TITLE: Take me as I am EPISODE: 23 AUTHOR: TM David-West THEIR - TopicsExpress


TITLE: Take me as I am EPISODE: 23 AUTHOR: TM David-West THEIR LUNCH OF BEANS AND DODO was over and everyone was all relaxed and chatting amicably. Rukky had his head angled as he watched Miss Elizabeth busy at the sink washing out the beef and fish and laying them into the pot to prepare for cooking. He liked the dress she was wearing. The colour was bright and pretty – she’d called it lemon-yellow when he’d asked her what type of colour it was. The dress had nice folds from the waist down to her knees, where it ended. And it had a pretty flower design in front of it. Watching her as she placed the pot on the gas cooker and turned on the burner, he decided that yellow was his second best colour after blue. It was such a beautiful colour... especially when Miss Elizabeth was wearing. He felt so content seeing her in their kitchen. She hadn’t wanted to stay today, not at first. But seeing daddy’s finger – which he’d cut yesterday when he was slicing vegetable for soup – she’d changed her mind and decided to stay and help daddy make the stew for tomorrow. Though he’d been sad when daddy cut his finger yesterday - especially when it was bleeding – but when that had been the only reason Miss Elizabeth had decided to stay today, he’d figured it was probably God’s will that daddy hurt his hand yesterday. After all Aunty Mabel taught them last Sunday that God worked in mysterious ways and even in ways that might seem to hurt them at first. The finger wasn’t hurting daddy now, was it? He turned his head to look at his father and found him watching Miss Elizabeth too. He wasn’t looking at Stella who was saying something to both him and grandma... instead he was looking at Miss Elizabeth and though he was making that hmm sound he made when he wasn’t really listening to them, his face had a really funny smile on it... and his eyes looked funny too. He frowned, wondering what that funny look in his eyes meant. It was like he wanted something. But what could he want her to do for him? She was already helping him to cook. Maybe he wanted to talk to her, like he’d done the day they’d gone to buy Stella’s recital dress. His eyes brightened at having solved the puzzle. And if that was the case then he would want to talk to her alone... in private as he’d taught them big people like to talk. Which was why he wasn’t really listening to Stella. He wanted to talk alone with Miss Elizabeth. He shifted his gaze to Stella and then to grandma. Though grandma was a big person but private meant alone that’s what daddy had said. And even Miss Elizabeth had taught them that in class when she’d been teaching them about Politeness and Courtesy last week – when parents are talking, children should step aside and leave them alone. And they were his parents... well, Miss Elizabeth wasn’t really... yet. Rukky slipped down from the mahogany chair. “Grandma, didn’t you say that when you came today we’ll check out the flowers we planted two last Saturday ago and see how they are growing?” He queried tapping her on the thigh. “Two Saturday’s ago.” Elizabeth corrected with a wink. He flashed her a smile. “Two Saturday’s ago.” He returned his gaze to his grandmother. “Could we go now and check them out?” “Right now?” Stella asked frowning. “Yes, right now.” Rukky replied, turning to his sister. “I think there must be weed disturbing them already and we have to get them out on time or they’ll kill our flowers, not so grandma?” “But we are helping Miss Elizabeth prepare the stew.” Stella argued reluctant to leave the cosy comfort of the kitchen and go outside to mess around with dirt. The flower garden had all been Rukky’s idea and though she hadn’t minded much when they’d did the planting, she just wasn’t in the mood to mess about with sand and water today. “No, you are gisting and not helping Miss Elizabeth.” Rukky rejoined with pointed look. “And daddy can help Miss Elizabeth prepare the stew.” “Or maybe you could all go work in your flower garden and I’ll just finish up here.” Elizabeth offered in a placatory tone. “No.” Rukky shook his head decisively. “Daddy can’t help – he hurt his finger. And the flowers were planted by grandma, Stella and I – so we should be the one to take care of it.” He turned to focus his eyes on the silent Mummy Dafe. “Is that not so, grandma? Don’t you always say that we should be responsible for our own properties?” Mummy Dafe hung her head. “Yes...” “And the garden is our property, right?” He pushed on. “It belongs to you, Stella and me... because we planted it, right?” A smile curved Mummy Dafe’s slightly wide lips. “Indeed it is. As always you are absolutely