TRIBUTE TO MY LATE FATHER. This is not a dirge nor is it an - TopicsExpress


TRIBUTE TO MY LATE FATHER. This is not a dirge nor is it an elegy. This,for me, is an ode to a sage whose existence evoked a sense of transcendental value. A man of charisma whose pride could be traced to knowledge of Islam he sought and shared.... Father, Its been 11(Hell/heaven)years u parted from us. it was a Thursday like this. You died on Thursday, I remember. But you had a premonition on Sunday prior that Thursday that you would like God to take your soul on a Thursday. Whatever prompted that..... Father( you never entertained being called DAD), you remain the best teacher i have ever had. The first to let me know i would only be successful if i seek knowledge of God first and of the world after. And that i should always keep faith in God, no matter the tribulation. I believed/believe you because the sign is always pointing to the design from God Beyond pride and prejudice, you are the best father anyone could ask for. And this is not the usual cliche. it is true that you made sure all your children formed a unit and didnt allow their mothers to segregate. They would not even dare. Talking about these mothers, they have been fantastic and patient but none is comparable to you. Mother calls us, her husbands but i know thats a sarcasm. She would choose you before us, even now. I remember that deep discussion we had about how to make a good husband and father. i promise to try and make use of those valuable tips. Fathers are like demi-god to some, but you never portrayed that. You were approachable to the core. I have vivid memories of those days cos i was very close to you. I still sing those songs and can still mimick you well. Your grandchildren are growing in geometric progression, but i think its Sadiq from Fatima that has taken your look. it is you i always see in that boy, so i call him Haji baba! Sincerely, we miss you! No one has filled the vacuum, only a few have tried. some dont even care. But we all care for ourselves and for each other. we shall not soil that name you cherished and held in high esteem. May God grant you eternal rest. Faraw-aw-un Wa royaainun Wa Janaatul Naheem( Then for him is rest and bounty and garden of paradise). AbdulAkeem Olaribidesi for wives and children
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:40:43 +0000

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