TUESDAYS EPISODE ON WHAT LIFE TOOK FROM ME EP 97 As we saw yesterday, Montserrat is in Jose Luis’ office. They wrangle over just who destroyed whose life and JL lies and tells her he will not do a thing to help out Alejandro. He menaces her and stalks her and gives her a kiss. He wants her to admit that she still has feelings for him. She screams that he is crazy and this is the last time this will ever happen in her life. He screams that she must stop provoking him and get the hell out of his life. Maria Visits Ale In Jail Maria Zamudio visits Alejandro in jail. He wants to know who beat the crap out of her. Maria doesn’t answer but irrationally blames Montserrat. Alejandro is incandescent with rage. He begs Maria to please tell him that the only thing (the precious SECOND suicide note of Joaquin Arechiga) that could bounce him free from the prison is not destroyed. WHY did she take the note from Padre Anselmo? Maria doesn’t make a good apology. She says that she stole the note from for Alejandro, because Anselmo was going to give the note to Jose Luis Alvarez. Ale screams at her to shut up. Father Anselmo was going to give the note to JL BECAUSE ALE ASKED HIM TO. Maria spread a barrel full of verbal poison around the visitor’s waiting area by lying that Montserrat is taking comfort in the arms of JL while Ale rots in jail. Ale asks her who hit her. She says it wasn’t Mayor Pedro or EZ Basurto but one of his goons. She also lies that when Montserrat and JL found her bruised and beaten that they did not offer to help her or take her to the hospital. Casa Mendoza At Casa Mendoza, Josefina gets a single red rose that she believes is from her husband, which makes her ecstatic. Carlota gets a flower arrangement as big as my Mini Cooper. She delights in the gift from her new fiancé and says she will get married when Ale’s problems have been resolved. The women embrace. Carlota tells Josefina that EZ has promised her to help free Alejandro. All of Ale’s troubles are the fault of that bad, bad man, Pedro Medina. Too bad that poor Nadia is married to such a dreadful human being Mayor Pedo and Nadia’s House. Pedro swaggers into the garden of his mansion and shows Nadia that he has discovered her birth control pills. He accuses her of making a fool of him and they fight. Nadia accuses him of falsely imprisoning Alejandro; she talked to Samuel Barejas her self and he did not incriminate Alejandro. For every day he unjustly incarcerates Alejandro Almonte, she will take a birth control pill. Pedro wants her to get pregnant; Nadia wants peace of mind so she can get pregnant. There is no one there to tell these two brain surgeons that birth control pills don’t quite work that way, except the maid, Susana. She confirms that she planted the pills in Nadia’s room where Pedro could find them. What can I say? Nadia may not be bright but she sure is brave and pretty. Jose Luis and Angelica’s House Fabi comes calling and wants to know why Angelica lives in such humble circumstances when she has scads of money. Angelica tells her that they live on JL’s Navy salary. He won’t take a penny of her money. Fabi also asks after Montserrat and JL. Does Angelica trust Montse? Angelica does. She knows that Montse and JL dated before her. Fabi pours wine into a glass and doubt into the room when she raises her eyebrows to Angie and says, “If you say so.” Pedro Talks To Chief Of Police EZ Basurto EZ tells Pedro that his wife Nadia did indeed make a visit to the prison to comfort the inmates. He wears his special, “Hi, My name is EZ and I am the CHIEF of police” name badge hanging from a long cord around his neck. EZ must be feeling a little frisky after getting engaged because he says out loud to Pedo that he cannot believe that Joaquin betrayed Mayor Pedo at the very last minute by writing the SECOND suicide note. Mayor Pedo reminds EZ to trust no one, no one at all. EZ waxes bold when he reminds Pedro that he betrayed Joaquin first. EZ comments to Pedo that it is good that he found Joaquin Arechiga’s suicide with Maria, or Pedro himself could be in jail right now. If Alejandro is to stay in jail, EZ has Maria Zamudio at the ready to denounce Alejandro. But, he thinks it was a very grave error that Pedo left Maria with just a beating and didn’t kill her. Pedro agrees. Maria has to disappear. EZ offers to do the deed him self, but Mayor Pedo wants Fofito, his worthless brother-in-law, to do the murder. La Escondida Esme shows Refugio her new office at La Escondido. She is the new owner of the Club and she is living the dream. Angelica and Jose Luis’ Casa Angelica is planning another special surprise for Esme and Refugio, one that will really touch their hearts, something for Esme and Refu to remember her by. Amalia suggests that she has already touched their hearts but Angelica plans to throw them a surprise wedding and she wants her Mom to help her plan it. Jose Luis Visits Ale In Jail Jose Luis and Ale once again revisit their trust issues. Ale points out that he is in jail and it is hard to trust anyone. JL agrees—he has been where Ale is now. JL is convinced that Mayor Pedo Medina is behind everything but Ale reports that Maria said the Medina