TO MY DEAR BROTHER BIMBO DARAMOLA........AND HOW NOT TO GOVERN EKITI PEOPLE ! With the events that has happened within these few days preceding the election and through it and its aftermath till now, I can only continue to give THANKS to God the Almighty for His Mercies. First and foremost from the night before the election day that Armed men of Nigerian services (Army, Police, Civil Defense ......) came to terrorize and brutalise us at our country home but fortunately still left us as living beings to tell the story ...... Glory be to God and may His name remain ever blessed for ever and evermore. My dear brother, the message I sent to you the following day even though you failed to reply me even till now read thus..... To God be THANKS & GLORY that today we are not SORROWING, CRYING & MOURNING over any of us. You have given your BEST but Ekiti people have said differently. We ALL have lessons to learn. POLITICS IS STILL LARGELY CRUDE & UGLY WITH US IN THIS ENVIRONMENT. MAY HIS GRACE NEVER LEAVE US TO THE DICTATES OF ENEMIES. Amen & Amen-MistyB In the message above, I have intentionally put a sentence--- WE ALL HAVE LESSONS TO LEARN. Yes like one of those things I STRONGLY BELIEVE in is, whether we like it or not, we shall ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS become: ONCE UPON A TIME........ and what would be left of and for us is what we have been able to do or not with the time so ALLOTTED to us. Now the Ekiti Gubernatorial election have come and gone and the results have been declared and since then it has been a subject of discourse for so many and views and opinions have been expressed from different quarters. Many have expressed SHOCKS AND SURPRISE at the outcome but to many who have their ears to the ground, they are not so much so shocked and surprised because they already can see that Fayemi has already become so much a BAD PRODUCT to sell to Ekiti electorates. I will give explanations as to this shortly but what I for one do not phantom is that things have become that so bad that the score would be 16-0 in favour of Fayose against Fayemi. With the different shades of comments and opinions that have pervaded the air waves, media and all else I think I should add my own as a necessity for LESSONS TO BE LEARNT FROM IT as I have said from the beginning of this write-up. I have waited this long to make my comments for a number of reasons one of which is the confusion in my mind as to how some people would feel being Bimbo Daramolas relation or do I even kuku say brother of the same MOTHER and FATHER. I have wanted to keep quite pretending nothing is really wrong but today people even come to challenge me that when things were going this BAD why did you not advice your brother for it is SO WICKED of me to have kept quite..... BUT WAS I REALLY KEEPING QUITE ????? I DOUBT. Again, I now feel seriously BAD with the way many non-ekitis now comment and submit as if to rubbish ALL OF US IN EKITI as if we are dafts and morons for someone even submitted that the results of the election DEFIES ALL REASONABLE AND LOGICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR........ On this kind of INSULTS.......I am very opposed and stand against hence, today I seriously want to contribute to the general discourse for future researchers to give considerations to too but most importantly for me and my people to take lessons from. First and foremost, let me say from the onset that Ekiti-State and Ekitis have very UNIQUE FEATURES AND CHARACTERISTICS that is peculiar to us. Let me start this way by saying EKITI is a BIG VILLAGE even though it is called a state like the other 35 remaining states in Nigeria. Ekiti is the most homogeneous state in Nigeria bound by SPECIAL CULTURAL, IDEOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMICAL and even LANGUAGE ties. I put the language in quotes because once they agree on any issue, then forget it. It is SEALED this is why they are sometimes seen as STUBBORN, DETERMINED AND POSSIBLY OBSTINATE. It is not too easy to persuade or sway them against their CONVICTIONS. Ekiti people are GENUINELY AND DEEPLY of an EXTRACTION OF A LARGER RACE OF PEOPLE CALLED YORUBAS from where the CONCEPT OF OMOLUABIS came from. Ekitis relish and cherish in PRIDE OF WHO THEY ARE YET THEY DETEST UNNECESSARY ARROGANCE AND ESPECIALLY THOSE THAT HAVE ROOTS IN IGNORANCE. Yes Ekitis can receive GIFTS & FAVOURS from people but HOW YOU GIVE IT IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE & SIGNIFICANCE to them than the GIFT(S) you bring to them in the first place. I like to illustrate what I have just said here by this analogy...... Take for example you bring a VERY DELICIOUS, NUTRITIOUS & HIGHLY APPETIZING FOOD THAT IS EVEN SERVED ON A PLATE MADE OF DIAMONDS to a TYPICAL EKITI-MAN OR WOMAN and if by any chance as you are putting the food on the table, the Ekiti person discovers their is a LITTLE dung or feces by the side of the plate used in serving the food, it is ENOUGH REASON for him to become NAUSEATIC and his REACTION WOULD BE...