‘TOO BUSY OR JUST TOO IDLE’ : THIS MAN SAKUDA! I was among - TopicsExpress


‘TOO BUSY OR JUST TOO IDLE’ : THIS MAN SAKUDA! I was among the group of Kenyans from Kajiado and Narok counties privileged to have been invited to State House on the 24th Dec 2014 to witness the swearing in of Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Joseph K. ole Nkaiserry to his new office by H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta. All went on well as was planned by the man of the hour, the assertive and thoughtful nominee cabinet secretary/CS for Interior, and Coordination of National Government/I&CNG Hon Nkaiserry who until then was the immediate former MP for Kajiado Central Constituency in Kajiado County. However the theatre of the absurd set in when Hon. Moses Sakuda MP for Kajiado West shamelessly commandeered the process in complete disregard of official protocol almost bringing to disrepute the integrity of the seat of power for Kenya. Sakuda’s unclever pretence as a State House operative abrogated himself duties that are both laughable and embarrassing and this to the chagrin of many at the function. As his unbridled character will betray him he immediately USURPED the following positions: 1. The comptroller of state house directing the innocent Maasai elders on ‘how’ to sit, stand up, clap, cheer, use of phones, etc etc. 2. The in charge of security matters; 3. The gateman clearing vehicles into the compound and peeping through the windows of all motor vehicles purportedly ‘inspecting’ the occupants; and mimicking sounds as…..’’wacha hiyo ipite..’’ 4. The parking attendant directing vehicles how and where to park; 5. He wrestled from the State House MC the brilliant Big Tedd duties of MC and was busy sheepishly using the mics on the official state program; 6. He became the chief of hospitality and catering in charge of food and sitting arrangement telling the already aware leaders that Uhuru prepared the luncheon as if we were naïve not to know who the legitimate host is at all State House functions. 7. He crisscrossed the President’s red carpet to display his ignorance of a legitimate expectation from everybody that this is a preserve of the Head of State and his ADC. In fact Nkaiserry, Joseph Kinyua, Big Tedd who were performing serious state duties ensured they skirted at the periphery of the President’s carpet not to be seen to disregard respect reserved for the Presidency; 8. He snatched the role of director of photography from the PSCU/Presidents’ Strategic Communication Unit and embarrassed them thoroughly. He was busy guiding Dr Nkedianye, MCA’s, MPs on how to pose for photos with the President to a point when Uhuru outrightly declined and said “I can take photos with MPs another day”. 9. At some point Nkaiserry brushed aside Sakuda’s incessant interruptions on the official program, so that he (Nkaiserry) could recognize and appreciate the university and college students who he informed the President that they were the people behind his victory and success in Kajiado central. He asked them to raise their hands and the President waived back with appreciation. Whereas Sakuda’s sycophants cheered that their man is really a “statehouse man” but for level headed observers he managed to accomplish three things: i) He thoroughly embarrassed the President, the Presidency, and the professionals employed to undertake such official duties at State House (and these are experts known to act with a surgeon’s precision); ii) He went on overdrive mode to undermine Maj. Gen. Nkaiserry and the people of Kajiado central who were indeed the major stakeholders on the occasion because they paid the highest price of letting go their cherished MP for service at the call of national duty. Indeed Sakuda was just a mere invitee courtesy of Nkaiserry just as was Gov. Nkedianye, his Deputy Ntiati, Hon. Peris Tobiko, Hon. Korei Lemein, Hon. Ken Kiloku, Sen. Mositet, Sen. Ntutu, Director General F. Meja, Director General J. Nkadayo, MCAs, and all other people from the counties of Narok and Kajiado. AND iii) Finally Sakuda managed to completely ruin our reputation as the voters of Kajiado West who have since been described to be represented by a busybody wanting of clear direction, instruction, and is only left cuddling a lost mandate that rings hollow in the ears of those he represents at bunge/parliament. So THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION IS, what exactly was Hon. Sakuda trying to do or undo??? Was he trying to covertly hide his inadequacy to perform in parliament? Was he trying to demonstrate to us THAT he is in anyway involved in the appointment of Gen. Nkaiserry who we all know was necessitated by an upsurge of insecurity and threats occasioned by Al Shabaab militants against our nation? Was he trying to undo all the other Maa MPs, Senators and Governors and a host of local and national leaders present? WHAT?? Methinks that WHATEVER IT IS he failed everyway and failed miserably! He only succeeded to portray himself as a hero-worshipper, a hanger-on, and one that brought to disrepute the office of MP which he occupies on the behalf of the people of Kajiado WEST. In closing, since am writing this mail from my hospital bed in Naivasha where am admitted after sustaining a severe dislocation of my right leg while exercising in the field at my hotel where we spent our Christmas holidays, SOMEONE help me forward this letter to the Clerk of the National Assembly for onward transmission to the Principal, Kenya Institute of Administration/KIA, SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT to facilitate some lessons or training sessions for Hon Sakuda for induction and orientation on; HOW NOT TO BEHAVE AT STATE HOUSE & STILL BECOME AN EFFECTIVE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. This is critically needful to save Kajiado West Constituency from becoming a ‘banana’ constituency. Merry Xmas & HNY. PHILLIP S. WUANTAI
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 15:35:17 +0000

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