TRANSCRIPT: JORDAN TAYLOR, NO. 10 KONICA MINOLTA CORVETTE DP HOW HECTIC WAS YOUR FIRST COUPLE OF STINTS? “I’m shocked every time we get to one of these races because I’d say the diversity in talent is pretty drastic. You come up on one guy and you know he’s going to do, and you come across another and you don’t know what he’s going to do. These first few hours are about getting to know everyone on track again and know which cars to look out for. We were almost caught out a couple times early with guys spinning and pulling out in front of us. It’s hectic out there, but it’s the same for everyone. Right now, I’d say we have a top-three car. I think our car and Ganassi are pretty close. Having said that, we’ve had problems all week but our guys have worked overnight all week and fixed the electronic issues during the race. This is the best we’ve been all week.” AFTER EVERYTHING THE TEAM HAS BEEN THROUGH AND THE FIRST STINT RICKY DROVE TODAY, COULD YOU BELIEVE YOUR CAR IS WHERE IT IS RIGHT NOW? “It is a combination of ECR Engines and our guys. We have some real geniuses on our team. It’s a team effort. There were up until 11 or 12 last night and up until 2 the night before. We have a lot of confidence in the world in them. We thought going into it that they had it figured out. They did some electronic testing last night and thought it was figured out. The race went green, and Ricky had the same issues. We thought we were going to be in the same boat all weekend. We saw a new piece of data, plugged the laptop into the car to send a fix in. Thankfully the car is the best it’s been and hopefully we can keep it up near the front.” HOW HARD IS IT TO MAIN A RHYTHM WHEN YOU STEP ON THE THROTTLE NOT KNOWING HOW IT’S GOING TO RESPOND? “It’s difficult. Practice and qualifying was tough. Practice was touch because we didn’t know what the issue was, so we kept traction control on. You’d go to power exiting the corner, the rear would be supported and all of a sudden it would turn off and you have snap-oversteer. There are places where you didn’t want it to jump out at you. Ricky qualified without TC because he knew it would be consistent. But now having it, we’re having to readjust our driving styles to drive with traction control. It’s a different style.” WITH THE NIGHT FALLING, ARE YOU PLANNING TO DRIVE IN A DIFFERENT WAY THAN IN THE DAYTIME? “I’d say today and at night we will drive the same way, which is as cautiously as possible. Come daytime tomorrow and in the early morning, we’ll still be kind of calm and not to take too many risks. Right now, there are a bunch of guys who don’t really know what they’re doing. I don’t want to sound mean, but I was down in first gear going into the Bus Stop a couple of times going near pit speed. It’s just shocking that they’re out there. It’s scary out there. If you’re at the Dogleg at 140-150 mph and they hit the brakes, you’re not expecting it and it can cause some big issues. Hopefully throughout the night we can figure out who to look out for. We have great spotters looking out for us. We’ll try to get it figured out for in the morning.”
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 01:59:43 +0000

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