TUESDAY, JUNE 3RD 2014 MORNING DEVOTION. YOU ARE A TESTIMONY PART 1! TODAYS SCRIPTURE.Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you: (1 Corinthians 1:6 KJV) What you see most is the strongest in your life! Your birth was not a biological mistake. You came to this earth a winner! You are a victor! You are a champion! The first testimony you must share this month is you! The seeds that left your father into your mother for a formation were in thousands but you were the first to hit the expected target. All other seeds died but you made it! Your mother encountered several complications during your pregnancy and you overcame them. There were conflicting predictions about your birth date, some people said it would not come to pass. Some medical results were negative. Even the scan results were contradictory, yet you were born. It was an unusual delivery but here you are! Your mother cried and groaned in pain. It was a valley of the shadow of death but you scaled through. When you were born, you came out crying but all the same you are still alive. I cannot imagine any bigger testimony than you and your journey through life. You are a bundle of testimonies! Since you came to this world, you have been through all kinds of temptations and trials but through it all you are still standing. Remember those days when it seemed you would not wake up or make it through the day, yet you are still alive. Todays Prayer. Thank you Father for making me a testimony in Jesus name. Amen! Powered by Potters Touch Devotional
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 03:51:49 +0000

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