TITLE: The Tri-paternal son EPISODE: 23 AUTHOR: Mynd The - TopicsExpress


TITLE: The Tri-paternal son EPISODE: 23 AUTHOR: Mynd The leader of the spirits took the body of the Apena and the Apena felt more power than he could imagine. He saw things that existed before him and intangible things such as light and air appeared tangible and then they all heard a laugh. With the laugh came a cold voice. A voice devoid of all emotions and was as cold as ice but it also came with power. The voice made small rocks vibrate and the air blew in a confusing form. “You left your houses and covens this early to come fight me? I am sorry but you only came here to meet death. It would have been better if you stayed in your homes and with your families and said goodbye to them for when you were walking here, I had gone into the village and fulfilled my vow to kill everyone living there. Man, woman and child alike are all dead. Perhaps if you had been there with them, you might have comforted them and been able to say your goodbyes. You cannot stop their death as that is impossible but you could have been comforted with your own death as you would die. You would all die and there will be no one to see your bodies”. “Show yourself coward”. The queen said. The voice came back but this time, it had no humor in it. “Me, a coward? You came here with an army to fight only me and I am the coward? You shiver at the feeling of my power and my voice brings cold to your nerves and yet I am the coward? You think you can kill me but before me, you are mere mortals. To me, you are as powerless as little ants and there in nothing that can be done to me. My powers are beyond your understanding and you cannot hurt me. Your little magic will simply be like water to a duck’s back to me. If I should show myself, you are more likely to bow down out of fear than fight me” The witches were growing impatient and Awero replied. “You have been speaking of your power all this while and yet you are hiding behind rocks. We control all elements of nature and fear is not bred in us. You think your powers are stronger than ours and yet you hide and send your voice to do what you should do. Why not come out and see if you are strong as you think” The queen stood there watching the surrounding hoping to catch a glimpse of the person behind the voice. She had already told one of her sisters to send some energy to track the source of the voice and knew it was only a matter of time before she gets where it was coming from and then, she intends to strike it with just one spell and be done. She did not care what the Ogboni said about seeking peace and was really not interested in the source of the powers she was feeling from him. he had killed her sisters and also killed the villagers although she could not say if what he said about killing everyone in the village was true or not. Right there, all she wanted was justice for her sisters and she would get it before she leaves even if it means losing her life. The Apena could not decide what to do. The purpose of coming there was first to make peace with the person behind it but when he said he had killed the remaining villagers, he had sent a spirit back and the news that was brought back was not one he liked. Every one of the villagers had been killed with blood oozing out of every bore on their face. He began to regret coming out so early as he thought. “Perhaps if we had stayed a little longer, we might have stopped the killings, The spirit within him seemed to have a different idea. “He would still have done it and you won’t be able to resist him. At least now that we have numbers, we might be able to fight him so he does not move on to another village. We have to stand and fight this to the end” The probe came back to the witch tracking the voice and immediately, the queen wasted no time as she raised her hands and a burst of light went out of her hand into the rock where the voice was coming from. The light did not seem like much but the impact was felt by everyone and it even made the air around it come ablaze as though they were on fire. The rock which was the target burst into flames and was reduced to pieces not bigger than specks of sand. Where the huge piece of rock stood earlier was reduced to bare ground. Considering that the rock was more than 4 feet in diameter, Lekan found himself shocked. In place of the rock, a man stood. His dressing was simple unlike what Lekan and his companions saw the previous day and he seemed surprised that his cover had been blown but he showed no signs of fear. He stood looking at them and was about to say something when the Butcher who was standing right behind the Apena raised his staff and sent a ball of fire towards him. The ball started small and on impact with the man, it turned into a huge fire but it stopped almost as fast as it started as the man walked casually towards them. He was bare-footed but his feet did not seem to touch the ground and he slowly moved towards them. “I have to admit, I underestimated the power of you, queen, your spells are quite strong but do you think it will be strong enough to defeat me? Here is a little taste of it” He raised his right hand and a huge rock was lifted from the ground and hurled at the witches by an unseen force. The witches face did not change but Lekan shivered as the rock came towards them. The rock barely made it half way before one of the witches raised her eyes and shot out fire from it, melting the rock into liquid. Immediately, another blew towards the molten rock whichwas still suspended and the cold air turned it solid as it turned into grains of sand and the wind simply blew them past the witches as the queen’s voice came through. “Throwing rocks? It seems you do not know who it is you are up against” The man smiled. “That was just a teaser to see what you can offer. Believe me, there is more and better surprises coming towards you” A barrage of energy came from the Ogboni members towards the man. The energy consisting of each elements were hurled at him at great speeds and he fell to the ground as he found himself wrapped in a bubble with a mixture of water, fire and wind attacking him inside the bubble. The