TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 1870 ..STORM GODS WAGON TRAIN.. FireFly watched the injured man, She stepped back a ways and unbuckled her holster and lay it on a tall rock. She was not going to get close enough for him to grab at her. Rain watched the Indian intently. He had relaxed back to his side, a wicked knife held in strong fingers. A skitter of more shale brought Trouble down to stand with Rain ...'Next they will all be down here ' She thought. Her leg hurt, and she was upset that this man was shot with her arrow...And he had shot her. They both knew it. What FireFly was to do in deference to the Brave was avert her eyes downward ...She knew the tradition , she lived it at one time of her life. But, that was a long time ago. She stood straighter in fact..And signed to him ...'I will help you away '..He rolled onto his back ...FireFly approached him and bent down and touched the place it had entered, heat rolled off his skin ..He was burning up. The sweat gave his flesh a sheen .. He watched her with piercing eyes. The arrow had not gone through, it would have to be pulled. She needed to get him in the stream for the fever too ...His eyes never wavered from hers..But widened when she drew a knife from her boot ..FireFly lifted the wooden handle to clench her teeth on it , then gestured for him to take the knife in his teeth..She held it out to him, she saw the resignation cross his features as he took the handle in his teeth. She bent again to examine the wound ...the tell tail edges told her the position of the arrow head. She felt a gentle tug on her long braid, not noticing it had splayed upon his chest, she looked up to see him touching the golden strands. He let it slide thru his fingers when their eyes met. 'So be it !' ..Firefly Stood suddenly, but not before grasping the arrow shaft and heaving with all her might. .. His body arched up as the arrow pulled free in a spray of blood. Not a noise did he utter. The knife he held fell upon the gravel, the one in his teeth fell away too..FireFly dragged the unconcious brave to the stream and lay his body in the shallow rushing water. She held his head as the water poured over his chest. While she waited his return, she watched the horses come down to the water..With them , his war pony..Good horse ..FireFly smiled..
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 10:40:04 +0000

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