(TURN US AGAIN) Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy - TopicsExpress


(TURN US AGAIN) Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.(PSALM 80:19) Turn us is the cry of Revival! Turn the hearts of Your people, Your Church, back to You, Oh Lord. Unite us in Your love, in Your fire, in Your power, in Your purpose ... and forgive us, Lord, for not being more devoted to You, more drawn to Your Will for planet earth, regarding the Acts of Your Church. We need to be in one mind and one accord, moving in one step, to empower the body of Christ in the earth today. Nothing is impossible to those who are ONE in Jesus Christ! If the Church could march as ONE, we could reach the entire world with the gospel of Jesus Christ; we would be moving as an unstoppable force in the earth, and its time for just such a move. God is waiting on us! We are His hands and His feet; we are His voice and His called and chosen to do His bidding in a lost and dying world. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.(MATTHEW 5:6) It all comes down to hunger. Is Gods Church hungry enough? Do Gods people have what it takes to pull down the power needed for this hour? Are we becoming people after Gods own heart? Its called Hunger. Are we as hungry for righteousness, as we should be? Thats what REVIVAL does ... it puts people on their faces; it calls out the Sin, so it can be offered in repentance; it moves in waves of sorrow, humility and contriteness; it points the created dust to its Creator; it opens the puss pockets of iniquity! REVIVAL! Its a down on your face, tears for a lost world, cry for UNITY, plea for healing of our land, reaching for the One who reaches for us ... kind of thing.The Lover of our souls will gladly rain down His love, rain down His glory, rain down His forgiveness ... if we just ask Him. And, its a glorious rain! He fills, thrills, and seals us with the Holy Spirit and fire. Once in a powerful service in Church, I felt literal rain on my face; I had my eyes closed as I was worshiping in the Spirit, so I opened them to look at the ceiling, because I thought we had a roof leak! I reached up to touch my face and wipe away the water, but it was dry! It felt like RAIN, and it was RAIN, the RAIN of the Holy Spirit, the RAIN of wonder, the RAIN of power from portals of Glory! Its REAL ... and YOU can have it! Its the Spirit of Almighty God dwelling in a human being; its unspeakable and full of glory; its the joy that comes in the morning; its the refreshing for a lost and weary soul; its nothing like youve ever known or even experienced in your life! Once you receive the Holy Spirit, you can experience it over and over, day after day, and its the reason you can smile in the storm, be calm in the midst of terror, have peace with War all around, love when theres no reason to love ... It is JESUS CHRIST in YOU! Its the hottest thing going right now. What? The Holy Spirit and fire! Over 580 million people worldwide have received the Holy Spirit and spoken in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. What about the Church? Thats where REVIVAL comes in; we know the Lord Jesus Christ, or we think we do, but were stuck in this Age called Laodicea. Its the luke warm Church Age. But, God said that we should be hot or cold; if were luke warm, He will spew us out of His mouth. Its time for Gods mighty Church to be on fire, by the way Church is our body. Because we are Temple of Holy God. AWAKE, REVIVED, RENEWED, and marching like a well trained army. Everything starts with His Church and it moves outward; judgment starts at the house of God and moves outward; Spirit starts in the Church and moves outward ... Its time for the fires of REVIVAL! Its time to reach for God like we never have before; throw caution aside and become hungry; set aside the inhibitions and worship like nobodys looking; dance in the Spirit like were the only ones in the room; shout for joy like theres never going to bea tomorrow; reach for Him like a panting deer; run to Him like its the last lap before the ticker tape ... and It is! REVIVAL knows no holding back; it runs wide open, full throttle, get in or get out, shout it or shut up ... its a fiery mad house of wild worship for the One who was ripped to the bone, bled and died like a criminal, was nailed like flesh was a construction plank ... and He did it for You and me, for a lost world, for creation formed from His own hand ... REVIVAL! (SHALOM)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 04:57:24 +0000

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