TNN - Downtown Merchants Association Reinvents Itself 8/29/2014 - TopicsExpress


TNN - Downtown Merchants Association Reinvents Itself 8/29/2014 Todd D. Lederer - Editor Approximately 30 Business and property owners from Center St. gathered for a meeting last night, supported by City Staff and encouraged by the Taft Chamber of Commerce, in their effort to form a new association. The following is a brief overview of that meeting. The downtown area is most often the focal point of any town, often it is the first place visitors seek out, and as a result can often be a determining factor in a visitors perception of a town. The popular term Main St. USA exemplifies this point. Downtown Taft was the hub of the community for decades, as can be seen in historical pictures that hang in numerous businesses around town, such as Jos Restaurant and KC Photography. The hope of this association is to return Center St. once again into the destination place it once was, for both, visitors and residents. The meeting started with a presentation by Mayor Paul Linder, (man of many hats), of course he was wearing his Oildorado hat, and he presented on that topic. Coming up next year, there is much to be done and persons wishing to volunteer and get involved, are encouraged to do so. Taft Business and Property owner Paul Joyce, made a presentation to the group. Paul and his brother Gary are the Get er Done kind of people. The Joyce brothers own the historic Mercantile building on Main St. where the last portion of 5th St. remains, but not for long. Working with an architect, they have the drawings to extend the new 5th St. Park up to Main St. Not only did the Joyces pay for the drawings but are willing to pay for construction of the park, making theirs, a considerable commitment to the redevelopment of the downtown area. Paul discussed during another meeting today that him and his brother have purchased properties in Taft and have an interest in seeing Taft grow and be successful. City Planning Director, Mark Staples, and City Manager, Craig Jones, were on hand, and offered suggestions to the group of prospective projects and activities which the city could assist in supporting. Staples and Jones discussed future improvement projects the city has planned for the area, for instance, Center St. is set to be repaved in November. One project the association wants to start right away, is a landscaping beautification project. Handouts given at the beginning of the meeting showed drawings of how the existing planters on Center St. could be enhanced by planting additional foliage. Other ideas such as Christmas decorating could be handled by the group. Also discussed was how to address buildings that have been left vacant by owners, many who no longer live in the area. There are steps that can be taken to encourage building owners to maintain their property and recently ordinances have been passed with just that goal in mind. While there are certainly opportunities for improvement by several business and building owners, there currently are businesses downtown that have maintained a style and presentation, that if duplicated along the street, would certainly attract favorable attention. The business, Personal Style is a great example of maintaining the heritage look of Taft with a modern, up to date twist. Both the business and the building are owned by long time downtown merchant, Vickie Gregory. Vickie spends a considerable amount of time and resources keeping her property presentable, if not inviting to those who pass by. Vickie was also instrumental in making last nights meeting possible through her involvement and leadership of the downtown association over the years. Last night however, she chose to hand the reins over, as the once informal gathering of individual business owners is now becoming a formal association. Michael Long, owner of the Black Gold Restaurant was seen going business to business in the days prior to last nights meeting, encouraging other business owners to participate. Not surprising, he was nominated and accepted, the presidency of the newly formed Downtown Merchants Association. Downtown, as defined during the meeting, is limited to the areas between the alleyways running parallel to either side of Center St., and beginning at 2nd St. extending to 10th St. When discussion was heard regarding participation, one sentiment heard shared was, it should be encouraged if not required. The Taft Chamber of Commerce was represented by Director, Kathy Orrin and Shannon Jones. The pair seemed jubilant with the attendance of the meeting. Ms. Jones explained that the Chambers resources, in respect to time constraints was spreading thin and that the formation of the association would benefit business owners in giving them greater control over events and activities affecting the group. For now, the newly organized association is operating as a group under the Chambers umbrella until necessary documents can be drafted.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:42:30 +0000

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