elements took shapes of huge human hands and threw punches at the man whilst inside the bubble as the members had their hands stretched towards the bubble and their concentration was on him. The attacks continued for a few seconds and then the man stood straight inside the bubble. The attacks seized and the bubble burst. He landed on his feet and looked towards the members. “I used to be a part of you once and we used to bind spirits then too. Unfortunately for you eni ba mo ati wa e lo ma mo ati lo e (It is he who knows how it comes that knows how it will go)” He looked straight at them and spoke some incantations. The effect of the incantations could not be seen but some seconds later, the Apena felt like his inside were being torn to pieces and he screamed into the morning. Seconds later, he felt ordinary as he saw the spirits which had possessed them earlier standing in front of them and then he heard the voice of the man. “You spirits hear my voice and obey it, kill the members” With that, the spirits attacked the Ogboni with all they had. Fire and wind blew all around while the witches prepared a spell towards the man. The man turned to the witches just as several strands of energy left their hands and struck him and he was thrown back towards the rocks. He tried to stand up but was hit by another spell from the queen and at the sametime, Awero sent a huge ball of fire towards him. The space in front of the hill had turned into the scene of what looked like a war as the Ogboni battled their own spirits and the witches tried to hurt Akanni whose skin did not seem to break even with the constant attack coming from the witches. Akanni raise his hands and a sort of shield appeared around him, he raised his right hand and a spear made of energy shot out of his hand and was driven into one of the witches as she slumped into the ground and died. One of the witches looked to her side and tried to pick up the dead witch but was shocked when she looked and saw a huge rattle snake beside her. The snake got to at least 70 feet and the diameter was shocking, she tried to pull back and the snake went for her, bit her at the neck and held on. The queen did not bother looking towards her falling sisters as she and Awero had formed a massive rock ade of energy and attempted to throw it towards Akanni. Akanni held his hand up and the rock stood in the air, the remaining two witches joined their strength to try to press the rock on as the witch which was bitten by the snake died. The snake dropped her and went towards the witches and in its path was Lekan. The snake came towards him fast and not having anything in its way but trees. It navigated through them and Lekan tried to run but was tripped by a branch hanging out of the ground and he fell to the ground. He looked back to see the huge snake a few meters away from him as it took a plunge backward in an attempt to strike and then it came forward. Its speed was high and its mouth was opened. as it was about biting Lekan, the amulet on his chest became red as a light shone out of it. The snake stopped as it tried to understand the light. It was partly blinded by it and almost as sudden as the light shone, something came out of the amulet, Mila. Milas black body jumped out of the amulet and she went straight for the snake. The both of them got tangled up as a fight ensured between them while Lekan, for the first time ever, was glad he saw Mila. Her mouth was clamped on the huge rattlesnake’s body and she did not let go but the snake rolled all over the ground and Mila was forced to release her. The two snakes faced one another and the rattlesnake tried to deal a blow on Mila but she ducked. The rattlesnake was bigger and looked stronger but Mila was faster and with each blow from the snake that she ducked, she delivered her’s and she did not miss; not once. The witches were still in a battle with Akanni while a lot of the Ogboni members were already dead. Akanni dodged a blow from the witches and he threw a ball of fire between them. The fire engulfed one of them and she screamed in pain. The queen stooped trying to attack him and spoke a spell towards the battling Ogboni members and the spirits and a lot of the spirits caught fire. Some of them stopped attacking and fled but some fought on. The members too had gone weary of fighting as some of them gave up and died faster that the spirits killed them. Now the witches were reduced to just three and even they grew tired and Akanni did not seem to be tired. They had tried every spell they knew and none had much effect on him. He was not even bleeding but the queen could see blood ooze from the head of the third witch as she had been struck by a rock thrown at her by Akanni. Another rock came from nowhere and she stumbled and fell to the ground while Mila and the huge rattlesnake were still caught up in their fight. The rattle snake was bleeding from the several wounds Mila had inflicted on it while Mila was unscathed. She was not even tired as she continued fighting while Lekan was rooted to the ground as he watched the fight in horror. The sun was out and shinning down at them, the sky devoid of clouds and the very air smelt of sulphur. Akanni stood some distance away. “Most of your company is dead, give up this fight and I might spare your lives” “Hours ago, you said you will kill us all and now, you say you would spare us. Did we strike you somewhere that hurts?” Awero replied. “The queen cut in and said, we will not stop until we avenge the death of our sisters you killed and if we die doing so, we don’t mind” “If it is death you choose, I will give it to you”. With that, Akanni raised his hands in the air and a ball of fire formed between his palms, he spoke some words into them and was about to throw it when the air around suddenly got charged and a blinding bolt of lightning ripped from the cloudless sky. It was almost as if the lightning came from nowhere and it struck Akanni where he stood. He screamed in pain and horror for the first time and even the witches were surprised. They did not know where the lightning came from. “Is this the work of Sango or what is this?” The queen asked. She had barely finished her sentence