(YA GBE HUN RE !!!) meaning COME AND TAKE AWAY YOUR FOOD. This kind of attitude is that of the typical Ekiti which would differ from that of MANY other tribe, people or race who would prefer to either remove the feces and eat the food or sometimes even eating it along with the food just because they are HUNGRY !!! Now how do I relate all of the above to the June 21 2014 Fayemis election in Ekiti which is the main reason for writing this in the first place. I want to be permitted and also be FORGIVEN that I would want to start from the home front and family level and start with my brother Bimbo Daramola the Director General of Fayemis Campaign Organization...... Mmmm Hon. Bimbo worked, laboured and I would dare say SO HARD, DOGGEDLY DETERMINED, OUT OF PERSONAL CONVICTIONS, CAMPAIGNING VEHEMENTLY FOR FAYEMI TO BE RE-ELECTED. Even, ever before becoming the DG, to me as a person, no matter what any other person might say or feel, I have for some time been agreeing and submitting that Bimbo had become TOO FANATICAL AND OBSESSED WITH ANYTHING CALLED FAYEMI AND OR CONNECTED WITH HIM.... Right from the time of Ayoka saga where, and when he even staked and put his own life on the line through the so called well known SHOOT ME, SHOOT ME mantra.... he eventually became member of House of Rep. for Ekiti North constituency 1 at Abuja. Now the intriguing part is Hon. Bimbo continued to act as if he is one of the appointed commissioners of Fayemi in that he comes home after to Ekiti every two weeks and before he leaves, he is either on the radio or television or both to address us about what Fayemis administration is all about . He will sometimes even go through questions and answers sessions to buttress / explaining matters and issues about the administration. Sometimes too, he would organized to meet different groups on different issues where problems seems to be brewing and so try to settle or appease such groups while trying to make understandings known to them. The most SIGNIFICANT & MOST TOUCHING THING TO ME IS HE DOES ALL THESE AT PERSONAL COSTS AND EXPENSES AND I DONT THINK FAYEMI GIVES A HOOT, BOTHERED OR EVEN APPRECIATES THESE SACRIFICES. To buttress what I mean was what happened on one of such occasions when Fayemi was having troubles with the Local Government workers and Bimbo had to be rushing down from Abuja to once again mediate. I will forever be GRATEFUL TO GOD FOR HIS MERCIES AND I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET THAT DAY FOR AMONGST MANY OTHER REASONS BIMBO HAD QUARRELS WITH ME TWO WEEKS BEFORE THEN WHERE AND WHEN HE VOWED TO EVEN DEAL WITH ME PUBLICLY AND ALSO VOWED NOT TO EVER HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME AGAIN...... I will come to this shortly but what I am thanking GOD THE ALMIGHTY for is when Bimbo was coming for this meeting with these local government workers, he had a terrible and fatal accident whereby the driver of the other vehicle left his own lane to come and hit the offside of the drivers side of Bimbos vehicle where he was sitting at the front beside his cut the story short, the other man died on the spot and Bimbos vehicle and the only one he had at that time became a write-off. Now where I am going is Fayemi learnt of all these later and to me, it is surprising that he (Fayemi) was so mean enough that he could not even ask any of the drivers available to him to help drive back Bimbo back to Abuja not to talk of giving Bimbo a temporary vehicle to be using in the main time. It took the assistance of one of Bimbos friend to be driving him around for the next two or three months before he could buy another. The funny and most curious thing to me and many people that know about these facts is that rather than for Bimbo to slow down, I would rather say he became even more fanatical and committed in LOYALTY to Fayemi !!!. In fact, I got to know that that friend of Bimbo that was driving him about after his accident incurred the anger and wrought of Bimbo the day he dared to complain about Fayemi and they quarrelled which even resulted in this his friend travelling back abroad and leaving Bimbo to his fate. Bimbo would go all the way many times, travel abroad to make customized artifacts .....T-shirts, Caps, wears, key holders, stickers & so on he would distribute across the state trying to promote & launder the image of Fayemi and his administration. He often develop lots of brainwaves as to bringing about acronyms & slogans for general renditions like JKF-to mean JUST KEEP FAITH, FORWARD EKITI- A greater Ekiti is possible, and many more to even the so called KO DURO SOKE !!! mantra. All these good as they maybe, to me does not cut any ice with Fayemi... Owu Bimbo lo nran ara e nise.....