TIME MAGAZINE Sept. 26, 2014 Pet Owners Look to Muzzle Police Who - TopicsExpress


TIME MAGAZINE Sept. 26, 2014 Pet Owners Look to Muzzle Police Who Shoot Dogs -- “It’s much more likely that a cop is going to encounter a dog than a terrorist, yet there’s no training,” said Ledy Van Kavage, an attorney for the advocacy group Best Friends Animal Society. time/3426900/police-dog-shootings/ There is talk among the PUPPYCIDE community of having standing Firearm Discharge Report agenda items on every County Commissioner and City Council Agenda in order to facilitate Citizen Review of such reports and to lend to accountability and compliance with non-lethal methods of handling dog encounters. Citizen review of officer involved shootings is included in information provided in a 2010 article in The Police Chief Magazine titled Handling Officer Involved Shootings (policechiefmagazine.org/magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=2213&issue_id=102010 ). Several states either have or are working on state level mandated training for law enforcement in non-lethal methods of handling dog encounters. Colorados Dog Protection Act was signed into law May 13, 2013 and the deadline for training compliance for existing, specified law enforcement officers is January 1, 2015. One city in Colorado, Commerce City, Colorado, had dog encounter training after the 2010 PUPPYCIDE case of Zoey 911dispatch/2010/08/16/family-files-lawsuit-over-dog-shooting/, yet a second, high profile PUPPYCIDE case occurred November 2012 - the case of Chloe https://facebook/JusticeForChloeRIP. A few days ago, Wednesday, September 25, 2014, a third PUPPYCIDE case happened in Commerce City, CO - Bugs, a a 12-year-old Bull Mastiff Labrador mix who was protecting the property kdvr/2014/09/24/police-commerce-city-officer-shoots-dog-after-it-charged-and-bit-him/ and thedenverchannel/news/local-news/commerce-city-police-officer-shoots-dog-that-bit-him. Standing Firearm Discharge Report agenda items on every City Council and County Commissioner meeting agenda will also be of great interest to people who have lost family members and friends in officer-involved shootings. Three weeks prior to the unfortunate August 2014 event in Ferguson, Missouri that claimed the life of an 18 year old man, PUPPYCIDE rallies were held in certain cities on July 19, 2014. In East Anaheim, California, on July 19, 2014, a group called “Stop Police Violence Against Citizens” participated in an event that coincided with PUPPYCIDE events and a spokesperson mentions at the beginning of this video clip that its not only pets, its human life that is lost (https://facebook/photo.php?v=1512961888920328). There is absolutely no reason why Colorado law enforcement professionals cannot understand what Louisiana First Responders know about dogs protecting their property - which is what Bugs of Commerce City was doing. Here is information regarding Louisiana First Responder Dog Encounter Training - member from Governors Animal Welfare Commission states police officers are trained to be an authority and to take charge of situations and the dog is doing the SAME THING - this is his property and hes in charge of it and the two clash. nbc33tv/.../all.../la-first-responders-get-t (If link doesnt work, go to the google search results on this article: https://google/search?q=Louisiana+First+Responders+Dog+Encounter+Training3&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&client=firefox-a&channel=sb#channel=sb&q=Louisiana+First+Responders+Dog+Encounter+Training&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official) DOG TASERS IN KC MO PD / New KCPD Program Cuts Number of Dogs Shot by Police A tip of the hat to the KCMO police department for working more compassion into their highly-challenging jobs and coming up with solutions that protect officers, and pets. btoellner.typepad/kcdogblog/2014/09/new-program-in-kansas-city-cuts-the-number-of-dogs-shot-by-police-by-80.html kctv5/story/26489132/kc-officers-hope-tasers-cut-down-on-dog-deaths?fb_action_ids=10204717571203005&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_ref=.VA-XeyzbpPM.like Kilgore, Texas has a new policy called Response to Resistance which says HUMANS AND ANIMALS ARE THE SAME WHEN IT COMES TO USING FORCE. cbs19.tv/story/26017040/cbs-19-investigates-are-etx-law-enforcement-officers-getting-enough-training. Kilgore, Texas law enforcement officers understand that SHOOTING DOGS IS AS OFF LIMITS AS SHOOTING HUMANS - and this should be a MODEL POLICY FOR THE REST OF AMERICAN LAW ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENTS!!! Kilgore PD Website: cityofkilgore/police and Facebook page: https://facebook/kilgorepolice ****************************************** NATIONAL FREEZE DONT SHOOT MARCH Saturday, October 25 at 12:00pm in MST ALL STATE CAPITALS WITHIN THE USA Freeze Dont Shoot (FDS) is about ending PUPPYCIDE aka law enforcement officer involved shootings of non-threatening dogs in America. FDS supports training for law enforcement in non-lethal methods of handling dog encounters. A hands on training course with standardized curriculum has proven to work in many areas. https://facebook/events/1506079356295175/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 00:38:49 +0000

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