when Ojoade appeared from another within a bolt of lightning holding in his hand the ose of the great god Sango. “So you are the one who killed the whole village including my son. This is the day you join them.” The queen looked at him and was sure it was Ojoade but his features were different. He was no longer the old doctor she knew who her leader told to help out. His features looked like that of the man she has been fighting except that he was on her side. His eyes shone red and his hands burned with bright orange. He came in company of two spirits and they seemed not affected by the spell that affected the other ones as the started attacking Akanni immediately. Ojoade walked to the witches. “Are you okay, I was overwhelmed with the grief of my son and could not muster my strength on time but I am here now. He is going to die for making me bury my only son. He turned me into a banana tree without offspring to replace me when I go.” The spirits had already started engaging Akanni but he was too strong. He created a vortex and sucked the younger one into it. He was about to hit the older one when Awero hit him with another fireball. He turned to her and was about to say something when the queen shot a long arrow from raw energy towards him, the arrow did not seem to do much but Ojoade summoned lightning down and Akanni was hurled against the rocks. He stood up and felt something warm on his cheeks; he was bleeding. Akanni wiped the blood away with his right hand and made his left fingers into a fist. Awero felt as if that fist was inside her as her insides turned and she convulsed. The spirit sent a rock which the queen had lit towards him and it struck him with being able block it but it was too late as Awero fell to the ground. Mila at this point had killed the rattlesnake and rushed towards Awero. “Take her away to my chamber Mila and see if you can help her” the queen shouted as Mila swallowed Awero and sped fast into the forest towards the Queens’s hut. The rock hit Akanni and he felt a pain rip through his body and he felt his rage rise. He got up and formed a rope of energy threw it towards the spirit and pulled it close. The spirit which had always hid its face in its hood was drawn towards the man and felt the energy inside it drain and when it was close enough to Akanni, it pulled up its hood and looked into Akanni’s eyes. Akanni felt as though he was falling into an abyss as he the spirit turned its greatest weapon against him. He felt pain inside himself and also fear rise within him. The spirit was sucking the life out of Akanni and Ojoade and the queen were attacking him at the same time. He might have let go of the spirit but felt himself coming back to life as the strand of energy around was killing the spirit. It fell to the ground slowly as its immaterial body became lost to the wind. Akanni turned towards Ojoade and the queen. “Just the two of you and that weakling on the ground left to die” On the hill where Ojoade and Babatunde lived, the fight on the other hill could not be seen except for the lightning and the flashes made by the balls of fire being thrown at one another. The hill was quiet and the grave Ojoade had dug for his son was there without a marker. Suddenly, the ground started shaking and the sand over Babatunde’s body moved away first slowly and then very fast until all the sand had moved away and all that was left in the hole was the body of Babtunde wrapped in a mat which his father buried him with. The body floated out of the grave and caught fire as the body fell to the ground and the boy stood up. Each strand of hair on his head stood and he felt some new kind of power flowing within his veins. The places where blood had oozed out showed no evidence of bleeding as all evidence of the previous day disappeared. His body was soiled by the sand which was thrown over him as were his clothes. There was sand on his head, nostrils and ears and his shoeless feet was also soiled with it. He felt the bones of his hand get creaky as a result of them being held in the same place for a long time and his tongue dried as a result of the lack of moisture. His eyes were still closed as he stood on the plains just feet away from his grave and he stretched his hands sideways as his stiffened bones cranked into place. He spread his fingers and the sound they made broke the silence a little and he attempted to walk. In the distant hill, the battle was still going on and even with the sun already up ahead, the flashes could be seen and the remnants of the used up energy filled everywhere including the hill which Tunde stood. He tried to open his eyes and for the first time, he felt the dirt on his skin as they felt irritating. He raised his hand to his face to brush them off and even before his hand reached his face, a bright light shone from inside him. With the light came a huge force and all the dirt lingering on him and his clothes were blown away immediately leaving him spotlessly clean. He opened his eyes and closed them back as the sun was not merciful on them. He squinted a little and gradually opened his eyes as they got used to the brightness. He looked down to his feet and saw that he was not standing on the ground but he was suspended a few inches above the ground. At first fear took him but he saw that he could actually control the force holding him as he descended to the ground by just thinking about it. He could not understand what was happening to him as he felt strong; stronger than he had every felt in his life but still he could feel every inch of his body as normal as they ever was. There was a strange feeling around him and when he looked closely, he saw that there was a sort of barely visible strands which encased him. The strands formed a circle and they prevented even the wind from touching his body. He looked towards his home and saw what was left of the house and a feeling of sadness enveloped him. Quickly he moved to go towards the house and he found out that instead of walking, he flew towards it with great speed. “Father” He called out but got no reply. He looked around again hoping to see if his father was anywhere close by and saw nothing. There was no one around