right, my brilliant boy.” His face wreathed with smiles. “Okay then, let’s go.” Stella groaned heavily. “Do you two realise that everywhere is wet because it rained earlier?” She complained getting up from her chair. “Which is exactly why we need to clear out the weeds that might have sprung up before they take root.” Mummy Dafe retorted getting up herself and nudging the scowling girl forward. “Don’t worry, Stella I’ll help you pick out your own weeds.” Rukky offered cheerfully as they all filed out towards the door. “If you are going to help me, then what am I following you people for?” Stella whined. “So you can fetch the water for watering the flowers.” Mummy Dafe replied. “But it just rained.” Stella pointed out with a groan following them through the door. Elizabeth chuckled at Stella’s exasperated voice. “I fear that Stella is none too pleased with Rukky’s bright gardening idea.” Caleb turned nonchalant eyes to the door. “She doesn’t care much for dirt and all that involves it.” He shrugged and shifted his gaze back on her. “But it would hurt her none to get those lady-fingers of hers dirty once in a while.” Truth be told, he’d almost shouted an alleluia when Rukky had come up with that brilliant gardening idea. He’d been longing all day – well, all week to be exact, to be alone with Elizabeth. And with her looking especially lovely in that chiffon, pleated lemon-yellow dress, it was taking all his willpower and then some, to refrain from drooling all over her and just maybe stealing a kiss. Well, he just might still steal a kiss... now they were alone. “Anything I can help you with?” He asked standing up and moving towards the slab where she was dicing the onions in her hand into cute squarish shapes. Elizabeth raised her head. “With one hand... I hardly think so.” “You’d be amazed the things I can do with one hand.” And because that came out way-too flirtatiously, he stopped in his path and shoved his hands into his pockets... wishing they were his feet in his mouth instead. Elizabeth merely laughed. “In that case, you should come over here and open this tin of tomato paste and corned beef.” “That I can definitely do.” He stepped forward, relieved that either she hadn’t noticed his attempt at flirting or she wasn’t offended by it. He hoped it was the latter. **** Once outside, Stella had left the two enthusiastic gardeners and gone off with a bucket to get water... she planned taking her time with that little chore. Mummy Dafe was sitting on a low stool meticulously watching as Rukky, on his knees, picked out the little tender weeds which were just cropping up in between the still gingerly standing hibiscus stem. “So, is my brilliant grandson trying to play matchmaker here?” She asked shrewdly. Rukky stopped and swung his head about. “Play... matchmaker? Which game is that, grandma?” His expression was baffled. Mummy Dafe chuckled. “Matchmaker isn’t a game... not really. A matchmaker is someone who is trying to get two people together. Like get a man and a woman to notice each other and then get married.” “Oh.” Rukky felt his face suffuse with colour. Grandma had caught him... oops. Mummy Dafe saw the telltale sign from his angled embarrassed face. Hmm, she’d thought so. He liked Elizabeth so much and always wanted her around. Good. “You like Elizabeth very much, don’t you?” She asked quietly. Rukky raised his eyes to hers, this he can answer without worry. “Yes, I do. I like her very, very much. And Stella likes her too. I know because she told me so herself.” He dropped the slightly wet weed he had in his hand. “And I know she likes us too. And she likes daddy and you too, grandma.” Mummy Dafe nodded, smiling. “I like her too.” “I think daddy likes her too – very much.” He confided lowering his voice. “He’s always looking at her...” He broke off, searching his mind for the perfect comparison. Then his eyes lit up. “Like in Shrek, when Shrek was always looking at Princess Fiona and she’d be looking at him too.” He made puppy-dog eyes and giggled. Mummy Dafe laughed. “You are a way-too bright boy, you know that?” Rukky grinned. “That’s because I look like my beautiful mummy who is now in heaven.” Mummy Dafe smiled and nodded. “Indeed you do.” She shook her head and nodded again. “And you know what, I think she would have liked Elizabeth if she was here now.” His eyes rounded. He didn’t really remember his real mummy. All he knew of her was from pictures and what daddy and grandma or Aunty Olivette told him and Stella about her. But it would be really nice if she liked the person he liked too. “You really think so, grandma?” He asked, awed. “You think my mummy likes Miss Elizabeth?” Mummy Dafe laughed softly. “Well, if she was