[TWITTER] 140807 J-Hope twitter Update 여러분 홉이에요 - TopicsExpress


[TWITTER] 140807 J-Hope twitter Update 여러분 홉이에요 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!끼요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!끼야!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!이효!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone this is Hobi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kki-yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kki-ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ee-hyo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 지금부터 홉이의 질문을 받겠습니다 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!끼요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!끼야!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!하하하하하하하 From now on, Hobi will receive questions starting from now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kki-yo!!!!!!!! Kki-ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahaha 다섯개 질문 받아 볼께요 우훗~~ 댄스배틀에 관련된 질문을 받아볼께요~~~!! I’ll take 5 different questions oo-hoot~~ I’ll receive questions related to the dance battle~~~!! 음… 일단 옛날 생각이 많이 났구요 딱히 생각을 했다기 보단 그 분위기너무 좋아서 즐기고 싶었어요!! RT Fan: @BTS_twt 춤출때 무슨생각으로 췄어요?? Erm… Firstly, a lot of old times thoughts came to mind. And rather than say I thought of something exactly, I just really liked that mood, so I wanted to enjoy it!! RT Fan: When you danced, what were you thinking of? 진형의 교통정리 댄스죠!!!!!!!RT Fan: @BTS_twt 춤의 기본은~~~~?!! 우훗~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jin hyung’s traffic regulation dance!!!!!!! RT Fan: What’s the basics of dancing~~~~?!! Ooh hoot~~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 춤은 초등학교 장기자랑 때부터 정말 좋아했구요 중학교 때부터 전문적으로 열심히 배웠습니다! RT Fan: @BTS_twt 몇살때부터 춤에 관심있게 되고 잘춘거예요?!!! I really liked dancing ever since we had talent shows in elementary school, and then I started professionally learning it in middle school! RT Fan: At what age did you get interested in dancing and began to dance it this well?!!! 우연히 같이 춤을 췄는데 영상이 올라가서 정말 놀랐구요! 엘에이에서 배틀도 그렇고 뭔가 함께 자유롭게 춤을 출 수 있다는 점이 정말 좋았습니다 RT Fan: @BTS_twt 엘에이 댄싱머신과 춤을 췄는데 그게 영상에 올라왔을때의 기분은?? I was just dancing coincidentally with them, so I was really surprised a video got posted up! Along with it being a battle in LA, I really liked the fact that I could somewhat dance together with them freely RT Fan: You danced with a dancing machine in LA, how did you feel when a video of that came up?? 저는 리듬,그루브 타는 힙합 바운스를 정말 좋아하는데 이번 LA에서 배틀할때 바운스와 동시에 킬링 무브를 좀 많이 했었던 것 같아요!! RT Fan: @BTS_twt 가끔 배틀할 때 자신감이 떨어지면 버벅댈 수 있는데 이럴 때 필살기는? I really like hip-hop bounce where you can follow the rhythm and groove, but I think when I battled in LA, I did bounce and quite a lot of killing moves!! RT Fan: Occasionally when battling, you can mess up if your confidence drops, so what’s your special move at times like this? 일단 진형이랑 같이 퍼포먼스를 했다는 것에 정말 스펙타클하고 재밌었구요 진형이 정말 고생이 많았던거 같아요 스텝업! 했습니다 하하끼야~~~ 너무 즐거웠어요 LA !! 아허라 많이 사랑해주때염 @-@/ First off, the fact that I did a performance together with Jin hyung is really spectacular and fun, and I think Jin hyung really went through a lot. He step up’d! Haha kki-yah~~~ It was so fun LA!!! Please love AHL a lot @-@/ 저는 이만 안무연습하러 레츠고~~~ 많은 분들이 이번 안무에 대해서 물어보시는데 딱 한마디만 할께요! 최.고 그리고 앨범 수록곡들도 듣고왔는데 한마디 더 할께요 진.짜.최.고! 그럼 이만~~ 빠이 Now, I’m going to go practice choreography~~ A lot of people have been asking us about the choreography this time, so I’ll just say one thing! The. best. Also, I came back from listening to the tracks on the album, and I’ll just say one thing more. It’s. really. the. best! Then up till now~~ Bye #Chunsa Trans cr; Hyejin @ bts-trans
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:51:54 +0000

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