as the whole place was deserted and that was when he heard thunder coming from the hillsthat were supposed to have been blasted. He moved to the edge of the hill and looked down and saw that the forest that used to be down below had been burnt to the ground with only the stems of few trees remaining. The forest down was visible but the hill was not as it was enveloped in smoke and nothing got out of it. A bolt of lightning ran down from the cloudless sky into the smoke and there was a deafening sound of thunder came with the lightning that he could not understand. He moved back a little away from the edge and wondered what could be happening down there and he felt drawn to it. He remembered part of what had happened that the hill was supposed to be blasted and he thought of staying away but he was drawn to it by another force. It was almost as if he was being pulled towards the hill down below. He pulled back and resisted and moved towards the house confused as to what was happening and then he heard his father’s voice from down below. The voice said nothing but it was screaming as though in severe pain and he turned towards the edge once again. He looked down below and tried to look into the smoke but it was too strong. He noticed that there were flashes of light coming from inside the smoke but he could not make out any shapes or figures and then he heard another scream. This time, the voice was a female voice and it added to his confusion. He turned his back to the hill thinking he was hearing the wind but the voice was so distinct to be anything else but his father’s. He turned towards the sounds again and thought of what to do. “Perhaps father is trapped in the fire down below or he went looking for me and was arrested by the security” he thought to himself. “I will have to go down there to see what I can do to help him” The fire had already cleared most of the trees which made descending through that point impossible but Tunde had no other choice than to go downhill from there. His walking was slow as he tried to avoid the roots there so as not to cut his leg as he was not wearing any shoes. He moved down slowly but his left leg was caught by a twig and he fell to the ground. He put his hands forward instinctively to break his fall and was about to hit the ground when he discovered that he was hovering above the ground again and the strands around him were even thicker than before. He looked at his hands and discovered that the color had changed to almost white as he floated. He got up without his hands touching the ground to support him and even when he stood, he was floating. He tried to move his legs but they did not much good as they were suspended and they did not move him forward. He thought of his father in trouble and he noticed that he moved forward a little. He looked towards the hill and thought of moving and he discovered that he could move but not with his body but by merely thinking about moving and so he channeled his thoughts towards the smoke and went as fast as he could. The speed he went with itself made him almost fall dizzy within the strands. The battle at the foot of the hill had gone on for hours and the bodies of Ojoade and the queen were beginning to fail as a result of too much energy passing through them. Ojoade was not cut on any part of his body but with each bolt of lightning, he felt his bone aches. His skin was getting dry as the immortal powers threatened to destroy his mortal body. He tied as much as possible to keep it together as his enemy too was bleeding on his face and some part of his skin was parched due to the fireballs hurled at him. Ojoade brought down another series of lightning from the sky and it struck Akanni. The witch queen knew she could not go on for longer. She would either have to abandon the fight soon or the powers she was wielding would destroy her and she would die. If she had been 20 years younger, she would have been able to continue the fight but right now she was weakened by age and it was telling on her face and her body. Her garment still shone and the strength behind her spells were as powerful as when the battle started but she grew weak and the enemy was not showing signs of dying yet. The bolt struck Akanni and he fell to the ground. He felt another cut on his skin and he knew his defenses were beginning to fade away. His powers were much but the thunderer’s powers was something he could not imagine. He thought he might be a worshiper of the god but no worshipper even in his time had such powers that could almost be equal to the god himself. The strength of the lightning was biting into the fabric of his strength and tearing it to bits slowly. Akanni got to his feet and was about to raise some spell when he felt a bolt of light in form of a rope wrap itself around him. He looked towards Ojoade and Ojoade was holding on with his right hand to the other hand of the light. With his left hand, Ojoade raised the Ose and lightning came rushing from the sky and struck Akanni and he screamed. He felt the rope loosen itself and just as he was about to move away, fire flew through the wind from the witch’s hands and burnt his skin. He had used some of his shield on the lightning and the fire burnt him. He felt the fire inside him as part of his garment started to burn. It was obvious the witch was digging into a source of strength he had not seen or witnessed since the fight started and this scared him. He tried to move away from the line of the fire but he was immobile as with the fire came a spell of immobility. The witch attacked Akanni with all her might. She knew she was approaching her end and she might not be able to kill him but she was determined to do one thing before she dies; make him weak enough to be killed. Her head ached and a pain ripped through her heart but she still held on and continued the attack. Seconds ran by and she felt the power in her dim out and she fell into darkness and lost all senses but a part of her held on the attack until she was lost completely. Watchout for episode 24 Target: 10 likes
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 20:04:02 +0000

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