did not beat her up. JL insists that it was Medina— he has beaten women before. Ale trusts his people at home not to betray him but what about that new cousin of his, Fabiola? Ale does not trust her completely. JL plans to earn her trust and get next to her, little by little. Poor Ale feels trapped in jail. He is right back to the very beginning. But JL says that he will tell his boss Capitan Robledo everything tomorrow, when he returns. Robledo is an honest man. He will do something for Alejandro. Ale thanks him, but JL says instead that he owes Ale and apology. This morning Montse came to see him at the Navy base and accused him of trying to hurt Alejandro. JL continued his plan to make Montse hate him by lying to Montserrat that Ale was in jail because of Jose Luis. She was very angry and they fought and…he couldn’t help himself. He kissed Montserrat. Ale blows a gasket and grabs JL by the front of the suit coat. But JL says he will not lie to Ale as he did before when he pretended to be Antonio Olivares. He couldn’t help himself but IT. WILL. NOT. HAPPEN. AGAIN. Ale calms down, but he wants to know if Montse kissed back. “At first,” replies JL. Once again Ale rages that he will never get out of jail and if JL kisses Montserrat again, he will kill hi. Montse and Nadia Montse tells Nadia of her recent encounter with Jose Luis. She cannot believe he forced her to kiss him. She is sad at how much he has changed, She once thought him to be nice and romantic. Now he seems so vengeful. Nadia isn’t surprised. After all that Montserrat’s family put JL through, what does she expect? JL lost everything for Montserrat and she stopped loving him anyway. Nadia thinks JL still is in love with Montserrat even though he married Angelica. Nadia asks her friend one last question. “What did you feel when Jose Luis kissed you, Montserrat?” Montserrat walks away from Nadia without answering her best friend. Fofito Gets His Orders EZ will pick up Adolfito and Maria shortly. Adolfofito is to obey EZ’s orders without question. He will be rewarded accordingly. Fabi and Sandro Hit the Sack Fabi and Sandro are lounging naked in bed in the middle of the day in what surely must be post-coital bliss. Fabiola is not wearing a hat. Fabi tells Sandro that she wasn’t yet able to talk to the priest, Padre Anselmo, because he was so upset over losing a piece of evidence that could prove Alejandro’s innocence. Sandro tells her that he will track Padre Anselmo down himself and talk to him. Fabi pretends to fall asleep in the study and secretly watches Victor open the safe. I am pretty sure her eagle eyes got the combo before she toddled off to bed. Montserrat Visits Her Husband In Prison After being told he has a visitor, Alejandro stalks into the prison visiting room with barely concealed rage. When Montserrat asks him how he is, he replies, “Not very well.” Ale tells Montserrat that all of this is his fault— he should not have asked Padre Anselmo to give the suicide note to Jose Luis. Now Ale pours petrol on Montserrat’s burning anger at Jose Luis. She promises that JL will not get away with it. It appears Ale is going along with the Jose Luis’ plan to make Montserrat hate him. Ale does not confront Montserrat bout the KISS. Instead he asks Montse if she loves him. Montserrat confirms to Ale that she loves him madly. He is the love of her life. They embrace and kiss. Deeply. Almonte Mansion By the Beach Fabi appears to be asleep on the sofa in Alejandro’s study when Victor comes in with some papers. He opens the safe as Fabi watches through slatted eyes. She fake-wakes up and Victor greets her. She heads off to her room. Maria Zamudio Prepares To Meet Her Maker Maria, Fofito and EZ Basurto drive Maria to a remote location. They get out of the car and EZ answers his mobile phone. It is Mayor Pedo Medina, asking for Adolfofito. EZ hands the phone to Fofito. EZ takes Maria and holds her still. Fofito follows Pedro’s directions and gets a gun out of the car’s glove compartment. EZ pulls his own gun and walks Maria over to convenient spot and pushes her to her knees. She cries and tries to struggle. EZ kisses her neck and whispers to her not to worry. Pedro, still on the telephone with Adolfo, orders him to shoot Maria; he wants to actually hear the shot. EZ turns his gun on Adolfo. Basurto reminds Adolfo that it is either he that dies, or Maria. “This time I hope you have the guts to do as you are ordered,” remarks a cool EZ Basurto. Fofito points a trembling gun at his erstwhile lover and hesitates while Basrto repeats, “Either you shoot her, Adolfo, or I will. You know me, Adolfo. You know perfectly well that I will do it.” Adolfo makes a face that looks like a Greek mask of tragedy and asks forgiveness. Marias screams and struggles until a shot is fired. EZ takes the phone and tells Pedro that the woman will no longer be a problem. Mayor Pedro Medina’s reign of terror continues. He orders EZ to make sure she is never found. Still, your recapper has hope that Adolfito shot the gun wide of Maria’s head. We NEVER see Maria’s dead body.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:39:29 +0000

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