(I NO SEND AM) To me, I believe his (Fayemi) inner nature is I KNO SEND ANYBODY and I believe this his personal attitude means much to and affects the thinking of the average Ekiti man/woman to contribute to the BAD PRODUCT he has become to sell to an Ekiti man or woman electorate. I will come to more of Fayemis later but I feel at this juncture to say some things more directly to Bimbo and for GOODNESS SAKE, it is for him, myself and so many others to draw lessons from as I have even been saying from the beginning because even though things seems BAD for now, and the POLITICAL EQUATIONS in Ekiti has CHANGED, I still see you and your cousin Oyetunde Ojo as POTENTIAL GOVERNORS for this WONDERFUL STATE OF OURS CALLED EKITI for so many obvious reasons...... but I believe I should let both of you know some things I am left with no other choice to make public again for obvious reasons that I am one that do not deserve your respect to be taken serious and of importance as to give you personal and direct advice. Before I say anything further, let me publicly, openly and very TRUTHFULLY from the depth of my heart of heart say thanks to you Bimbo for everything you have been able to do in terms of PHYSICAL MATERIALS for everybody both for members of your immediate families including ESPECIALLY ME and those of ASSOCIATED families... Amongst many of the favors I have received from you, is the one that touched me most and I am most GRATEFUL TO GOD & YOU it is the #100,000 you gave me most recently that enabled me to pay for Pams WAEC exam fees when our salaries were not paid due to our National Strike. I said it before and I am saying it again THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD NEVER PUT YOU TOO TO SHAME. Amen. Dispassionately and still so till now, I have had to write even before now on this media how I know even from your tender and kindergarten ages that God endowed you with a generous, sympathetic, and philanthropic spirit. The records of your service and that of your cousin Oyetunde Ojo for these few years as members of house of rep in Nigeria, is definitely not lost to the Ordinary simple minded Ekiti man or woman on whose behalf and grace you were there in the first place. Let me ASSURE you nothing is lost to them and SURELY ALL would count someday. Records have it that you have given out nothing less than 48 vehicles amongst so many other goods to people you believe deserves them as forms of assisting and or gratifications for what they have done for you too. As I have said before in your FANATICAL SUPPORT FOR FAYEMI, records have it you were even spending your own personal resources to sustain his administration while others in shoes like yours were making money for themselves, families and friends from the same administration. Yet as expected, since it is impossible to please everybody, so many are still displeased with you even from THE UNEXPECTED ONES !!! Recall I have written a few notes to you before now non of which you really replied for which I was thinking before it was because you might be too busy to give reply to until today that I now believe you consciously IGNORED BECAUSE YOU BELIEVE I AM NOT IN A POSITION TO GIVE YOU ADVICE having come to that realisation due to the experiences I have gone through with you. However I still feel like giving you one more unsolicited advice and this time around make it public for posterity sake. I once wrote to you a memo titled BIMBO FOR THE RECORDS..... I hope and wish you can still go and read and digest it PROPERLY however, I want to recall from it that amongst many other things I mentioned in it is that this position God has graciously allowed you to occupy affords you three GREAT opportunities i.e 1) The chance to be GOOD to yourself, 2) The chance to be GOOD to your supporters and 3) The chance to be GOOD to your RELATIONS. Yes you have been GOOD enough but since I said my writing this is for lessons to be learnt from it, I dont want to flog issues known to you, known to me, and known