TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!!! It saddens my heart to realize - TopicsExpress


TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!!! It saddens my heart to realize that so many people naming the name of Christ live in a world of their own making devoid of the entire council of scripture. They see God as love and well He is! He is the personification of love!!! But God also presents Himself as righteous judge and a justifiably angry God! God is Holy which translates PERFECT. He is perfect in love and perfect in anger! We take the dangerous road toward deception when we only look at God with flowery words and Christian cliques. Yes God is love and yes He loves each and every one e has ever created. But we must face the fact that if we are to name the name of Christian and show no fruit leading to repentance then we will one day face Jesus as our Judge! We will hear those dreaded words.................... Depart from me ye worker of iniquity I never knew you! Read your Bible! God reveals His character in it. Dont hide your head in the sand and think you are ok because Gods not THROUGH WITH YOU YET! This is a lie from the pit of hell that will keep you in the infancy stage of your walk with God when He desires to make amazing changes in your life. Dont assume you have plenty of time to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He cant use you for His glory if you do this and you are wasting precious time that you may not have! TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:17:26 +0000

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