so I started by changing my FB cover photo. The thought is this. The Bible says we are created in Gods image - which essentially means I look like God. The ideology propagated by evolutionists says we came from monkeys. People, I want you to see that this is not just a scientific premise, it is the work of satan (he doesnt deserve a capital s) to allow us to undermine ourselves. Remember, he told Eve that God forbade the eating of the fruit because God didnt want us to be like Him? That was a stupid argument, because Eve was ALREADY in Gods own image. He is doing the same to us. The theory of evolution is a lie from hell, not just a fairy tale in Darwins mind. satan is trying very hard to influence us to believe we came from primates. But he is stupid again, He forgot that monkeys were named monkeys by Adam. Another accusation hurled at us creationists is that we are not open minded to understand what these evolutionists say. You know what? I told off one of the three that the Bible does say we should be somewhat closed-minded. Didnt Paul say in 2 Cor 10:5 that we should bring every imagination and thought that exalts itself superior to the knowledge of Christ captive? That to me reads - Be selective and stay away from rubbish! I am closed-minded - my mind revolves around Gods Word. I call myself a dogmatic Bible fundamentalist, and I dont care what other faiths or systems say. Seriously! When one of them called me a fanatic, I was offended by the lack of similar adjectives. I corrected him - I am a super fanatic for Christ. In our daily prayer, my wife and I always end our prayer with this statement: We believe in our hearts and say it with our mouths that we shall have no other gods before us. Jesus Christ is our ONLY LORD, Saviour, Healer and Provider! I only pray that the voice of Christians gets louder and louder and they put their feet down on their beliefs. Dont forget, the monkeys are getting louder, and they dont sound nice at all. Shalom!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 18:56:48 +0000

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