TO MY GRANDDAUGHTER KLEIGH DIANNE BROMSEY ...ON HER BIRTHDAY!!!! Kleigh , your birthday is in 5 minutes. You will be 19. OMGOODNESS I cant believe my first beautiful grandchild is a woman! I want to say so many things to you. I want to tell you how much I love you! How my heart always skips a beat when I see you. How you are so precious to me! SO LOVED! Only a grandmother can know the amount of love I have for you. I have held you, cuddled you, changed your diapers, rocked you to sleep, carried you to church, put you on your first horse at a week old in your infant seat! lol lol I knew you were safe up there with your papaw Bubba but I still watched so close with my breath held!.. And when I first shoved you under the water in the swimming pool at just a few weeks old, to help you learn to swim, I knew I had to do it, because I didnt want you to ever accidently fall into water and drown when I wasnt around. The look on Cissys face. lol She said Moma I trust you but please dont drown my baby! She just didnt understand that I NEEDED to make sure you could swim as soon as possible! And you took to it so naturally!! lol Do you remember how you scared the skin off my back when you laid in the bottom of the pool??? I think that is when my hair started turning gray!! lol You were my canoeing partner, my vacation partner, my confidant about life. I watched you grow from a beautiful baby to a beautiful young woman and mother. I couldnt be prouder of you.You were MY GRANDBABY!! I looked at you today and it hit me that my baby girl was a grown beautiful woman. You taught me so many things. You didnt know that did you?? Well you did! You taught me how a woman could love someone elses child as much as they loved their own. How to let all those wonderful mushy feelings out that you cant do as freely with your own children. I think it is because when you have your own children, you have to try to keep strong so that you can help them make good decisions about life. When you came along, I didnt have to do that with you because you had a mom to play that role. I could just LOVE on you! without reservations! Do you remember when you were nine and we went to galveston?? OMGOODNESS ! When that wave hit us and as hard as I was holding your hand , it still slipped out!!! I WAS SO SCARED!!! I came up out of that water saying PLEASE GOD HELP ME FIND HER! Then in a couple seconds THERE YOU WERE! lol lol Just laughing! You were laughing and I was about to have a STROKE!!! lol I cant think of any words that can make you truly understand what you mean to me. But know this my sweetheart, If I live to be 100, Ill still always have your back! You are a wonderful granddaughrer, a beautiful mother, and an awesome woman! I LOVE YOU!!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!!! and MANY MANY MORE!!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:17:19 +0000

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