TUESDAYS Tea Tips. Dental health and green tea. New - TopicsExpress


TUESDAYS Tea Tips. Dental health and green tea. New information about the health benefits of green tea is being discovered almost daily. According to the Journal of Periodontology, every cup of green tea you consume significantly reduces susceptibility to periodontal disease; and routinely drinking green tea helps to keep gums and teeth healthy. The study examined the dental health of over 900 Japanese men and found that those who regularly drank green tea had significantly better dental health compared to those who drank other beverages, including other varieties of tea. Since periodontal disease attacks at the root of the tooth, without proper dental care it can lead to heart disease, diabetes and other serious diseases. Green tea is a great preventative because it contains powerful antioxidant compounds that fight bacterial infection, a main contributor to periodontal disease. The takeaway here is that there’s no such thing as drinking too much green tea; so the more green tea that is consumed, the fewer the chances of getting gum disease.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:45:01 +0000

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