***TODAYS DEVOTIONAL*** THE SECRET THINGS BELONG TO GOD The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.� Deut 29:29 Thought for today Dont let your life be ruled by what you dont understand; instead, let your life be guided by what is revealed to you. Dont live your life based on what you dont understand because the secret things belong to God. There are things happening around you that you may not understand and you are not meant to understand them because they belong to God. The things that are revealed belong to us. Dont let your life be ruled by what you dont understand; instead, let your life be guided by what is revealed to you. The devil will want you to focus on what you cant understand. There are things we may not understand now but we will understand them later. And there are other things that we may not understand till we get to Heaven. But what we understand now is, God is faithful. His love is faithful. His Word is true. The secret things belong to God but the things that are revealed belong to us. Live your life, therefore, based on what you can understand. We may not understand why God watched John the Baptist and James being beheaded, while Peter escaped the wrath of the King (Acts 12). You may not understand why you prayed and fasted for that sick child and he still died. You may not understand why you are faithful to God, like Daniel, and He still decided to make you pass through the lions den. We should follow what we understand and leave what we dont understand. When we understand that Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I shall fear no evil: They rod and thy staff comforts me, it imparts boldness into our lives to walk against the devil and escape all his plots and plans (Psalm 23:4). What God reveals to you is enough to fulfill your purpose in life. Remember this: dont let your life be ruled by what you dont understand; instead, let your life be guided by what is revealed to you. Assignment 1. Dont live your life based on what you dont know or understand. 2. Focus your life on what God has revealed to you. Prayer: Lord, I am not in doubt of Your love for me. I thank You, Lord, because You love me. I believe in Your love for my life, in Jesus Name.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 10:08:30 +0000

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