TUESDAY So Send I You John’s gospel also reports Jesus’ - TopicsExpress


TUESDAY So Send I You John’s gospel also reports Jesus’ first encounter with the disciples in the upper room but mentions other elements not included in Luke’s gospel. According to John, in what way did Jesus define the mission of the believers? See John 20:21. Jesus had already mentioned this concept a few days before, when He prayed: As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world ( John 17:18, NKJV). Sending someone implies that the one who sends has authority over the one who is sent. It also involves a purpose, since one is sent with a mission to fulfill. Jesus was sent by the Father to save the world ( John 3:17), and we are sent by Jesus to proclaim salvation through Him. Evidently, our commission is a continuation of Christ’s work, which consisted of a complete ministry to all people ( Matt. 9:35). He expects us not only to continue what He had initiated but to go further. He who believes in Me, said the Lord, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do ( John 14:12, NKJV). Jesus provided the Holy Spirit to enable the disciples to carry out their mission. At Creation, God breathed into Adam the breath of life ( Gen. 2:7). Now Jesus breathed on the disciples the Holy Spirit ( John 20:22, NKJV). As the breath of life transformed lifeless dust into a living being, so the Holy Spirit transformed fearful and discouraged disciples into powerful living witnesses to continue Jesus’ work. The same anointing is indispensable today to fulfill the commission entrusted to us. Jesus has called you to be a witness. What can you witness about? That is, what have you seen or experienced that you should share with others about Jesus?
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:22:23 +0000

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