TKAG Press Release: TKAG CALLS ON KAROO DWELLERS TO STAND TOGETHER Treasure Karoo Action Group Media Release 28 October 2014 Jeanie Le Roux, Director of Operations for Treasure Karoo Action Group (TKAG) told journalists today that the lobby group was ‘closely monitoring’ the conduct and process of the State in connection with the issuing of regulations on shale gas mining and the processing of exploration licenses. We stand ready, with our alliance partner, AfriForum, to take legal action if it is required. After a briefing by the Department of Minerals to the Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources today, Le Roux remarked that the Department (of Minerals) appeared uncoordinated and failed to adequately answer a number of questions by committee members. This observation was made by other attendees of the meeting as well. TKAG is receiving legal advice and was told that some of the recent developments, which include processing of applications, may be in breach of the MPRDA. A situation, which at the beginning of 2011 appeared to be a virtual ‘slam-dunk’ for exploration licenses has developed fully four years later into an approach that is a little bit more measured and careful. Several legislative hurdles and a general lack of clarity remain unresolved. “Royal Dutch Shell and other applicants have been compelled to revise their plans a number of times over 4 years, and still have to satisfy a plethora of legal and operational hurdles, said Le Roux. “TKAG, as a mandated representative of thousands of South Africans is still not satisfied with the level of scientific [and economic] analysis of fracking, nor of the ability of the government to control mining and enforce mining laws in general, especially with regards to shale gas, although we believe that there have been slight improvements compared to what the situation was like four years ago.” Le Roux said that the public, including directly affected farmers may now have another opportunity to engage with applicants and the state prior to the issue of regulations and licenses for exploration. “TKAG encourages all persons who may consider themselves to be interested and or affected parties to make good use of the forthcoming consultations and environmental impact assessments. Get informed, pitch up and make yourself heard,” she urged. “TKAG has researched shale gas for 4 years and all of our information is available.” “Companies and those with a financial interest in seeing a development proceed will logically try to make things sound and look as attractive as possible. Le Roux cautioned farmers not to permit oil companies to control access to the land on which they sought to operate, saying that “Oil and Gas companies in America use every trick that they can to keep media and environmentalists away from fracking operations. Do not sign an agreement that allows and oil company to stop you and your visitors moving around on your own land. Get sound legal advice before signing any deals or agreements” “As part of our operations TKAG intends to document a range of conditions before and after fracking takes place in areas where companies intend to explore and potentially frack. Through this South Africa will be able to determine whether or not the promises of the applicants and government will have been fulfilled.” TKAG is a small non-profit organization that requires financial support from the public to ensure accountability in the discourse on shale gas. /ENDS Jonathan Deal CEO 076 838 5150 023 358 9903 [email protected] Jeanie le Roux Director of Operations 072 959 1818 [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 15:14:56 +0000

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