TWO IMPORTANT REASONS WHY MOST GIRLS ARE STILL SINGLE. (1) CHOSEN.....This is another major reason why most matured ladies didn’t marry on time or are not even married. The worst mistake any woman will make is to marry a man because of appearance, pocket size, height, size, super man on bed etc. please marry someone that God has destined for you. Marry someone that loves you, respect you, cherish you, will take you like his own blood, can do anything for you, will always want to see you happy, etc. every womans needs a man that will pet her, be there for her and understand her feelings in marriage. Please marriage is not a relationship. A lot of women have married such men because of appearance, height, pocket size, etc but where is the marriage today? Please there is more to marriage than appearance, height, pocket size, super man on bed, etc. Ask any married woman, she will tell you that. A man may be rich today and poor tomorrow. Also a man may be poor today and rich tomorrow. Marry a man that has prospect. Though some of those guys do mess you when the money start coming in. they wouldn’t remember how the girl suffered for them and was there for them in hard times. God will reward you. There is nothing that hurts a woman in marriage than being married to a pride man, abusive man, wife beater, and the worst is being married to an unfaithful man. You will end-up looking like a rag in your home because your heart will be full of bitterness and anger which will turn you into a nagging wife and it may lead you to cheat too because its women that do conceive, you may take in because any slightest drop of sperm must bring an offspring if you are in your fertile period. But when you are with a faithful spouse, you will be the happiest person on earth, peaceful and you will feel at home in your husband’s house. Please always pray for God’s direction. Don’t allow your flesh to choose your spouse for you. (2) KIND OF FRIENDS YOU KEEP. Please know the kind of friends you keep. Many ladies have missed their Mr. right today just because of questions like ‘what will my friends say?’ ‘my friends will laugh at me’ etc. everybody’s destiny is not the same. For the fact that lady ‘A’ married a rich, handsome etc guy doesn’t mean you must marry the same. Your destiny may be to build your home with your spouse or etc. please let me tell you something, those your friends will still be the one to mock you if eventually you didn’t marry. You will see your mates rocking their kids while you are all alone looking at what your friends will say. IN THIS WORLD, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN AND OUR DESTINIES ARE NOT THE SAME. DELAY IS DANGEROUS.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:23:45 +0000

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