TIME TO SAY GOODBYE As i grow older and wiser, coupling more - TopicsExpress


TIME TO SAY GOODBYE As i grow older and wiser, coupling more experiences, I have become more selective about with whom I spend my time. I filtered, I have found good friends and I have drifted from others. Naturally, I have learned that we cannot coral people into a pen and lock them away forever. Relationships, like all other things, change, grow or dissipate. Time has turned close friends into distant acquaintances. Our lives are in constant motion. we change each day. Sometimes, we forget that the people who surround us also change every day. Some relationships may grow together, shift and bend in ways that make it fit comfortably. Some relationships are more forgiving and hang on for the sake of the love that was once binding and now hangs around as a memory. Bust some dont last. Some get destroyed, some disappear slowly and some cease to exist abruptly. But some - the annoying ones, they dont seem to know when to leave you alone. Those are the ones we need to say goodbye to. One thing I remember growing up, Mother taught us to tell people to go to Hell in such a nice way that they actually pack their bags and look forward to the trip. Keep your friends close. Nurture your friendships and do right by people who love you and who you love. Let people know that you love them. Surround yourself with friends who make you better. You cannot save all the friendships and the ones that cant be saved are the ones that sometimes dont need to be. For those, the ones that shouldnt be ... better yet ... To all the BAD MINDED people, the ENVIOUS and DECEITFUL people, the GRABBALICIOUS and CONTANKEROUS persons .... BACKSTABBERS and LIARS. Please profoundly follow your ignorance to wherever your colossally arrogant prowess leads you. In other words, Go to hell! So today my friend list will be trimmed .... shorter, getting rid of all those who make no contribution to my development by association. GOODBYE
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 06:12:00 +0000

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