TRUE IDENTITY: 1 John 2:6 “…Whoever claims to live in him must - TopicsExpress


TRUE IDENTITY: 1 John 2:6 “…Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did….(NIV)” brethren let me encourage or urge someone today that as a Christian / believer we must have a true identity with GOD. Our obligation as believer is to live as Christ lived, to walk as Christ walked .there is no compromise for that ,to those who claims to live in him, brethren Jesus leaved His footprints behind for us to follow so if we are following him as we should, we are suppose to step in his footprints.apa ndiri kureva to fully commit our lives in every aspect of life the way we talk,as we claim to live as JESUS did kutaura kwako ngakuve kutaura kwemunhu anotevedza nzira yaJesu , the way we live ,kurarama kwako ngakuve nemufananidzo wekuti wakagamuchira JESU uye unorarama sezvaiita usave nechipomerwa uye usaite kuti vanhu vave nemubvunzo kuti zveshuwa unoraramira Jehovha here? , the way we associate with others ,make sure you associate with other in a Godly way don’t make people doubt your Christianity ,we have a mandate to live as JESUS did he set the path which you and me are suppose to follow without compromise despite the fact of the environment,background,situation etc make sure brethren you live as JESUS did,the bible says in 1 john 1 vs 6-7 “…. If we say that we have fellowship with him while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what is true; 7 but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin…..”brethren if we are to reflect a true identity of Christ we must have true fellowship with GOD ,we are suppose to walk in light ngatisiyei nzira dzedu dzemurima .nzira yauri kufamba iri kuratidza rima here kana chiedza? Are you reflecting a true Identity of Christ as a believer ? for us to reflect true identity we must be powered, filled, controlled by the Holy Spirit for us to show true identify to the world. Remember those who don’t live as JESUS did will end up being miserable in life because they will never going to have what GOD promised them. My question today is do you have true identity of Christ?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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