to many already but just to say that in practising GOODNESS, according to the YORUBAS CONCEPT OF OMOLUABI AND ESPECIALLY TO THAT OF THIS OUR SPECIAL PEOPLE CALLED EKITIS, THE SAYINGS AND BELIEVE STANDS ON ILE LATI NKO ESO RODE.... It is GIBBERISH AND ARRANT NONSENSE TO THE TYPICAL EKITIS TO BE CALLED ADARA NITA MA DARA NILE..... I want to make it known openly to you today that I was the BRAIN behind the YEYE AMULETILORUN DESCENDANTS UNION concept I only asked Oja and Busuyi to talk you into accepting it since I couldnt come to you directly myself since you were treating me as a PERSONAL-NON-GRATA then (A O FE E NILU , O NDARIN). Anyway the INTENTION from my own mind is to still ASSIST you and your cousin Oyetunde Ojo POLITICALLY since I believe God must have a SPECIAL REASON for allowing this UNIQUE BUT RARE OPPORTUNITY of PERMITTING out of 160 million Nigerians or so, represented by about 360 or so people in the House of Representatives and two of these happens to come from the same lineage, my believe is God who allowed this to happen WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU TWO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT LINEAGE as once Joseph did for the Israelites in the Bible for which from GENERATIONS TO GENERATIONS HE WOULD FOREVER BE REMEMBERED FOR. To be fair to you, I agreed you imbibed and agree on your own part and did a lot to support the concept but your cousin and brother Oye does not in his own case see it as noble idea and so refuses to give his support. Recall I earlier called Ekiti State a BIG VILLAGE and further emphasized that we speak the same LANGUAGE I now further want to say howbeit with fear of being accused of exaggerated oversimplification, I can even say Ekitis or better called as we are known EKITI-KETE are ALL just born of the same father but different mothers the reason we have different towns so from this submission, I can say Ekiti-Kete are just members of ONE BIG FAMILY !!! What I am driving at is if something is said, done or made to happen in any part of Ekiti, in the morning, before you know it, the story is ALL OVER AND EVERYWHERE IN EKITI by the evening time. It is acclaimed and known everywhere all over Ekiti how the two of you are BIG PUBLIC SPENDERS AND INFACT SOMETIMES CALLED ATM FUN GBOGBO EKITI EVEN WHEN THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE YOU ARE DYING FOR SAYS IN HIS OWN CASE IS NOT A JULEE GOVERNOR !!! Many a time it is that many people would come to me and say such things like AWON ABURO E WON YEN NYASU, YESTERDAY THEY SPENT THREE MILLION THERE TODAY THEY SPENT FIVE MILLION HERE THEY PROMISE TO SPEND TEN MILLION TOMORROW.....and so on. Mmmm ...... Anyway your public spendings and sprayings is not my worry it might even be said its good in a way but I worry about the two of you not helping people like Aunty Aina and Aunty Celina forget others like us who at least have a REGULAR MEANS OF SURVIVAL!!! At least 30 days make a pay. Anyway I still believe IT IS STILL NOT TOO LATE. I feel like mentioning one touching issue here that would finally lead me proper to why I SAY SERIOUSLY THAT BY THE TIME YOU WERE STRAINING AND LABOURING YOURSELF TOOTH AND NAIL FOR FAYEMIS RE-ELECTION HE HAS BECOME A VERY BAD PRODUCT TO SELL TO EKITI ELECTORATES. This issue was of that day you invited Fayemi to Ire-Ekiti our own hometown to lay the foundation stone of the hospital you want to build in the name of our own mother. Yes to me, in my own LITTLE SUBJECTIVE REASONINGS, I thought such an occasion should have been made a GLORIOUS DAY for ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY and even ALL that is REMOTEDLY RELATED TO THIS WONDERFUL HOME MAKER OF A WOMAN but I think my brother is POSSIBLY ASHAMED OF US ! However, what stunned me most was after all the foundation laying ceremony, I tried to greet our dear ILUFEMILOYE 1 GOVERNOR FAYEMI, but to my surprise and embarrassment, I was being pushed down and had to struggled most seriously not to fall heavily flat on the ground. I CONFESS I FELT SERIOUSLY ASHAMED OF MYSELF because he (Fayemi) recognises me very well yet pretended not to do that day. I got to know from many other people later that that ATTITUDE IS TRULY FAYEMIS CHARACTER AND NATURE !!! Now, not very many Ekiti Man or Woman would enjoy being treated that way I was treated and still remain happy with the person treating him/her in such a manner NO MATTER WHAT GOOD OR FAVOR YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE DOING HIM OR HER because it is ANOTHER PART OF THE CONCEPT OF OMOLUABI AND THE SAYING OF IT GOES THUS: