TO MY MARX AND ENGELS, COMMUNIST MANIFESTO THINKERS OUT THERE. While Im definitely not a Communist / Socialist in thinking, I do understand your hearts intention for being so. I find it ironic that many of the Commies I meet arent religious or spiritual, when you (as a Communist / Socialist) are actually more along the lines of a Christian extremist than you think. Read Acts chapter 2 and Acts chapter 4 as to how Christians lived together in the First Century. But if you look back through antiquity in places where Communist ideals were put in place, the upper echelon of those societies always ruled the lower classes with an iron fist. Communism fell as the dominant party of Russia, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan as part of the Soviet Union. The main problem with Communism is that it demands (like all extreme ideologies) total submission to the State. But people (in general) dont work like that. Each individual person is firstly loyal to their own belief system. With the State controlling what everyone believes, you are left with no way to think for yourself. The upshot is that corruption becomes rife. Children are indoctrinated with Communist Manifesto thinking, and are told to spy on their parents. The elites of these communist societies are brutal and if you do not adhere to the beliefs of the STATE, you are subject to horrendous punishments. It happened with the Fascists in Germany, as well as East Germany under the Communists. Another point is Economics. Karl Marx had a funny idea that money was static, that there was only a certain amount of value in the World and it was fixed. He could not understand that if someone came up with a way to make something easier or smarter, then that in and of itself would make the world richer. I could go on and on about this issue as to why Communism / Socialism is not the way we as a society should live. But these points shouldve already given a raised eyebrow. History Repeats itself, especially when it comes to Societal Paradigms. A Free Market Capitalistic Democratic Republic is not perfect either, but it is much better than an Authoritarian, Command and Control society like youd find in China or the U.S.S.R.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 21:12:26 +0000

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