TO GOD BE THE GLORY !!! Praise report ! My husband is a prostate - TopicsExpress


TO GOD BE THE GLORY !!! Praise report ! My husband is a prostate Cancer survivor. Its been 8 years since he took his last treatments . He went in for test about 4 months ago and was told that his cancer had returned but this time was considered metastatic .Metastatic cancer is cancer that has spread from the place where it first started to another place in the body. The doctor says there are two lesions now in other places . I say (the doctor ) because that is what he says , we dont accept any bad report . We believe the report of The Lord and we stand on GODs promises of good health and healing on our lives . My husband refused treatment. On that day I heard The Lord say he will live and not die! We prayed and the allowed The Lord to lead us . We sought alternative treatments because we did not agree with the doctor with his diagnosis or treatment . There is no cure for cancer and the treatments are often times worse than the disease . The cancer normally is not what kills the person. It often times everything else they are dealing with due to a compromised Immune system from the treatments . The past 4 months my husband has been on the Hallelujah recovery diet , eating all organic foods , he has been receiving Accupuncture and taking numerous cancer gigging and immune boosting supplements . There has been a complete overhaul of his diet . He lost 30 lbs in less than a month . Well we have been anticipating his next appt . He had his levels checked the other day and his levels were still up slightly but we were not moved by what we see . We were still claiming victory over this situation . He had a consultation with the same doctor today and the doctor said he was astounded that my husbands levels were not higher . He had been expecting them to be worse considering the way they were climbing the last time he had them checked . He said the progression time between his level rising appears to be decreasing . He said that the rate in which his levels were rising had dramatically slowed . He told us to keep doing what we were doing and come back in 3 months to have them checked again . I was like thats it , there is nothing we need to do ( considering everything he was throwing at us last time ) . He said No, what you are doing appears to be working . Just come back in a few months and he will check him again. I felt so elated ! Darrell hugged and kissed me right in front of the doctor . So , so happy !! He had a smile like I have never seen !! We were shouting and rejoicing and I could not wait to get to the car and start calling everyone. THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR PRAYER WARRIORS !! We thank you so much . Its been a rough few months but we kept our faith and stood firm on his word . We continue to claim victory over this situation and my husband will be completely restored ! Please continue to hold him up and keep our family in prayer ! Psalm 34:15, 17 The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and His ears are open to their cry. When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their distress and troubles. #whosreportwillyoubelieve
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 02:18:08 +0000

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