KA RI NI LOKERE KA YENI SI O TI YONI OJU ONJE LO..... AND THIS IS ONE OF THE GOOD THINGS EKITI PEOPLE LOVE ABOUT FAYOSE WHETHER SOME PEOPLE CALL HIM 419 OR ANY OTHER NAMES !!! So, my brother when you were trying your best to convince the people that they should re-elect Fayemi as a better candidate, so so many have their minds made up already and so many of those you see at his rallies are those of BO ROJU MI WA RINU MI DEMO NI MO WA.... ! Now with what I have said, I now want to treat in more details why and how Fayemi becomes such a BAD PRODUCT to sell to the Ekiti electorates. In an interview with OLUSOLA FABIYI, the Lagos lawyer, who is also an indigene of Ekiti State, Mr. Femi Falana (SAN), talked about the outcome of the June 21 governorship election in the state. He said the following : On a critical analysis of the political situation in Ekiti State, Fayemi is a victim of the ideological crisis of his party, the APC. Of course, the ARROGANCE of some of the governor’s aides who were allowed to wield ENORMOUS POWERS equally contributed to the loss of the election. I have read very interesting but diversionary commentaries on the election results. Some of them have DELIBERATELY DENIGRATED the Ekiti people. Most commentators have forgotten that the Ekiti people felt relieved when Fayose was impeached in October 2006. In fact, his removal was celebrated by the Ekiti people. Most of the commentators have also forgotten that Senator Babafemi Ojudu defeated Fayose with over 45,000 votes in the election to the Senate in the Ekiti-Central Senatorial District during the 2011 general election. Rice and money were also distributed by Fayose then. The ARROGANCE of some of the governor’s aides who were allowed to wield ENORMOUS POWERS was the basis of the gang up against the Fayemi regime by TEACHERS, CIVIL SERVANTS, LOCAL GOVERNMENT STAFFS, UNDERGRADUATES AND THEIR PARENTS. Whether they are right or wrong, time will tell. Those who have reduced the ideological crisis to what the Lagos State governor, Mr. Babatunde Fashola (SAN), has erroneously referred to as ‘stomach infrastructure’ are merely begging the question..... The above is the reaction of Falana who even as we speak is still an UNREPENTANT SUPPORTER of Fayemi and a member of the E-11 who were the MAIN BRAINS (AND GANG UP) BEHIND THE FAYOSES PURPORTED IMPEACHMENT....and if a person like him can still be this factual and sincere to agree that there was CRISIS WITHIN THE APC IN EKITI AND SOME AIDS TO THE GOVERNOR WIELDS UNNECESSARY ENORMOUS POWERS THE CHIEF AMONGST THEM COMING FROM THE SAME TOWN WHERE HE FALANA HIMSELF HAILS FROM THEN I AGREE WITH HIM AS THAT FAR.......however to say Fayose was not popular, please I beg to disagree. I like to recall that I once submit that three main factors gave Fayemi the Government of Ekiti and in order of importance and priority, they are 1) The Fayoses Factor that was in PDP yet working for Fayemi of (APC) and against Segun Oni of PDP of the same party as his own. 2) The efforts of the so called RESCUE MISSION TEAM that provided many logistics that included lots of PROPAGANDA and generation of different kinds of MYTHS AND ILLUSIONS AROUND FAYEMI......and 3)The Non/Poor performances of Segun Oni on the saddle of power. If Fayose was not popular, why was he hired and deals and agreements made with him? ALL the deals and agreements made with him were subsequently breached by APC !!! Amongst some of the agreements made with him was to allow him go for the Senate which if they have honored, would have removed THE PROBLEM of his having to contest with Fayemi in the first place. I for one believe this was a very BIG MISTAKE on the part of APC, Fayemi, and ALL concerned because at best and of highest of ambition for now, Fayose would have been gunning for Senate President as a second term Senator if he had been allowed. I still further disagree with anybody that says Fayose is not popular because it is not in any record all over the world for Anybody to be out of power for over (8) eight years and still wield this kind influence on people and or enjoy the kind of followership from people more so to talk of under the kind of circumstances CONTROVERSIAL THOUGH ANYWAY of which HE WAS REMOVED from office. Some day and I believe too sooner than many imagined, the TRUTH will come out like the issues of June 12 in Nigeria that the purported impeachment of Fayose was a concerted and concurred CONSPIRACY that has the so called E-11 people as a part of the MASTER MINDER because they consider themselves as the ONLY ELITES THAT HAVE THE RIGHT THINKING FACULTIES FOR THE WHOLE OF EKITI PEOPLE. The ORDINARY PEOPLE in Ekiti was not involved in this CONSPIRACY AGAINST FAYOSE......but because TIME HEALS AND ALSO REVEALS, Ekiti people and even Fayose himself has become WISER that is one of the reasons why they want to now STICK TOGETHER........ Fayose should even go into the Guinness Book of Records as a man that have penchants and abilities to unseat INCUMBENT GOVERNORS whether for himself or those who need his help. This time around, THE FEAT IS THAT OF UNSEATING THREE GOVERNORS TOGETHER AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE HE HAS POLITICAL STRUCTURES THESE GOVERNORS DO NOT HAVE !!! So much a little for the digression, one other factor that makes Fayemi a BAD PRODUCT is this ARROGANCE BORN OUT OF IGNORANCE that I classify as even campaigning against oneself as regards Ekiti situation.... It is this campaigning and sayings like Our own Governor is not a JULEE Governor, Our own Governor is not a PARAGA Governor, Our own Governor is not a BOLI-BEPA Governor, Our Governor is not OLOKADA Governor bla...bla....bla Mmmmm I wonder on my own part and reasonings that this is what I would call INDIRECT, RECIPROCAL, AND INVERSE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ONESELF BECAUSE ON THE ELECTION DAY,.....ALL FINGERS ARE EQUAL WHETHER IT BE THAT OF THE ELITE, PARAGA, BOLI-BEPA, OLOKADA AND THEIR RELATIONS and ALL ELSE........ So putting Falanas submissions down that Fayemis administration has offended the Local Government workers, Civil Servants, Teachers, Students and their Parents and to join it with your Governor is not Governor for ALL the people as mentioned above, I am NOT NOW SURPRISED FAYOSE WON 16-0. I beg to disagree and do not believe in the PHOTOCHROMIC, BATHOCHROMIC, HYPSOCHROMIC AND OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPOSALS AND JARGONS EKITI PEOPLE ARE KNOWN FOR..... THE SAME PHOTOCHROMIC PAPER THAT WAS USED TO REMOVE ONE GOVERNOR RETAINED ANOTHER GOVERNOR YET BOTH PARTIES ARE HEADING FOR THE COURTS...... NIGERIAN POLITICIANS !!! I like to remind you my brother that until now maybe like Baba Afe Babalola, Ekiti does not have many SUPER RICH FAMILIES.... I want to remind you that our own very dear mother fried Dodo and Akara to support the family and also train us, and give us education I remember in those days I will wake up very early, take the beans to the mills........ And I am not ashamed to tell the whole world these stories but definitely I will feel really bad if at that time any Governor tells me he is not an ALAKARA Governor and I dont think I will vote for such a Governor if he asks me to vote for his re-election just because he claims his works done on ground would speak for him. I dont even want to think Baba Afe himself came from a very SUPER RICH BACKGROUND. Now to those that seems to be DENIGRATING and possibly INSULTING Ekitis with these STOMACH INFRASTRUCTURE CONCEPT, I hope you can draw MUCH from ALL I have written here. Now even this concept originated not from here but from there even Lagos where the MONEY & SUPER RICH PEOPLE EXIST WITH THE JEHUN SOKE MANTRA. As for Fayemi to the Ekitis, his case is like a University Graduating student that on the graduation day, such statement is made as satisfying both in learning (works) and character. He has fair good credits as regards the works he claimed to have done but in terms of CHARACTER he failed woefully and that stands uppermost to the average Ekiti-Kete because we are a people that would rather prefer to go Hungary than eat feces with so called delicious meals. So Cheif Lai Mohammed, El-Rufai, Gov. Babatunde Fashola, Comrade Dan Nwayanwu, Gov. Oshiomole and others should note it EKITI PEOPLE DID NOT VOTE IN ERROR IN FAVOUR OF FAYOSE PERIOD. HE IS EVEN CALLED SENIOR ADVOCATE OF THE MASSES (SAM). And he is a Professor of Politics as far as Ekiti is concerned in the very least. While ending this treaties, I feel obliged as a community leader to say a very BIG THANK YOU to Governor Fayemi Kayode for finally making it possible to restore our Oba to his FIRST CLASS STATUS. We the people of Ire-Ekiti remain so GRATEFUL that you did not allow it to be done by Fayose because we believe it would have been his first priority and assignment. We are THANKFUL FOR THIS GOOD DONE BECAUSE IF NOT YOU WOULD HAVE FURTHER ALLOWED BIMBOS POLITICAL IMAGE IN IRE TO RECEIVE FURTHER BATTERINGS. MAY YOU TOO NEVER BE PUT TO SHAME IN THE FACE OF YOUR LOVED ONES. Amen
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 02:57:48 +0000

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