TWENTY-TWO BAPTIZED “ ‘This is to my Father’s glory, that - TopicsExpress


TWENTY-TWO BAPTIZED “ ‘This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples’ “ John 15:8 D. A. McAdams, a dedicated leader in God’s publishing work for many years, in his book, Ringing Doorbells for God, relates the following experience: “In 1942 I made a trip with Jose Lopez in West Cuba. We visited three groups of people who had learned of the message through our literature. According to literature evangelist Jose Lopez, eighty-eight of these people were keeping the Sabbath. Aside from Mr Lopez, we were the first workers the people in two of those groups had ever seen. Soon after this, George Nickle, the conference president, also visited these same groups, and within a short time Brother E. A. Girado went to this field to bind off their interest. “In September of 1943, C. S. Johnson sent in the following note of interest concerning the work in this district: “ ‘It was my privilege last weekend to accompany Brother Juan Palau, publishing secretary of the West Cuba Conference, on a trip into a section where our work has recently opened through the labours of one of our faithful literature evangelists, Jose Lopez. “ ‘Sabbath morning we were happy to find about thirty who had gathered for the Sabbath school. At the following service Brother Emilio Girado, Sr., who has been labouring in the district holding studies with the interested ones, presented sixteen precious souls who had been keeping the Sabbath for several months and were desiring baptism. Early in the afternoon, after a horseback ride of about five miles past fields of waving sugar cane, we came upon the grassy banks of a little lake, and here those sixteen souls were buried with their Lord in baptism to rise again in newness of life. “ ‘The following Monday morning, as the fresh morning sun was drying the dew from the cane and plantain fields that surround the lake, a group of friends and interested people gathered to witness another baptismal scene, when six more dear people were immersed, thus making a total of twenty-two new members as a direct result of the diligent and faithful labours of one consecrated literature evangelist.’ Surely God is blessing the efforts of our literature evangelists.” Literature evangelists are in the people business – introducing people to their best Friend, Jesus. They experience miracles of grace in their work every day. Our brothers and sisters in Cuba need our prayers. They are working under the most difficult circumstances, but they deem it a privilege to win souls for Jesus. Pray for God’s work in Cuba today. “The greatest work to which human beings can aspire is the work of winning men from sin to holiness” (Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 398). Miracles of Grace
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 04:21:37 +0000

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