***TO EASE THE MINDS OF ALL SCENTSY CUSTOMERS AND POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS*** From Orville, from the Director Page Orville Thompson typed: Scentsy has been implicated in a couple fires, and there have been warmers that have shorted out, but never a fire. If you think about it, a fire needs fuel. Used properly, there is no fuel to burn. An electrical spark might happen (usually caused by the wrong wattage of lightbulb softening the insulation between the wires in the cord or an electrical surge most common in older homes), but without fuel, you cant get a fire. Have you ever seen a boy scout learn how to start a fire? Its hard. It requires a spark, yes, but without tinder and kindling and perfect conditions, a box of matches cant start a fire! Whats the point? Keep flammable materials at least an inch away from your warmer. If your warmer is on a delicate surface, use a stand. If you spill wax (fuel) inside your warmer, dont use it until you clean it out. If you live in an older home, make sure your circuit breakers and wiring are properly grounded and up to code, and always use a properly sized with proper wattage lightbulb designed for your warmer. True, we have sold tens of millions of warmers, and we know that sometime, somewhere, someone with poorly grounded wiring and a faulty circuit breaker will put the wrong size bulb in a warmer that is set on top of a pile of very old newspapers next to a leaking oxygen generator. A power surge in the neighborhood will cause all heck to break loose and Scentsy will be blamed. We pray every night that doesnt happen, and we follow every legal precaution to teach people how to be safe--not because Scentsy Warmers are dangerous, but because electricity must be respected at all times. Lastly, ask a statistician how many near misses and full blown fires one could expect from 40 million people burning wicked scented candles night and day for years. Safety is always comparative--something is only unsafe compared to something else? Anyone who says Scentsy isnt safe lacks either integrity, intellect, or both. The world requires all of us to take on a level of risk just to live. (Its risky to breath polluted air, but is it an option not to breathe?) Intelligent people, responsible laws and government regulation, and respectable companies place bounds on risk so that we can both live, and live well! Scentsy isnt perfect, but will always be responsible.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:41:01 +0000

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