TV Survivalist – How good are they really (Captain Bill - TopicsExpress


TV Survivalist – How good are they really (Captain Bill Simpson) This article coming from Captain Bill Simpson, hits the nail right on the head. When USA Emergency Broadcasting Network was formed, one of the main objectives we wanted to promote was for people to stop following some of these so-called experts in the field of preparedness or prepping. That is why we came up with the tagline “Research everything, before you believe anything!” If you take a look around TV / radio / web everyone calls themselves and prepper expert! Or preparedness professional. Seldom does any of these experts give you their resume. Why because if you knew what they did before, you would be scratching you head on where they get off telling you want to do. Some of the backgrounds of Prepper leaders are: Used Car Salesman, stay at home moms, construction worker, pre-school care giver, and soon and so on. When I first met Capt Bill, he told me all about his episode on Doomsday Preppers, but that really did not impress me so much. I then began my research on him and found out that he is certified in his field and has been called upon by the US Coast Guard, to help in Search and Rescue events. This make it a pure fact that he knows what he is talking about and I would consider him an expert in his field. That is one of the main reasons he has become a valued member of the USA Emergency Broadcasting Network. We need to research those we want to listen to. Just the other day, I was reading and came across a writer who had the audacity to tell you in one article that emergency managers did not know what they are doing and yet a few days earlier write an article on how he watch someone die because no one knew how to perform CPR and how important CPR is. Sorry to say it this way, but if this fool witnessed some need CPR and he didn’t perform it, how can I trust you that you know what you are talking about when you say ANYTHING about CPR. Please take a class or better yet become certified in it to teach the class before you offer any advice on CPR. But yet hundreds of people will listen to him without question. This so called expert, is trying to make money selling product to the people who listen to him. How can I say this, well because I am a certified Emergency Manager, who is certified to teach CPR and First Aid and who has been called into the field and perform CPR on multiple of people. Some I have lost some I have saved. I have had my hands inside a persons chest trying to stop bleeding or splinting a compound fracture. My resume in in my media kit I make no bones about what I have done and where my experience is, I have been in combat, in the field in Law enforcement and even in the prison system teaching and helping others. I was also recruited by the federal government to help form the US Department of Homeland Security, just days after 911, because of my background in Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Warfare, with the US Air Force. But let me make one thing clear, you must do your research before you believe anything, even with what I say. I could be wrong just ask my staff Iam always wrong! LOL In this article Capt Bill shares his experiences with some popular named personalities in the industry and how underhanded they can be. For More Information and full report please visit USA Emergency Broadcasting Network at A wise man prepares for the darkness, while a fool plays. Don’t get caught playing. Listen to USA Emergency Broadcasting Network – An American Readiness Program at In order to save as many lives as we can please pass this information around, link to our site, whatever you need to do to share this information. USA Emergency Broadcasting Network’s Mission is to save lives, so together we can save lives. USA Emergency Broadcasting Network has opened up some Sponsorship and Commercial opportunities. Due to the current economy situation we are offer these opportunities as low as $35. Help us get the life safety message out to millions of listeners. For more information visit USA Emergency Broadcasting Network Alerts are for informational use only. The purpose of these alerts is to inform you of news events in order for you to adjust your family preparedness programs. We believe that knowledge is power and in order for you to make informed decisions, we try and bring you reliable, verified information, not to increase fear but to inform you. We do not endorse any of the sources we link to in any article. Remember: Research everything before you believe anything!!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 00:21:03 +0000

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