still here, she would have liked her... but she’d in heaven now...” “She will still like her.” He interjected with certainty. “People in heaven does see everything and everyone here on earth. So my mummy will be seeing Miss Elizabeth right now, and she will like her.” His brown eyes glowed with awe and excitement as he thought of this... he hadn’t before. Mummy Dafe looked at the little boy who so reminds her of her gone daughter and felt the prickle of tears. But she only blinked and smiled widely. “Yes, she is seeing her now and she likes her... of that I am sure.” Because she’ll know that she is the right mother for you and your sister. The thought so pleased Rukky that he gave a little whoop. “Yay! That means that I am right in playing... matchmaker.” “Why are you playing matchmaker?” Stella wanted to know coming up from the side of the house, a bucket of water in hand. “That’s because I am trying to get daddy and Miss Elizabeth to like each other.” Rukky answered, turning smiling face to her. Stella dropped the bucket and stooped down beside him. “Oh that’s easy – they already like each other. It is getting them to get married that is the tough one.” Mummy Dafe laughed, loud and merry. “I see we’ve got two matchmakers here.” Stella smiled. “No, I’m not matchmaking o. I’m just watching and praying.” She said a wise look in her young eyes. “Hmm, that’s a different approach. So, you like Elizabeth too?” Mummy Dafe asked studying her granddaughter closely. Her smile widened. “I like her very much. She’s is really very nice and always ready to help me with my lessons if I have any difficulties even when she’s not my teacher. And when we were sick, she helped daddy to look after us.” She paused and hung her head. “Besides, you can see that she truly likes us by the way she looks at both of us.” When her grandmother arched her brows, she tried to explain. “She looks at us with soft, smiling, happy eyes... like you and Aunty Olivette looks at us... even like daddy looks at us.” “It is because she has pretty, big eyes – so when she looks at you and really likes you – you will know.” Rukky chimed in. Mummy Dafe felt her eyes mist over again, the kids knew that Elizabeth loved them. Hmm, what more could a mother pray for... or a grandmother? “This is all good.” She said nodding her head. “And that is why we have to keep watching and praying and hoping for the best.” “And playing matchmaker too.” Rukky piped grinning from ear-to-ear. Stella and Mummy Dafe laughed. “And that too.” Mummy Dafe agreed with a wink. “Now, let’s see if we can play good gardeners and see how many of our flowers will survive our nurture and care.” “Yes ma’am.” Rukky beamed quickly bending over to continue his by- hand weeding. Stella joined in, no more irritated that she had to get her hands and fingers dirty with the slightly wet and muddy garden ridge. He was leaning against the squarish edge of the slab, enjoying her easy, fluid movements as she scooped out the sizeably-cut deep-fried fish into a silver-frame platter. All scooped out, she came towards the slab, platter in hand. Her subtle feminine perfume whiffed over him as she swept past to lay the platter on the slab. “Oh my, those are so slickly inviting.” He drawled unfolding his hands to rest them over the cool, hard granite surface. “Hands off, Mr. taste-and-see-if-it’s-well-seasoned.” She warned finishing off the green pepper she’d left half-way sliced. “But as the executive chef here in this kitchen of mine, I think I should have a taste to make sure your cooking is up to my standard.” He intoned still eyeing the dark-brown gleaming fish parts. “Watch that creeping hand, mister. Or I’ll knock it down to size.” He kept his eyes on her, edging his hand forward. “Oh my gosh!” He drawled lustily. “I just love it when a lady threatens me. It makes me want to dare the impossible.” She chuckled. “That was not a threat or a dare. That was me flashing you the keep-off sign.” “Ah.” He grinned as she looked busy chopping a garlic stalk. “But it so sounded like a threat and besides these are so tempting and utterly irresistible.” His fingers were skimping over the edge of the platter, nearly touching the still-hot round centre. In one swift side turn, she lifted the cooking spoon on top her tray and smacked him with it. “Ouch!” He howled, snatching back his hand and rubbing it feverishly. “That hurt.” She only arched a brow. “It was meant to. I warned you... twice.” He glared at her no-nonsense eyes. “And it’s my injured hand too.” He grumbled looking down at the plastered finger. “Now it hurts more than ever.” It didn’t. And the smack hadn’t been that hard. “I think you should be all contrite and apologise to me.” He declared. She let out a snigger. “I most certainly shall not.” She said adjusting her body so her back almost rested against the slab. “For one thing - I warned you - and for another – the spoon didn’t even touch your fingers.” “It did too.” He disputed angling his body to face her. “And as a matter-of-fact I demand you kiss it better.” He raised the plastered finger to her face. She wanted to knock aside the finger and laugh it off but his dark- brown eyes had this intense glint that belied his light tone and the laughter stuck in her throat. She looked back at him, her own eyes wide and soulful. “Or maybe I should kiss you better.” Caleb said in a deep, husky voice leaning his head towards her. When his mouth closed over hers, Elizabeth let out a deep-throated moan and closed her eyes. Gosh! She’d been longing to feel his soft, plump and utterly masculine lips again since their date night. She parted her lips and allowed him in, entwining her tongue with his as he leisurely explored her mouth. Her instant, unpretentious response had been unexpected and it keeled him over the edge. He found himself groaning as he rocked on his feet, pleasure and passion swishing through his body as their tongues grazed and entangled in communion. Needing to find a balance he raised his hand and placed them on her waist, gently caressing. A tingle burned through her sides where his hands stroked and kneaded ever-so-gently. Feeling herself sway, she edged back and pushed her hands backward against the slab. The spoon in her hand knocked against the granite surface and clanging sound jolted her. Almost instantly she snapped open her eyes and pushed out of his arms. “Oh my God! What are we doing?” She blurted out, her expression horrified. “We shouldn’t be doing this here. What if the children had come in ... or Mummy Dafe for that matter?” Elizabeth ran quavering hands through her pulled-back hair, feeling flushed and dewy all over. She didn’t know which was worse, recklessly kissing Caleb in his kitchen or being caught by his children or mother-in-law. What would they have thought of her, for heaven’s sake? Caleb watched her all flustered and mortified with amused eyes. He was not in the least repentant. “You are right.” He casually stepped back, because he still wanted to kiss her. “We shouldn’t be doing this here. We should be doing it somewhere else.” She gaped at him, open-mouthed. He looked calm and unperturbed and amused. “Somewhere else?” Caleb almost laughed because she spat out the words like he was asking her to go spend a night with him at a motel. “Mmm hmm. Somewhere more... private.” That sent panic into her eyes. So he added with a wink. “Like maybe in the car, like hormone-raging teenagers do.” “We are not hormone-raging teenagers.” She snapped, wishing she didn’t find the audacious proposal so tempting. He lifted his shoulders carelessly. “Well, I don’t know. I feel like my entire system is on a skyrocketing jump here. You got emotions racing furiously through me, I feel even more reckless than a teenager.” She opened her mouth to say something about his gut-ripping admission and then shut it again when she couldn’t think of a thing to say. Unless of course she wanted to admit she felt practically the same – which she did not. “You are totally unbelievable.” She said nudging him aside. Caleb decided to take advantage of her nervous state and swiped up a piece of fish from the platter. “And while my hand is all better now, thanks to your magical kiss, I still think I should have a taste of the fish and give you my verdict, sous chef.” She stared at him as he swaggered to the opposite side of the slab and slid into the stool, munching away at the fish in his hand. “You are a troublemaker, Caleb Onofighe.” She shook her head, sweeping up her tray of chopped vegetables and marching towards the swishing pot on the fire. “I’m just going to finish up here and then leave you to your mischief making.” Caleb chuckled as he took another bite of the perfectly seasoned fish. His eyes were tailed on her as she opened the lid and pushed the vegetables into the steaming pot. Yeah, he was truly feeling like a mischief-making moon-eyed lover who couldn’t get enough of his lady-love. God, she looked so perfect standing in front of his gas cooker, fiddling away with his pot, pans and every other cooking utensil. And it felt so good having to just sit and enjoy her company. And that kiss had really been hormone-raging, dang! Hmm, maybe it was time they went on their second date, he mused finishing off the fish. Watchout for episode 24
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 16:31:14 +0000

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